tonnaree wrote:
An excellent science project to pursue.
Yes, it's for science, of course.
Well, during the last months I rewatched all 9 seasons and the two movies of The X-Files, and I don't know for sure if anything was planned from the very beginning. But it sure as hell does look like it. There are lots and lots of little hints and moments throughout all seasons.
The main difference I would see however is the fact that with TXF we are talking about a show that ran for nine seasons. We had lots and lots of episodes and the writers had a lot of time to play around with the idea of Scully and Mulder ending up as a romantic couple. They took steps forward and then took steps back again, and I think it's very difficult to do something like this with a show that gives the audience three episodes every 57 years or so. You have to be far more careful with what you're doing, and I think that you simply have to plan the general story with far more care. With a show like TXF you can try out things, and if something doesn't really work in episode 3 of season 2, you have 21 episodes left in season 2 to do something else and change things around again.
One tjlc thing I think in regards to planning, is when you consider the writers did not know if Sherlock would be a sucess and when writing S01 and S02 they did not know if they would get to S03 or S04 is that the ending they wanted to give for both was in 01 Sherlock has a heart and it is John Watson .Again the same thing in 02 that Sherlock would give everything up and literally die for John. By 03 they obviously know there will be more and they can stall and have fun with the relationship , but they are still making the same point in every finale , Sherlock gives up everything in his life , for John to be safe and happy.By tab the writers are leaving us with the - theres always two of us concept. (How funny if Moriartys last words are that John and Sherlock should just elope.)
From the beginning the writers seem to begiving us the they love each other message.♡
Last edited by Mothonthemantel (February 15, 2016 12:10 pm)
As for a long-term plan there is this quote:
“We love this, we think everybody’s been getting wrong, and we think we can get it right. Unless you think you’re correcting everyone else, you shouldn’t be doing something. You should be saying, “Now this is the way it should be done.”
Steven Moffat said this in October 2010 (!). What I find interesting is not just the fact that he is talking about an overall concept but also the thing everybody's been getting wrong. It cannot be the modernisation since everybody knows that the original stories are set in the late 1800s and early 1900s. So there has to be something else everybody got wrong and they have been thinking they can get right since … forever.
I was thinking more in lines if there was a long-term plan for Mulder and Scully to become a romantic pairing. Because if it were, then it would make sense to look for clues in the show, and see if there are similarities between clues found in X-Files and in Sherlock.
If there were no such plan, then whatever is in the show is mostly just random to cover all bases and leave everything open for whatever direction they wanted to go in.
Susie yes and it would only make sense that the short term and long term plan were the same.
I can't remember where , but I read the writers said something like they did TRF too soon because they didn't know how long they would have (series wise ) or if there would even be a S03 ,and they didn't want to ever be in that position again.
So it might have been in their mind that S01 or 02 was the last and they were writing the actual end..Thats what was in my mind when thinking about how they wrote the finales.
Vhanja . It sounds fun and interesting however back when Xfiles was produced , it was the aim of a successful series to go on and on and on and on etc like Star Trek or Who . Planning definitive long term series that actually have an ending ( hopefully on a high before getting canned ) is fairly new . So likely they wanted to keep things open and interesting.I think a lot has changed since then and producers and writers are more cynical now and prefer doing an actual end , with maybe the option to do specials . Like maybe The Office.
Last edited by Mothonthemantel (February 15, 2016 1:46 pm)
I see what you mean and I agree. The shows aren't the same, and there is nothing that says that whatever happens in one series have to happen in the other. I just find it interesting, since I'm re-watching it anyway, to see if I can see any similarities. And then, whenever Sherlock is completed and done, we can see how that one ended compared to other shows.
As I'm always harping on that people should be allowed to post how, what, when and where they want...this is by no means to be taken as criticism:
I suppose there are a million shows we could compare to BBC Sherlock( possibly just a slight exaggeration there!!). Even on the Johnlock level, as long as they have 2 leads who have a close relationship of some sort.
As I said, I haven't seen TXF(tho am aware of the will-they won't they debate).
But for me, I've never really understood why Sherlock should be like any other show or in fact stick to any kind of pattern.
I wouldn't claim it was unique, but for me, the very fact that it is different to other TV, is the thing that attracts me to it.
I just think it's so much more intelligent than other shows.
I think the characters are fuller, less stereotypical and some how seem real.
I think the writers have their priorities right and keep a good balance.
Oh, absolutely. As I wrote earlier: That something happens in TFX doesn't mean it has to happen in Sherlock. It was just the "get a life"-thing where Scully dropped her date to spend time with Mulder on a case that reminded me so much of Sherlock that I got intrigued. So I just wanted to see how much - if any - similarities I can see between the two shows. And then, when Sherlock is completed, see if they both end with a romantic couple or not.
I obviously have no idea with TXF...but I could give you an answer for Sherlock now!
You know how it ends? Awesome, then you know more than the rest of us.
Well I think I know how it won't end, if you know what I mean!
I'm fairly certain Mark and Steven already know how it will end.
Last edited by besleybean (February 15, 2016 7:26 pm)
I do. I think most of us think we know how it will or won't end. So it will be very interesting to see how it actually WILL end.
Sorry, I was a bit slow on the edit!
I think Mark and Steven have made it clear how it won't end...but apparently others disagree with me on that.
Yeah, I think a lot of us think Mark and Steven have made it quite clear how it ends. We just disagree on what it is they have made clear.
I can't recall an interview where they've said Johnlock will happen, but I know of ones where they say it won't.
But then they admit that they lie about the show and what's going to happen, so we're back to square one.
It would be interesting for me, if the team ever came out and said Johnlock would happen...that people would still believe that they always lie.
I don't think they do lie at all.
They obviously don't want to give away major plot issues like people coming back from the dead, or in fact dying, or being secret assassins etc...but other than that, relationships seem to have been fairly consistent.
Well, I agree with you in that I don't think Johnlock will happen. But I do see that there is a case to make to the contrary as well. That is why it will be very interesting to see what will happen.
The whole subject of what people believe and why is absolutely fascinating to me and always has been: be it in politics, religion, or life in general actually.
How people reinforce their beliefs is even more fascinating...