Title of article: VA School District Removes Sherlock Holmes Nivel for 'Anti-Mormon' portrayal. Charlottesville District VA. A Study in Scarlet has been removed from the county's sixth-grade curriculum.
Last edited by Davina (August 17, 2012 9:01 pm)
I can understand removing it for not being considered age-appropriate for 12-year olds, but to remove it for alleged anti-Mormon bias is silly. At least it's not being banned from school libraries. Censorship of books by school districts usually backfires when publicity about it becomes widespread. I wonder...if a Mormon weren't running for President, would this have become an issue???
Don't get me started on book censorship in schools. This is a travesty. Must be a Romney supporter..yuck.
That's just a little bit ridiculous. It's like taking the "n-word" out of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Yes, it offends some people, but it's fiction. The author had absolutely no malicious intent, especially in the case of Mark Twain. He was trying to be historically (or contemporarily, in his time) accurate. It's like having Jane Eyre speak modern American vernacular, it just doesn't make sense.
We should pardon Arthur Conan Doyle. It was over 120 years ago, and it's a good story regardless.
When I worked on a bookstore there were Christian schools that would not buy Harry Potter books for their libraries and banned the kids from reading them because they contain wizards and magic and were, therefore, not Christian. I have a feeling that just encouraged the kids to read them anyway.