The Journal of Victorian Culture Online has a very interesting article by Lisa Hager. It is called 'I Believe in Sherlock Holmes: Sherlockian Fandom Then & Now.
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Last edited by kazza474 (July 25, 2012 1:29 pm)
The Sherlockians have always been a very dedicated fandom!
If anyone is interested in the origins of Sherlockian scion culture in the United States, check out Christopher Morley's The Standard-Doyle Company (edited by the current BSJ editor Steven Rothman) and Jon Lellenberg's BSI Archival History (especially Vol.2 and Vol.3).
Sherlockians have been uber-dedicated for years and some of the earliest (c. 1930-1940) Sherlockians would even surprise some of today's most 'intense' BBC Sherlock fans.
Last edited by always1895 (August 25, 2012 9:02 am)
I think along with Tolkien-fans, Sherlockians have to be the most dedicated.