I like my new sig.
SusiGo wrote:
I like my new sig.
Well chosen, Susi. <3
Personally, I would have thought it was his massive brain and dogged determination....but obviously I may change that on seeing S4!
Well, having had a look at the world wide web, it looks as if the Moftiss denying Johnlock has wafted by without causing too much upset, thankfully! The TJLC community are quite strong in their convictions, and I think it has maybe gone beyond what is in the show. I still think it's a shame that they haven't been drawn to actual LGBT role models (real or fictional), and actual expression of sexuality, but I feel more reassured that they will be OK. (I know they're not one homogenous group! But so many of their stories were similar).
It's OK for me: if it turns that Johnlock does happen after all, I just get a nice love story on top of the show I already love! But for those invested in it, it would feel like a rejection. I suppose being in it together will help, and wondering about how they just haven't bothered about the revelations, they maybe won't bother if it's never shown. Maybe that's not the point of TJLC, and maybe it's more personal. But it's not for me to say, not being part of it!
Anyway, for me, I think two sincere, public denials are pretty clear. This is not "lying", hiding plot points, etc., but is actually a case of them telling the truth out of care and concern, I think. It's kind of the opposite of queerbaiting (so at least they can't be accused of that again!). They're making it very clear it's not going to happen, while saying that they of course support people having their own ideas, fiction, etc.
Last edited by Liberty (July 25, 2016 5:49 pm)
Yeah, this is my biggest "problem" with TJLC. Those who believe it so strongly that they will crash spectaularly if it doesn't happen, and probably end up with a lot of rage and anger towards the cast and crew of BBC Sherlock.
I've seen it happen before, with Harry Potter, When some gets too emotionally invested and the show/book/movies fail to live up to their expextations - it's not pretty.
That is why I view Johnlock as a spice of everyday life. I thoroughly enjoy the fantasy of it, the fics, the artwork, the jokes and fun of it all. I am 99% convinced it won't happen, and if it does - that will just be an added bonus that I will celebrate (quite literally) with champagne.
I remember seeing the Apple panel quite early in my Sherlock fan days, and I was surprised to see Maritn using words as "political" and "stalinist" about Johnlock. I mean - it's just for fun, right? Why on earth is he using such strong and serious language about what is just something fun, something to enhance our every day life?
Well, after spending some time in the Sherlock fandom, I'm starting to understand what he means. And I am prepared for a shitstorm of rage against the show if Johnlock never happens.
Their loss, as far as I see it. I just hope the cast and crew of Sherlock never reads or hears about it if/when it happens.
Last edited by Vhanja (July 25, 2016 5:55 pm)
Not every Johnlocker is a TJLC believer, just saying...
Johnlockers also come from just being blown away by two certain actors together.
No, I'm a Johnlocker myself. And I am only talking (writing) about those who are so emotionally invested that they will struggle and end up ranting if it doesn't happen. I don't think this will happen to anyone on this forum, but I've seen quite a few that might happen to on Tumblr, though.
I was thinking mainly about that video. It's a long time ago, but I can remember what it's like trying to find out who you are, identifying with people you think represent you, believing passionately in things, everything so black and white, right and wrong, etc. I was so used to this relatively older crowd here, that I hadn't realised how young and innocent the average TJLCer was.
Yes, I realise not all are TJLCers. I think there are three broad categories:
1. The people who "ship" them, and enjoy/produce fanfiction, etc.
2. The people who believe we are actually been shown a romance in the show and they'll eventually get together.
3. The people who believe the above, but also think that almost every writing/directing/lighting/acting decision is there to show the romance.
I think only the second two are Johnlockers. And the third are TJLCers. But I'm sure there's overlap (the people who think it's going to happen in the show, but aren't sure, etc.). It's complex!
I would put myself in category 2.5.
I would put myself in category 1,5. ;)
I'm 1 and 2.
I know we've had these discussions before and some might find this a helpful way of thinking of the issues.
From what I've seen, I think I'm with Amanda: JL is fine in fan expression, but I don't think we will see it in the show...well ok, possibly I'm a step on from AA.
I'm with Martin on this one: As long as it's for fun, it's all great. But the moment people think "I know better than the creators how to make this show" - that's when it becomes unhealthy, in my personal opinion.
Quite so.
Thanks for saying what category you are in! I suppose it just goes to show that even three categories aren't enough! I'm a kind of mild category 1, because I've only read the occasional bit of fiction.
I seem to have avoided the Harry Potter fandom, so haven't seen the emotions running high!
mrshouse wrote:
I'm 1 and 2.
Me too. :-)
Liberty wrote:
I seem to have avoided the Harry Potter fandom, so haven't seen the emotions running high!
I was in the middle of it, and it wasn't pretty. Especially when J.K.Rowling in an interviw with Mugglenet said that she had left "anvil-sized hints" about Ron and Hermione ending up together -the Harry/Hermione shippers went hysterical. Several vowed to never read anything she had ever written again, and many actually claimed that Rowling was in the wrong because it was CLEAR that Harry and Hermione was a better couple than Ron and Hermione.
It's scary when people get so invested that the author of their own works are told they are wrong. And I feel I get the same vibe out of some of the most extreme TJLCers on Tumblr.
Yes, I see what you mean. I suppose that so far, what I've seen is people convinced that Moftiss are telling the story they want. But yes, if the show finished without the Johnlock happy ending, then perhaps it could get more critical.
I feel we've already seen a taste of people getting frustrated with JL not been clearly shown...but anyway.
Well Benedict seems to be on board with John changing his view of the world, casually mentioning Sherlock's very limited sex life.
No exact spoilers but about the show including S4 in general: