I started watching "Lewis" recently, just before I read the final series was aired at the end of last year on ITV.
My parents love it and watching it for years, and when I was visiting them there was an episode on German TV and I found it quite good, especially the Lewis/Hathaway dynamic. I know Laurence Fox because he's the hubby of Billie Piper but that's it. He has a interesting facial expression in that show and I find Hathaway quite intriguing. Another happy surprise was that he sounds a lot like Benedict, at first I was a bit irritated by it, but it's a lovely voice so good for me. I also like the location, Oxfords stands mainly for the university, I've never thought about that there might live other people apart from students and staff.
What I like about British detective series is that you don't really see the murder in all it's "lovely" details, just bodies that don't even look that gross.