tobeornot221b wrote:
For me, clearly "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton".
Sherlock, becoming engaged to Milverton's housemaid to marry her.
Great story, great villain.
Here, here!!! If the writers are the SH geeks they suggest, I certainly belive "wedding' must be Sherlock, not Watson. Sherlocks 'engagement' in CAM would make a GREAT storyline.
HoosierPhD wrote:
tobeornot221b wrote:
For me, clearly "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton".
Sherlock, becoming engaged to Milverton's housemaid to marry her.
Great story, great villain.Here, here!!! If the writers are the SH geeks they suggest, I certainly belive "wedding' must be Sherlock, not Watson. Sherlocks 'engagement' in CAM would make a GREAT storyline.
It's been my hope for ages that they incorporate this story as it would suit a few purposes (see post HERE )
But there was no WEDDING in that one, yet there WERE weddings in others.
LOL! I might put out a rumour through Tumblr ...... Irene will be back ! She had a wedding in Scandal didn't she? Holmes was a witness.
And yes, I do realise that Moftiss enjoy teasing the fandom, but always in hindsight they 'speak the truth' and stick by what they say.
"Noble Bachelor" has the most obvious wedding, yet, to me, it's one of the blander stories...
Milverton or "The Illustrious Client" would be fab.
I believe that Moftiss know how to whip their fans into frenzy. They were a success after season 1, but we are going mad after season 2. Thus they play with us and remain vague. ( wedding? Oh, it might be John's! We are clutching our hankies. Bow? Last? Sherlock is not renewed? More drama). It might or might not be true, but once the creators decide to play cat and mouse, they can twist anything.
I am rereading the canon for the umpteenth time, and enjoy it ever more imagining how Moftiss could twist it around.
I don't think Wedding refers to John's wedding because the Blind Banker is loosely based on The Sign of the Four and it doesn't seem that Moftiss will reuse a story.
The small Chinese acrobat assassin is very reminiscent of the pigmy in The Sign of the Four, as is the motive and the locked room murder staging for both deaths.
To me, this is evidence that Wedding does not refer to The Sign of the Four or its outcome of John marrying Mary.
Well Lupin, I think the subject of using a story that has a;ready been used was asked of Gatiss. In reply he said something like 'we can take a bot of this one and that one, and there's still plenty more from all stories to go back & pluck out when we feel the need'. It was something like that.
I will have to crawl into my Brain Drain (palaces are so snobby!) to remember WHERE I saw it now, lol.
BRAIN DRAIN! Ha! Like it Kazza. Yes the Moftiss have said hey will merrily cannibalise bits of stories plus previous adaptations at will. A John, or even Sherlock, wedding is not out of question. They are EVIL men I tell you! EVIL! Mwahahah!
Last edited by Davina (August 29, 2012 7:29 am)
As we know by now I'm one of those who suffer from posting-picture-mania-caused-by-looking-at-too-many-photos-of-Ben-and-listening-to-too-many-episodes-of-cabin-pressure-itis.
That's why I have to post this here:
Me: Sorry, Doc, I think I suffer from: PPMCBLATMPOBALTTMEOCPitis
Doc: One Batch a day, keeps the doctor away.
SusiGo wrote:
Me: Sorry, Doc, I think I suffer from: PPMCBLATMPOBALTTMEOCPitis
Doc: One Batch a day, keeps the doctor away.
*adopts Sherlock's deep rumble* Oh, I wouldn't say that.... when the "itis" hits me, I need the doctor (Watson, please) more than ever. I don't want to keep him away. heh
Okay. Then: One Batch a day, keeps boredom away.
That's better?
SusiGo wrote:
Okay. Then: One Batch a day, keeps boredom away.
That's better?
Mmmm. One thing the Batch is never, and that's boring, so there's truth there, for sure.
I love his "actor" face-- the man is really really talented--- not that that's news to any of
us here! Mmmm.
Mattlocked wrote:
As we know by now I'm one of those who suffer from posting-picture-mania-caused-by-looking-at-too-many-photos-of-Ben-and-listening-to-too-many-episodes-of-cabin-pressure-itis.
That's why I have to post this here:
Love this, Mattlocked. Sherlock has gone to his mind palace, to suss out the meaning of those three little words.... I just hope, when he gets it figured out, he lets us in on the secret(s).
