Oooh thank you for all the links!
Thanks for the links!
Mary doe certainly seem to have a part to play. I'm sorry I can't find the clips, but this morning before I fell asleep I saw some clips of Amanda answering fan questions from Twitter, she said that this time around Mary had been a lot more fun to play, and she said with a sinister smile.
What can be deduced from that?
Good to see that we will be seeing more of Mycroft (possibly a nude scene? ).
I think that clip is one of the ones I posted above - the one about Mary being different in S4! Yes, she has definitely dropped plenty hints of evil, ubervillain Mary. I hadn't really wanted a Mary-focused series, but I'm glad that we might eventually be finding out the truth (we were told so little in S3, and nothing from her point of view), and have always kind of liked the idea of her as an archvillain.
No, it was a different one I saw, there were several of her and others answering questions directly from Twitter
Mark says it's two more weeks of shooting so BRING IT SETLOCK!
Blast I can't watch the videooooo :'(
The EW video was heavily lacking for me too... and sadly you can't change the resolution...
This Is The Phantom Lady wrote:
No, it was a different one I saw, there were several of her and others answering questions directly from Twitter
Oh, I meant the twitter ones that I'd posted, not the other ones! She was answering questions, and your comment made me think of this one
. I also posted one about her saying she would tell Mary to stop assassinating people, and there's another one I didn't post with her saying "yes and no" to a question about finding about Mary's backstory! And another that I didn't post with Steven and Sue answering a question about action (yes, there will be action!).Offline
oh yeah that Apple Store Q&A was awesome, it was in early 2014 so shortly after series 3. I remember when Steven talked about fanart/fanfiction and porno-versions and Ben totally astonished (as if he wasn't aware of it) porn? and then am I well endowed? and Steven "it doesn't see daylight very long" which some people in the fandom didn't seem to get (which is kinda cute) I mean it is obvious what "it" means and where "it" goes so "it" doesn't see daylight a lot.
loved the jokes between Ben, Martin and Amanda. And Stevens talk about fans and fanfiction was so fantastic and encouraging.
And the cut "gay club scene"!!! so disappointing that it isn't on the DVD.
Edit: and I looooved Bens hair and his natural haircolour in this.
Last edited by Ivy (July 24, 2016 4:20 pm)
Oh, sorry! I might have missed that! Yes that's the video I meant. Thank you. And sorry for the confusion
It'll be. Eventually, it'll be on the dvd
No problem, Phantom, I should have just linked to the twitter account
Amanda's comment about Mary assassinating people is particularly intriguing because she doesn't actually manage to assassinate anyone in S3 ... so it's an extremely strong hint of assassinations in S4 (unless Amanda is playing with us!).
Last edited by Liberty (July 24, 2016 4:47 pm)
Ivy wrote:
oh yeah that Apple Store Q&A was awesome, it was in early 2014 so shortly after series 3. I remember when Steven talked about fanart/fanfiction and porno-versions and Ben totally astonished (as if he wasn't aware of it) porn? and then am I well endowed? and Steven "it doesn't see daylight very long" which some people in the fandom didn't seem to get (which is kinda cute) I mean it is obvious what "it" means and where "it" goes so "it" doesn't see daylight a lot.
I didn't get how that was a top!Sherlock joke... until now :o
*chokes on her pasta*
You're welcome, Lautrela! I'm a native speaker myself, but I don't always hear well, so I love transcripts. Of course you will have already have come across Arianne De Vere's fantastic resource
if you want transcripts of the episodes, commentaries, etc.. I can't recommend it highly enough.Offline
ewige wrote:
Ivy wrote:
oh yeah that Apple Store Q&A was awesome, it was in early 2014 so shortly after series 3. I remember when Steven talked about fanart/fanfiction and porno-versions and Ben totally astonished (as if he wasn't aware of it) porn? and then am I well endowed? and Steven "it doesn't see daylight very long" which some people in the fandom didn't seem to get (which is kinda cute) I mean it is obvious what "it" means and where "it" goes so "it" doesn't see daylight a lot.
I didn't get how that was a top!Sherlock joke... until now :o
Don't worry me neither. Because I wouldn't call it that. Just when someone mentioned Steven said that Ben couldn't stop giggled and Steven said "pull yourself together" I know what was meant. So it's more the penis joke or the porn joke for me.
Last edited by Ivy (July 24, 2016 5:13 pm)
You know when you just wander into a thread...
Liberty wrote:
Sound not clear, but there's a helpful transcript:
A little bit about Mary's "death" (or was it just a messy divorce? ;)).
Can't find the link, but I think the four words I read were Mark "broadcasted", Steven "terminal", Amanda "devastating" and (I think) Sue "Amanda". (Oh, found one - at the bottom: )
Mary's character in S4 is different to S3 Mary
And this one strongly implies that Mary has at least one more assassination to go before we're done!
I suppose the biggest (really obvious) message I'm getting is that Mary is important in S4. (And that she's not going to be the sidekick, it's not going to be a crime-solving trio - something much bigger and darker's going to happen).
(I don't know if these should go in the SDCC thread, but all these things, especially the one I put in the debate thread, are a little bit spoilery, so I'm leaving them here for now - happy to move if they're better elsewhere!).
I think Mary will still be there at the beginning of s5.
As that would be more of a surprise than her leaving/dying, I think it's quite possible. Moftiss always make a thing about the fact that ACD doesn't actually say what happened to her, and it would be just like them to write something unexpected.