Very interesting interview, thanks for sharing.
I do imagine they said something similar about Magnussed, didn't they? That he was darker than Moriarty? They have to sell their villains somehow. But I can see what they mean, about Magnussen not seeing himself doing anything wrong, being "a businessman", and how Toby might differ from that. Just the few seconsd from the trailer made my hair stand on end.
As for how Ben and Moffat talk about the possible end to the series, I really, really do hope they all come to an agreement and make a proper end to the show. And, yes, Sherlock and John in 221 B with a client ringing the door bell, would be a perfect end. But there has to be some kind of closure.
Very interesting interview, and thank you for sharing!
I had the creeps for Magnussen (even if I have seen Lars in real life and he's the kindest!) but Toby's character sounds like he's going to trump that even.
Please have a look at this:
More and more hints that "back" might not just mean "back of the head".
I'm really, really looking forward to seeing Toby. I can't wait to be appalled and horrified!
I'm also intrigued because there's no secret about his casting for Ep2, but they're talking about him as if he's the villain for the whole series. It could be he's secretly in Ep3, or it could it be that they're hiding the Ep3 villain? Either secret casting, or it turns out to be Mary, or Mycroft (or Moriarty, but that interview makes me think not).
Again, maybe bigging it up, but they're placing a huge emphasis on how very dark it is, darker than the others.
Oh wow, interesting about the cardigan! (I always loved that too... with the cherries).
I suppose Molly could have kept it and worn it again... but then again... would they go to such lengths to keep it just so she could wear it again?
Curiouser and curiouser
Nothing nicer than a cardigan with cherries!
Yeah, either she' s wearing it again (I think Sherlock and John have reused some of their shirts?) or it's a flashback? Interesting.
Maybe Toby is like Magnussen in S3? In the background for an episde or two?
But they HAVE to stop talking about how dark this series is, I'm getting more and more scared to watch this.
Well spotted, whoever spotted the cardigan! Back to TRF specifically is interesting. There are heavy, heavy hints about Mycroft and his relationship with Sherlock being important, and I do wonder if they're going to use that "fake" footage of him shaking Moriarty's hand.
I do hope so!
We also had the mention of Ella Thompson, the therapist, didn't we?
Liberty wrote:
... and I do wonder if they're going to use that "fake" footage of him shaking Moriarty's hand.
And that could explain the "you reptile"-comment from Mrs Hudson.
Oh that would be awesome!
And I agree, Vhanja. I've already made plans to watch them with my best friend. TAB made me cry... so I can't even imagine what S4 will do to me.
I was so pumped up after TAB!
The feeling I had when the plane landed with the Sherlock theme in the backround... best geek moment in years!
I fear S4 will be less... fist-pump-y.
I can only really see me fist pumping if Jim is back!
Ben has described Moriarty in the term "nemesis", a term I've (and probably many others) have used several times myself. And a hero never truly gets rid of his nemesis until the very end.
That's true, about nemesis'... however, in the case of Sherlock Moriarty doesn't have to be alive to meddle in Sherlock's affairs until the very end
Yep, to bang my usual gong again: as the team have said, all other villains are just pale imitations of the master Moriarty.
Though I do worry they feel they can get around this by making them all 'followers' of Moriarty.
Phantom: Very true. So that could be the end, so to speak. Sherlock finally conquering Moriaty in his mind.
Well, Magnussen wasn't a follower of Moriarty, was he?
Not that we know of and I loved him as a villain.
I don't really know why they didn't keep him in longer...
They do seem to be going down the road of many villains.