Hello everyone! Glad this forum is here as only two people I know watch the show, and they get a bit tired of me going on about it. I only started watching very recently, but it has quickly shot to the top of my obsessions list.
Hello to you too! Welcome to the forum. Pleasure to meet you.
Welcome to forum NW16XE. I noticed you had joined earlier. Great use of the postcode as your name by the way! Hope you have loads of fun here.
Hi NW,
welcome! Nobody here will get tired of you going on about your/our obsession.
The pleasure is mine, Lupin. I hope to do some more posting as soon as I get my avatar sorted; I'm afraid .gif files and such are not my division.
Cheers, Davina! I knew someone would get it.
Davina wrote:
Welcome to forum NW16XE. I noticed you had joined earlier. Great use of the postcode as your name by the way! Hope you have loads of fun here.
Thanks, Tobe! I've been lurking, and I loved your bookstore post-it blitz.
NW16XE wrote:
.........Glad this forum is here as only two people I know watch the show, and they get a bit tired of me going on about it. .....
Oh, when I read this I at first thought you might be from Germany!
Welcome here! You will have lots of fun - and learn! (gif's and such weren't my division either....)
No, not Germany, the American Midwest. We are having English weather at the momment, though. I've just learned not to add text to an avatar, too small to read. The white blur in the corner says 'the wall had it coming'. Just pleased I managed to upload anything at all.
Simply use BIG letters, like I did. (Those are even self-eaten.
Yes, I like that! Tastier than an apple, too, I'm sure.
welcome to the forum, NW!! great user name, and great avatar. gifs files aren't my division either. Lots to do here, games, reading the books, talking about theories, shows, etc. This board is quite well put together, there is something for everyone. Welcome and have fun!!
Nice to have you here around!
Welcome, NW! I'm in Michigan. Where in the Midwest are you?
Anyway, this is the place to indulge your obsession.
Heyho, welcome
I know what you have to deal with, it's hard to find people IRL who are as obsessed with Sherlock as I am. Luckily, this is not the case on this board... we are all pretty obsessed, I think ;).
sherlockskitty wrote:
welcome to the forum, NW!! great user name, and great avatar. gifs files aren't my division either. Lots to do here, games, reading the books, talking about theories, shows, etc. This board is quite well put together, there is something for everyone. Welcome and have fun!!
Thank you, kitty! The forum really is well done; usually I'm a lurker, but with this lot I found myself actually wanting to participate.
Harriet wrote:
Nice to have you here around!
Hello, Harry! Let's do drinks.
veecee wrote:
Welcome, NW! I'm in Michigan. Where in the Midwest are you?
Anyway, this is the place to indulge your obsession.
Hi, veecee! Rather close to you, as the Midwest goes; I'm in Indiana, for my sins.
Sammy wrote:
Heyho, welcome
I know what you have to deal with, it's hard to find people IRL who are as obsessed with Sherlock as I am. Luckily, this is not the case on this board... we are all pretty obsessed, I think ;).
Funny, really, all we obsessives obsessing over a fictional obsessive. But fandom does allow one to direct obessesive tendencies to harmless pursuits. Except the occasional Moriarity-type fan, of course...Oh dear, this is going in the wrong direction. I'll just shut up now.
Last edited by NW16XE (September 2, 2012 11:31 pm)
NW16XE wrote:
No, not Germany, the American Midwest. We are having English weather at the momment, though.
Where in the Midwest are you having English weather?? It's freaking hot here in West Michigan. Ohhhh wait, you must be just south of me and experiencing the tail-end of Hurricane Issac. I'd hoped that storm would get to us (thankful not to experience it the way the Gulf does!) but no...
And welcome! I totally understand not having anyone to talk to about your "obsession." I'm around my coworkers the most and NONE of them watch it! I think I've convinced one to try it out but I highly doubt he'll be as interested in Moriarty as I am. The two friends who do watch live far away--Seattle, WA and Sioux Falls, SD--and you can only post so much to Facebook before people start regarding you as strange.