Fun with history and literature, aka "okay but what if jstor did have tags like ao3"
Wordstrings has updated "All the best..." with a new chapter. It's like Christmas whenever she does that. I absolutely adore her writing, it's absolutely amazing what she does with words. Wow, what a chapter! (And I thought I saw several referances to other Johnlock fics, quite cool!)
Oh, it wasn't a rec, only information. But ok, I can post it over there.
Thanks. In doubt, read #1
I am losing my mind and need some advice on a fanfic I am planning (while still working on finishing 'Whipped'...)
It's about the name of the female character... I am really struggling to find a suiting one... and I have an idea, but I'm not sure it's appropriate...
In short the story is based on how I met my boyfriend, obviously well overdramatized (and adding a twist of Sherlock being undercover unbeknownst to the girl...) and how he 'saved' me from a bad man...
As always (since writing for me is a therapeutic exercise usually) the main character will have a lot of my traits and issues...
And here is the pickle... the only name that I like so far is Kitty... first of all, that clashes with Kitty the journalist... and that is one of my two nicknames (that and Kitten)... but there's a lot of fun to be had with the cat theme... and it was the first name my boyfriend knew me as...
Gah. I'll have a hell of time naming a child some day.
How about just calling her Kat? Would that work?
I was just thinking about that actually! It totally could work!
YES! Thank you! It's been driving me mad. I already have a ton of fun ideas even about the start of the conversation.
Happy to help.
Wonderful news - wordstrings have now competed "All the Best..."! :-D
This is the only WIP I have ever read and will ever read. Because I do not want to die before she is finished but you never know. And because it is so incredibly good.
I'm not sure that it's wonderful news, because now it's over! *cries* I can't believe I've been devoted to this story since December 2012! Seeing it finish is like losing the family dog or something. But it's a beautiful ending, and now that it's complete I've loaded it to my Kindle and am looking forward to starting all over again!
I think I will give myself the deferred pleasure and read it from the beginning without knowing the last chapter. What a ride that was!
I think I will do the same - re-read it from the beginning. I haven't read the two last chapters.
I hope wordstrings write more Johnlock, I absolutely adore her writing style.
IMO she is maybe the best SH fanfic writer of all. I am also a big fan of her Katie Forsythe stories. They are simply the best Victorian Johnlock literature and she has created a whole universe for her heroes spanning several decades.
I don't want to read that last chapter because it will be over afterwards. :-(
You are right, Susi, she is brilliant!
Brilliant! I put reading it on hold until it was finished but it was difficult. This is fantastic!
Vhanja wrote:
Wonderful news - wordstrings have now competed "All the Best..."! :-D
Considering some have been waiting for this since 2012, this is the only time I've been grateful to have only joined this fandom in the last year: I didn't have to wait long for this masterpiece to reach its conclusion. :D
SusiGo wrote:
I think I will give myself the deferred pleasure and read it from the beginning without knowing the last chapter. What a ride that was!
I did just that - started the fic over without having read the last two chapters. Best idea you could have come up with, SusiGo, because it has been so long since I read the first half or so of this fic that I had forgotten quite a bit. So some parts was like reading it for the first time. Reading a wordstring Johnlock chapter as if for the first time - what a treat!
Amazing, amazing fic. Her writing is in a category of it's own.
I am approaching the end and it still has me on the edge of my seat. Unbelievable. This is so very good and different from all other fics I know. I love everything about it. The sex scenes - which could have been awkward in the hands of a less skilled writer - are incredibly well done. And the feelings, oh, my. I am looking forward to and dreading the end at the same time.