Kareem Abdul Jabbar Is a Sherlockian ! He is writing a book with Mycroft Holmes (Sherlocks Brother) as the main character. He is also familiar with the use of Sherlocks methods of observation and deduction. He has used these methods to help in a basketball game.
I myself have used observation and deduction to help a good friend of mine who had been a basketball player in High School. My friend had been very good with his jump shot. He later had an automobile accident and no longer could do his jump shot as well after the accident. From what he told me I observed that his main problem was trying to hard to make the shot. I suggested he relax and let his body make the shot instead of over controlling it. He eventually regained his skill at making the shot.
Although i am not a Catholic, nor do I consider myself a religious person. I was impressed by what Pope Francis had to say to thousands of young people in Poland. I think we all should make an effort to do what we can to make the world a better place. I say this to my fellow Sherlockians because I believe that we are more able to accomplish things than those who have never been exposed to Sherlock and his methods of observation and deduction. We should continue reading and watching all the Sherlock Holmes stories we can access, paying attention to how Sherlock solves his cases. In addition we should pay attention to events and situations around ourselves, watching for opportunities to improve things if possible.
As an example, many years ago when I enlisted in the USAF I was sent to Montgomery Alabama. At that time the racism in that city was like nothing I had ever seen before. Black people had to walk on one side ot the street and white people had to walk on the other side of the street. I decided that I would cross the street. I had no idea of the risk I was taking, but I deduced that I would be able to talk myself out of any trouble I got into if I was discovered. In the more recent years I realized I had been very wrong on that.
When I crossed the street, one elderly black lady thanked me for what I was doing. I told her that we were in a free country, and nobody was going to tell me what side of the street to walk on. I believed in more recent times that I had just been lucky not to get caught. When I reported to the AFB for duty I encountered many incidents of racism. I and my fellow airmen were fighting the war in Vietnam and battling racism simultaneously. I was able to help a lot in both struggles by using observation and deduction.