BreathingIsBoring wrote:
I am sorry about not being able to comment. I confess that I've been swamped with exams and schoolwork for a while, every single week... If anyone's familiar with the IB diploma program, you know what I'm talking about
I'll be able to read and comment over break, and I wouldn't dare not leave a comment on the fic written for me. That would have been heartbreaking to me; I can't imagine doing it to someone else.
Winter break starts on Saturday. After I catch my breath from Star Wars (hehe), I'd be happy to contribute to the collective missing prompts via fanart or another fic.
I hear that-- I've been running around like a chicken with my head off for a while, now. By the way-- your fic is done.
I'm *finally* getting to read the fics. I am blown away by the talent on this board. Blown away!!!
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
I'm *finally* getting to read the fics. I am blown away by the talent on this board. Blown away!!!
Dear, I have converted your fic into a html file and will post it soon.
(Actually, the point of the SECRET Santa was to keep the identity of the writer secret. As you have posted your fic on AO3 already AND wrote down here who you are writing for, I think that ship has sailed in your case.)
Still, could you consider erasing your post and take it off AO3 for another few days?
Schmiezi wrote:
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
I'm *finally* getting to read the fics. I am blown away by the talent on this board. Blown away!!!
Dear, I have converted your fic into a html file and will post it soon.
(Actually, the point of the SECRET Santa was to keep the identity of the writer secret. As you have posted your fic on AO3 already AND wrote down here who you are writing for, I think that ship has sailed in your case.)
Still, could you consider erasing your post and take it off AO3 for another few days?
Done. I deleted it. Thanks for putting up with me-- I know I've been a bit-- discombobulated.
Sweet little parentlock (which I hardly read...) which gave me a very good feeling in my chest. I feel soooooo very much for John, struggling with those tiring first weeks after birth, I remember it so well: nappies, feeding, gainig enough weight, grasping some much needed sleep... Gah... Nice touch that Sherlock knows that much about babycare, of course from a scientific point of view, us Johnlockers love some good science.
Had to laugh at the bit with the hands and the deduction teaching at the beginning.
And you managed to bring the elements of love in a very both sweet and hot way.
Thank you, dear unknown author.
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
Schmiezi wrote:
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
I'm *finally* getting to read the fics. I am blown away by the talent on this board. Blown away!!!
Dear, I have converted your fic into a html file and will post it soon.
(Actually, the point of the SECRET Santa was to keep the identity of the writer secret. As you have posted your fic on AO3 already AND wrote down here who you are writing for, I think that ship has sailed in your case.)
Still, could you consider erasing your post and take it off AO3 for another few days?Done. I deleted it. Thanks for putting up with me-- I know I've been a bit-- discombobulated.
Never mind. I wouldn't have learnt the word "discombobulated" without you!
Ultimate cuteness! Adorable, lovely and wonderful.
It was a nice touch to tell part of this story with the help of health-surveillance forms, we didn´t needed many words about Mary that way and yet we could guess with precision what really happened. John´s narrator´s voice ballanced that perfectly.
Sherlock as a baby-caretaker... I can´t believe I am saying this but I adored him in the role! He was his very self, excentric and sporting the most unusual ideas and yet so very perfect while tending to little Jasmine. His scientific knowledge was impressive - finally a story that used his range of wisdom in a useful way and didn´t portray him as a complete moron. I love how you described him here, dear author.
Sherlock singing "Somewhere over the rainbow".... wow! Extremely sweet. (Of course, I presume, he didn´t sing a disco version from Marusha but that he had chosen Judy Garland´s dreamy and nostalgic original.)
John was a typically stressed parent – that´s probably why he was throwing all those „psychopaths“ around – but still very caring. The detail how baby was clutching to his chest moved me almost to tears right at the beginning. And speaking of chests... imagining him and Sherlock with their shirts unbuttoned.... hmmmm.
I was a bit sad when you mentioned that John „kind of escaped to Scotland“ from Sherlock. I cannot imagine what feeling it had to be for Sherlock to come into the hospital as usual and find both John and baby gone, without the word of explanation. Still, John returned after all and the detective deduced meanwhile that he would, so that „sour note“ was not so severe. Great ending with that mammals reference!
Really an enjoyable, shiny Christmas gift have you given to us, dear unknown author.
What a lovely and funny story! Like Nakahara I love the idea of the baby diary telling us all important things in between.
Sherlock being himself and yet so tender, a softer and lovelier re-creation of his approach to the wedding planning.
John coming to terms with his attraction - Heavens, Sherlock taking off the white (!) shirt and putting the baby on his bare chest - gulp.