It seems highly unlikely they would have John get married since John moves out of the flat after he marries and starts a private practice. He accompanies Sherlock Holmes on several adventures afterward but the great majority of the canon is the few years before The Sign of the Four.
I could see a wedding with John combined with The Noble Bachelor so that it doesn't work out for John, the groom.
Lupin wrote:
It seems highly unlikely they would have John get married since John moves out of the flat after he marries and starts a private practice. He accompanies Sherlock Holmes on several adventures afterward but the great majority of the canon is the few years before The Sign of the Four.
I could see a wedding with John combined with The Noble Bachelor so that it doesn't work out for John, the groom.
I am almost completely clueless about the ACD stories, but don't Gatiss et al make up stuff as they go along, and add in their own original ideas, at least somewhat? Is 100% of what we've seen on the BBC show directly from ACD?? (You know, except for the obvious modern tech and vehicles, etc) You guys who are ACD authorities are talking like nothing is possible about rat wedding bow that hasn't been included in the original stories-- am I misunderstanding?
ancientsgate wrote:
I am almost completely clueless about the ACD stories, but don't Gatiss et al make up stuff as they go along, and add in their own original ideas, at least somewhat?
Yes, they do so very much; however, they also DEEPLY love and appreciate the original canon, and have commented many times on the fact that there is so much more out there to draw upon. Gatiss and Moffat also commented in the past about their ambivalent feelings when altering the canon. For example, they are still somewhat reluctant about having made Molly a reoccurring character as she is not in the canon (however, they also liked her so much they made her regular). Anyway, all these moments show how deeply the writers care for the original stories and while we will be seeing some changes, we will also see a lot of nods to the canon!
My take on it is they do add a lot of stuff but at the same time they respect the basics of the stories they draw on.
A Study in Pink is very similar to Part 1 of A Study in Scarlet, though instead of two premeditated homicides it's a serial killer. There are other changes as well, like the connection to Moriarty, but a lot of the major points of the mystery are left intact (even poked fun at like Rache' and Rachel).
The Hounds of Baskerville departs a great deal from the canon in an attempt to modernize the story.
I'm not saying they wouldn't take creative license to innovate on the stories Rat Wedding Bow are referring to, but I think they would respect certain iconic parts of the canon, like John leaving Sherlock's flat after he gets married to Mary and Sherlock being on his own in most mysteries afterward. Given how much they like having John a confirmed bachelor, and the jokes that follow, I'm reluctant to think they'd want to give that up, on a side note.
I think they innovate but pay homage to material parts of the series.
Last edited by Lupin (August 29, 2012 11:40 pm)
And from a recent Sue Vertue interview:
"... this is important for us because, although Mark and Steven are such die-hard ACD fans they wouldn't stray beyond the boundaries of what they believe is acceptable but also, it allows for the cherry picking of Doyle's stories which I think the boys do to great effect."
I have no idea what rat, wedding, bow might refer to and won't hazard a guess. But I do want to say I love Mattlocked's image of Sherlock trying to figure it out!
Sherli Bakerst wrote:
I have no idea what rat, wedding, bow might refer to and won't hazard a guess. But I do want to say I love Mattlocked's image of Sherlock trying to figure it out!
Don'tcha love the eyebrow? Totally thud-worthy.
Lupin wrote:
Given how much they like having John a confirmed bachelor, and the jokes that follow, I'm reluctant to think they'd want to give that up, on a side note.
I totally agree with this, and I dare say that it's actually the most important reason for the writers to keep John at Baker Street, more so than not departing from the canon. They would not want to lose the whole "domestic" angle of the relationship between Sherlock and John, or the interaction with Mrs. Hudson. It allows the viewers such insights into their world, something you would never gain otherwise. Plus, virtually all comedy in the series stems from the concept of "the odd couple sharing a small space". Why give up on that?
Having said that, there are of course other options - they can make John have a divorce soon after marrying, or marry and still stay on living at Baker Street for a while.
Personally, I would not like either of these options, because I feel that the "wedding and divorce after 5 minutes" has been done to death by other shows, and the idea of a married John Watson living with Sherlock Holmes is just weird on too many levels.
On a more general note, I strongly believe that all three clues will feature prominently in both the show and their respective ACD stories.After all, "Woman, Hound, Fall" were all major themes, not just small details.