Schmiezi wrote:
I am really annoyed right now - with myself for messing up again and with the fact that I need to post the jokes at all. It takes so much time. I wish I simply had the last fics to post. :-(
I won't have time to repair it until tomorrow. Sorry. :-(((
Aww, don't be annoyed, Schmiezi! You can't especially with all the work you put in this exchange!!
Lilythiell wrote:
Schmiezi wrote:
I am really annoyed right now - with myself for messing up again and with the fact that I need to post the jokes at all. It takes so much time. I wish I simply had the last fics to post. :-(
I won't have time to repair it until tomorrow. Sorry. :-(((Aww, don't be annoyed, Schmiezi! You can't especially with all the work you put in this exchange!!
I have tp echo praise for you, Schmiezi! You have been wonderful ( and so understanding) -- and if you need anything I can actually help with, don't hesitate to ask. :-)
Oh, now I am flushing once more. Thank you all for your kind words.
There is one thing we need to discuss, now that Christmas is oficially over: There are two fics missing. I have been promsed that they will be finished but (apparently) not in time. How long should I wait before revealing the authors? When should we start publishing our fics on AO3 and other sites?
I will make a collection on AO3 where all fics should be ... well ... collected. But when?
Schmiezi wrote:
Oh, now I am flushing once more.
Thank you all for your kind words.
There is one thing we need to discuss, now that Christmas is oficially over: There are two fics missing. I have been promsed that they will be finished but (apparently) not in time. How long should I wait before revealing the authors? When should we start publishing our fics on AO3 and other sites?
I will make a collection on AO3 where all fics should be ... well ... collected. But when?
If you need a quick writing of a fic done, let me know. I could do one--1500 word ficlet.
oh-- wait-- nevermind. :-) I'd love to post soon-- but you know me-- always jumping the gun. :-)
Last edited by RavenMorganLeigh (December 27, 2015 6:11 am)
O Soave Fanciulla
A beautifully written and intriguing casefic. It had a bit too much pining!John for this non-Johnlocker but I fully realise that's my taste differing from that of the majority.
A Long Road
Oh, I absolutely loved this from first to last. All the banter and playfulness of S1 and S2 caught into a warm-hearted Christmas tale that shows Sherlock may be high-functioning but definitely isn't a sociopath. Lestrade feeling sorry for himself and toppling over into a snowdrift just put the icing on the cake of a tale that had me giggling, awing and remembering why I fell in love with Sherlock. Thank you, dear MA, for this lovely piece of writing.
And When All is Said and Done, Only the Tardis Cab Hear You Weep
I confess to living under a rock and having no idea what Doctor Who is about so I can't properly appreciate this fic. All I can say is: thank you, MA, for coming up with a fic when it looked someone would have to do without one written for them.
Playing it Close
I'm most sincerely sorry but the idea of Sherlock visiting a pop concert is just beyond me so I didn't read this fic. The deficiency is mine entirely and I do apologise to you for not reading and appreciating your fic, MA.
Harriet wrote:
... and what was in the red box?
Thanks - I didn't expect that, but neither did John!
Oh my gosh! That was funny about the Britannica/marijuana leaves thing.
I'm not sure when the authors should be revealed. Maybe in the New Year?
I really didn't expect that to be in the red box xD
And the Britannica misprint joke was very funny!
Schmiezi wrote:
There is one thing we need to discuss, now that Christmas is oficially over: There are two fics missing. I have been promsed that they will be finished but (apparently) not in time. How long should I wait before revealing the authors? When should we start publishing our fics on AO3 and other sites?
I will make a collection on AO3 where all fics should be ... well ... collected. But when?
I don´t know how long will two fics be delayed, but personally, I think that the authors should be revealed before the 31. December or 1. January. Those two days are extremely busy + on 1. January the Special will be unleashed on us and these things will overshadow the Secret Santa finale completely.
In my opinion, 29. December or 30. December is the best term for revealing of the authors. Two fics that are delayed can be finished in between and posted up later, on 6. December (Russian Christmas Day) - that way they can still be considered Secret Santa and they can be added to the collection after that. This takes off some pressure from the two delayed authors as well and enables them to relish the end of the year and the start of a new one without the threat of the fic hovering over their heads.
What do you think?
I agree that the 30th should be a deadline. Authors may want to share them out.
nakahara wrote:
I don´t know how long will two fics be delayed, but personally, I think that the authors should be revealed before the 31. December or 1. January. Those two days are extremely busy + on 1. January the Special will be unleashed on us and these things will overshadow the Secret Santa finale completely.
In my opinion, 29. December or 30. December is the best term for revealing of the authors. Two fics that are delayed can be finished in between and posted up later, on 6. December (Russian Christmas Day) - that way they can still be considered Secret Santa and they can be added to the collection after that. This takes off some pressure from the two delayed authors as well and enables them to relish the end of the year and the start of a new one without the threat of the fic hovering over their heads.
What do you think?
