@ Davina: I have read the reviews and was quite relieved that they are so good. Thanks for posting them.
I enjoyed Sylvia in the second episode, she is awful, even a bitch .. but also witty and funny. Just a great (very well-written) character with depth.
Last edited by bohemian_rhapsody (September 2, 2012 2:19 pm)
Well once again I have to say, nice but not brilliant.
Sylvia's rather predictable isn't she?
while watching the second one ( and I truly WANTED to love this show, but can't) the thought came to me that knowing the book is rather long, I am glad I haven't read it because I doubt I would have finished it.
I really DO have to agree with the reviews that say 'good, but ...'
I'll refrain from posting anymore unless the next episode can win me over.
KeepersPrice wrote:
Sorry, I think this is posted somewhere among all the Parade's End threads, but when will this show come on HBO in America. I signed up for HBO in preparation. It will be coming on here, right?
Someone said on another thread yesterday or the day before that HBO won't show it until next spring. Frankly, I am pissed off that the whole rest of the world seems to be able to see this thing, but we in the US can't. I don't know if it's being shown in Canada, but.... OTOH, maybe the non-Brits here are watching it on the internet somehow. I've asked around but can't seem to get anyone to tell me what website(s) they're using to watch. ???
I'm willing to sign up for HBO to see the thing, but not months ahead of time.
I'm watching it on BBC iplayer via expatshield.
kazza474 wrote:
I'm watching it on BBC iplayer via expatshield.
Thanks, Kazza. The BBC only works for UK computers, as far as I can tell. The expatsield might be a possibility for me. It says it's 100% free-- have you found that to be true? Is this a website I can trust? My husband the old-fashioned software engineer would have my hide if I dive into a website that brought along some kind of nasties with it when it arrived inside my computer's mind palace. Thanks again for the help.
Yes it is free.
And yes it is safe.
It will pop a small advert thing onscreen but it is not intrusive.
Once you are finished using it each time, right click the small arrow over >>>>>>there and you will see a small green symbol. Right click on that & turn it off and it stops running.
When you use it ; it will give you a new ip address that appears to be from the UK. It won't hurt your computer & as I said, just turn it off until you need it.
kazza474 wrote:
When you use it ; it will give you a new ip address that appears to be from the UK. It won't hurt your computer & as I said, just turn it off until you need it.
Thanks so much again for all the info. This looks to be exactly what I need! But what really excites me is the idea that I'll be able to see the new Sherlock season as soon as it airs, not wait for months to see Masterpiece Theatre's chopped up version. Yayy!
I've tried more than once to download and install it but it doesn't work. I have an iMac but have installed Windows XP as well so it should actually work .
Last edited by SusiGo (September 3, 2012 12:25 pm)
SusiGo wrote:
I've tried more than once to download and install it but it doesn't work. I have an iMac but have installed Windows XP as well so it should actually work .
You can find heaps of others , you just have to wade through to see what is free.
Thanks, Kazza. This one seems to be for US TV but I'll look around for others I can use for UK programmes.
Here's a very good review of episode 2, apologies if it has already been posted elsewhere. it contains squillions of spoilers, sweetie
Oh dear! I appear to have been negligent of my duties and forgot to post the reviews for episode 3 last week. I shall make amends immediately.
Another excellently written review from Den of Geek:
Much liked by The Telegraph:
Finally another really well thought out review, especially about the three focus points for this week's episode:
Having made amends for last week I can now post reviews for this week's episode. The first, by Patrick Smith of The Telegraph is once again excellent and I love this particular line of his: 'another meticulously observed episode'.
Another review here by Oscar Harding (gap year student). I have to take issue with a couple of the assertions that he makes. Firstly how can we not like or empathise with Sylvia in this episode? Perhaps he did not understand fully what happens in this episode or maybe as a teenage boy he simplifies her emotions (that sound more condescending on my part than it was intended...but still). Secondly he seems to desire Tom Stoppard to completely change events willy-nilly. However I would agree with this comment, '?..still stands head and shoulders above its peers'.
Finally a great one again from Den of Geek. These reviews do make me smile! Pass the pot of Vicks and a cold flannel please. Anyone?
I cannot wait until the final episode. Sadly I out this Friday evening so I'll have to do battle with my I-player to watch it later.
Oscar Harding: I must say I quite agree with his view of Sylvia. As much as I admire Rebecca's acting, I can't empathise with her. She constantly manipulates people and uses them for her own purposes. Of course she must be a damaged and deeply unhappy woman but that doesn't make me like her any better.
Den of Geek: You could really watch Christopher getting more pale and washed out by the minute. Vicks and cold flannel for me.
Fight you for the Vicks and cold flannel!
Last set of reviews for this production. I will start with my favourite source of reviews for this:
I completely agree with the praise heaped on Steven Robertson for his portrayal of the CO.
Agree with the point being made about the strange scheduling (Friday night starting in August? I mean what is that all about?).
Last edited by Davina (September 24, 2012 8:21 pm)
Now I've watched PE to the end and I'm very happy with it. There are so many beautiful scenes and great acting and as for Benedict - what a performance! . The sandwich eating scene in the trench, his reaction when the tree's been felled, the scene on the stairs with Valentine and Sylvia. *fangirl mode on* the bed and the bathtub *fangirl mode off*.
But I also want to mention what is for me the one major flaw of this adaptation. It is clearly too short. As the Telegraph reviewer writes the first three episodes deal with the first novel only so there is a terrible rush towards the end. The whole fourth book is missing and much of the third one as well. We don't see how Christopher's life changes after the war, how he makes a new beginning with a new woman and a new job. Of course it is immensely difficult to adapt such a complex series of novels and I have the deepest respect for Tom Stoppard for taking on this daunting task. It is just that the focus is very much on the first and second novel so we miss quite a lot of things.
Now I'm looking forward to the DVDs so that I can finally watch it on a bigger screen.
It would have been better had they had at least another couple of episodes then to round things off properly. I am going to read the books now so that I can compare them; assuming I can make head-or-tail of them of course.