The little angsty moment when John goes to Scotland because he needs the break to realise where he belongs.
Best thing I have read about mammals in a long time. Thank you, dear unknown author!
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Body Snatchers
Great title!
I think this was once again a very good story. The case-plot was very well constructed and Sherlock and John were extremly in character. Poor John, Sherlock did behave like a prick sometimes.
Although I had a suspicion in which direction the story might lead, the conclusion was still a shock and very sad. I really liked that Sherlock was bothered emotionally as well in the end. He isn't the heardless sociopath after all.
There were a lot of hilarious moments in the story I liked, e.g.
- the meeting between John and Mycroft
- Sherlock playing golf (including the correct outfit) - John's disguise - "...if he weren’t looking like a seventies rock star long past his heyday..." can please somebody made a sketch from that Scene
- Sherlock throwing the cosy out of the window
Oh and I like that story begins and ends with Sherlock offering tea to John, that had a nice touch.
D'awww again
I am always so impressed how it is possible to put so much into a relativly short story. It was once again such a sweet John-and-Sherlock-just-belong-together-story. I liked the way, Sherlock behaves. On the one hand he is very scientific regarding the treatment of Jasmine but on the other hand very tender and loving. Nice idea how to get Mary out of the way, though I had to google what AWOL means.
Last edited by stoertebeker (December 17, 2015 12:47 pm)
What a funny story. Sherlock handling the baby reminded me of Crocodile Dundee and the buffalo. The kangaroo technique was very convenient for us fans indeed, and also for the plot. Now I'm wondering whether it really exists or whether it was your invention. =10.0pt'You are a great doctor and father, John. You are just forgetting that you haven’t got a little lizard, you have a little baby! She is a mammal!” '
=10.0ptMade me laugh out loud. So IC! It's nice to see that Sherlock uses a completely different part of his brain to care for the baby than what most people do but since he's a genius he still gets the job done.
It's always a challenge to make Sherlock super smart, yet also amusingly ignorant without being stupid and this was a great example of how it's done well.
One tiny little nitpick from someone who once used pipettes a lot: they didn't drink out of pipettes, they drank out of measuring glasses. A pipette is the thing with the small tip.
What I really liked about the johnlock plot was that it felt very natural and wasn't overly sentimental. I haven't seen many examples in which that was done so beautifully. And of course Sherlock works it out first, he's a genius after all.
Schmiezi wrote:
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
Schmiezi wrote:
Dear, I have converted your fic into a html file and will post it soon.
(Actually, the point of the SECRET Santa was to keep the identity of the writer secret. As you have posted your fic on AO3 already AND wrote down here who you are writing for, I think that ship has sailed in your case.)
Still, could you consider erasing your post and take it off AO3 for another few days?Done. I deleted it. Thanks for putting up with me-- I know I've been a bit-- discombobulated.
Never mind. I wouldn't have learnt the word "discombobulated" without you!
Well, it's a good thing I've learned to say, "Ja, es tut mir leid!" and Enschuldtigung!" Bitte!
Just like others who have already posted, I liked the formatting of the story in journal logs. I like how John gives up with the weight and just writes "not heavy enough." It's so simple, but I can hear his exasperation in it.
I like the tenderness of Sherlock towards the baby, although sometimes the conversations around it sometimes felt a little awkward and odd to me.
The ending was nice and warm-feeling.
Also, I googled marsupials, and they are also mammals!
Christmas is ForGiving
Wow, what an unusual Dark!John tale for Christmas! Still, it was quite interesting. The portrayal of John, trapped under the weight of his bad choices, suffocating in the atmosphere of ordinarity which is so crippling to him, being unhappy with the mundane, gray, listless existence... yes, I think that this would be John´s fate without Sherlock. The separation from the detective who impersonates the meaning of John´s life would not be beneficial to our good doctor.
Mary´s disappearance and her later fate was a nice touch, if she dramatically died in this story, it would steal the light from John´s tragedy. It was much better in this way. Also, the information about her „assassin´s gear“ being used and about the murder she commited was chilling... once again a bitter remainder of why it is a bad idea to choose living with an unrepentant assassin. It would be just a question of time until such relationship exploded into shambles.
Very angsty scene of John´s drunken night and his reunion of Sherlock, very bitter, cruel, unreasonable words being thrown around... and yeti t was beautiful how safe and at ease John felt when he suddenly found himself back in Baker Street. Also, it was good how he backpeddaled when his violent side was tempting him at the sight of Sherlock...
The dark story of two very damaged men, indeed and yet the warm hint of forgiveness and acceptance and the first rays of hope shone through the ending of it. Thank you for that, dear unknown author.