I absolutely agree with you, nakahara, especially as you are one of the two members who are still waiting for "their" fic. So if nobody disagrees, this is our plan:
- The writers will be revealed December 29th.
- The fics can be posted December 29th too. The collection already exists:
- The last two fics will be posted January 6th.
Last edited by Schmiezi (December 28, 2015 7:31 am)
I agree, this is a good plan.
Ooooh, I want to know who wrote what /five year old mode engaged/
I am, once again, terribly behind with reading and commenting but here are a couple of more reviews of the lovely stories...
Oratorio in D-death
Very good constructed and interessting story. After the paragraph in which David appears first and made his hints about Mary's past I thought that he might be a former assassin as well which I would have found a bit strange. But in the end it turned out, he was just a slimy extorsively dick. Yes, that somehow fits to the character we saw in the show (he wasn't very likeable to me). I liked the case in the story and how this and the side story with Mary and David was interwoven with each other in the end. I generally don't like stories in which Mary is shown as an evil charakter. Therefore I do like the conclusion of this story. She did wrong and had to be punished but she isn't really a baddie here. The Johnlock part of the story was so sweet. The paragraph in which John told Sherlock about his intention of marrying Mary again and Sherlock's gift for John was so bitter-sweet. And then the ending... just perfect.
Hover Through the Fog
Wow, just wow! What a poetic piece of writing! This isn't a story, this is a piece of art, a painting with words. I wish my English would be better to be able to admire the beauty of the sentence structure and figures of speech more. I love the idea with the shard of glass as a window into another world, very magical (reminded me a bit of Harry Potter ). The different perspecitves or meta levels of the different paragraphes were a bit confusing at first but that doesn't make the reading experience less wonderful. A story which is worth reading a second, third... time.
Play H for Murder
Oh, a theatre case! I liked this scenery (nice touch to use the Hamlet play) and I would like to see something like that in the show. That was fun and once again a good example for a Johnlock-story in the Victorian area. I really liked the light romantic erotic intimations and moments between John and Sherlock - my favourite sentence: “Oh John, I’m unbelievably hungry. You... in my dressing gown this morning... I'm sure you know what I want for breakfast.”
Christmas Is ForGiving
Phew, that was a tough one. As I said above, I don't like Mary being shown as an evil character therefore I normaly probably wouldn't have read this story. It was nevertheless very well written. The beginning was very intense showing in what a grey, unloving and desperate daily routine John is living now. You can feel how much John has estranged himself from his own life and still desperately clinging on it, on the illusion of something he thought he want. That was really great described and heartbreaking. I liked the idea that Harry would call Sherlock for help, knowing that he is the one, her brother truly needs.
A Long Road
This was a great fun to read as well. I like roadtrip stories. Drunken Lestrade was hilarious as was the whole situation. It was so nice to see, how much Sherlock is really willing to do for the few ones he truly cares for. And the (long) road to forgiveness was a beautiful figure of speech being used here. Both John and Sherlock were very much in character here.
And When All is Said and Done, Only the Tardis Can Hear You Weep
Wow, that was written in 24 hours? Kudos to your ideas and writing skill, dear unknown author! That was my first crossover story and I really liked it.
I love the reminiscences of the Doctor's regeneration into the "John"-Doctor (the moustache, looking like a Hobbit...) and that the story switches every few sentences from that one to the ongoing regeneration. And the ending was so, so sad and it captured perfectly the situation we have to face every time with a new Doctor. He will still be the Doctor but still, this particular personality with his quirks and emotions will be gone foreever. It reminded me of the end of the Tennant-Doctor, that was a very emotional moment as well.
So, that's it for now. I am afraid, I won't be able to read and comment every story that I have left out so far until the big revelation tomorrow. I'll try to leave comments either here or on AO3 as soon as possible.
I am so impressed once again of the fanstic writings we have once again at this year's Secret Santa. And thank you so much Schmiezi for all the effort, you put into it. And thank you of course to the Secret Santa for the lovely picture jokes.
Last edited by stoertebeker (December 28, 2015 12:54 pm)
Lilythiell wrote:
I agree, this is a good plan.
Ooooh, I want to know who wrote what /five year old mode engaged/
December 29, tomorrow all will be revealed.
I have to say I am excited for that as well! I wonder if it will be surprising who wrote certain stories. I have a feeling some may be surprised which one I wrote, if I'm allowed to say that.
Last edited by Yitzock (December 28, 2015 2:16 pm)
O Soave Fanciulla
Sorry for being late but this was a long one. Thank you very much, dear unknown author, for this fic. I am sometimes a bit skeptical about original characters - some are brilliant, others I do not like so much - but Dr. Julia Almont was a great addition to the John/Sherlock dynamic. I could imagine her in the show anytime.
And John's slow and long way towards understanding himself and Sherlock and allowing his feelings was beautiful. Thank you very much for this lovely fic, dear unknown author.
And, yes, Schmiezi, this is a good plan.
Last edited by SusiGo (December 28, 2015 2:36 pm)
Well, so let's start guessing who wrote what and why you think so. :-)
I don't guess