Christmas is ForGiving
For those who were curious, the prompt I gave for this fic was, 'The truth clings to him like a disease. He doesn't love you, he doesn't love you, he doesn't love you.'
Dear author,
I asked for angst, and wham, did I get angst! I appreciate the solid fracturing of John's poor sanity you gave to the story, coupled with blow after blow after blow. Through your beautiful writing, you displayed the inherently broken nature of an emotionally compromised, unreliable narrator, being crushed under the weight of the repercussions of his mistakes. I can taste the tears from here... and aren't they plenty and few in between?
The story represents a side of Mary that I associate with the 'st' dropped from Mary's maiden false name, if you know what I mean... Which, intentional or not, fits nicely into that little extra thing I suggested in the prompt, when I asked that you pick between MorMor and Johnlock, and I must say, I'm extremely satisfied with the result. The ruthless, sociopathic nature of an assassin, described, not with direct words, but in her dialogue, her actions, and the very nature of herself... I'm breathless with delight
No wonder the poor doctor snapped. I can feel the fear radiating from Sherlock's very name, less in the physical consequences of staying away and more in the thought of abandonment and hatred from the man he loves so much. Forgiveness is so hard to earn in its entirety, and you, fabulous author, left the ending in that sweet realm of not-quite-happy, not-quite-unhappy, with hope for their broken selves and the healing that will come glimmering on the horizon.
Thank you. It's beautiful.
Finally found the time for some comments...
[b]God Rest You, Dr. Watson[/b]
Such a sweet story! Poor John - although I enjoyed imagining Mycroft helping carry him (and the shopping) - awfully nice of him! And I also enjoyed thinking of Sherlock investigating the case of a missing husky!
(The Tunalock story - I *love* that Shrlock is a 'beautiful slender tuna' and OMG MYCROFT IS AN OCTOPUS I am dead hahah. SUCH a cute story!)
[b]A Singular Gentleman[/b]
Such an interesting and original story. I liked the novelty of it, and how the characters were depicted in this universe - and the fact that they were still very much 'them' despite the totally different circumstances. I also have a weak spot for the writing and the language used....very nice.
Christmas is ForGiving
This was kind of upsetting. But it was well-written. I could really see and feel both Sherlock and John's pain, though I was just a little surprised that John blamed Sherlock for so much.
I liked the resolution at a end. It was good, but not so perfect that it's unbelievable.
Molly Hooper´s Last Boyfriend
Dear unknown authors, do you want to give me a stroke right before this Christmas?
Just yesterday we had this very angsty fic and bam! Today it´s followed by another, even darker and angstier. Brrr!
Your story, dear author, is a very original take on canonical case of "Illustrious Client" and I really enjoyed how you built the scenes on canon, but still gave me a load of big surprises throughout the tale. The reappearance of Irene Adler was a great idea and her role in the action as a badass satisfied me to no end. I loved your interactions between John and Sherlock. John´s fear and his rush into the hospital after "the murderous attack on Sherlock Holmes" made it to the papers was just as moving as in Doyle´s original and your canon-compliant remark about Chinese pottery made me laugh.
And yet that ending! Poor Molly´s cruel fate! I´m crying. I had a foreboding of dark things to come when I saw "unhappy ending" among your prompts and God, did you manage to create an unhappy ending of gigantic proportions, indeed.
Baron Gruner was positively demonic here. So glad Irene Adler had repaid him his perversity as he deserved. Still, I´m brokenhearted. Gotta go and see a stream of cute kittens videos to make my mood better.
Maybe this will cheer you up a little:
All writers have answered to my mails finally. All fics will be finished anytime soon. And thanks to an emergency elf who decided against taking part first but volunteered to write something just last Wednesday, we will have one fic more than participants now.
Big thanks to all who offered ideas and were willing to help!!!
This is very good news.
Molly Hooper's last boyfriend.
Oh gosh, dear anon author, I'm all shook up after you're wonderful retelling of the Illustrious Client. I'm so glad Irene dealt decisively with that truly horrible man but oh, I'm so sad to see Molly murdered. Poor woman. I hope we'll never have to witness that in the series. I love her too much for that.
Thank you for writing me such a thrilling fic in which you managed to cram all my totally unreasonable requests. I'm such a sucker for Sherlock in those beautifully tailored suits and dressing robes. Derek Rose indeed. That's a detail that makes me very happy.
And you really worked in a lot of the dialogue in such an appealing way. I also thought you're characterisation of both John and Sherlock spot on. John as the staunch friend and voice of reason who nevertheless complies with the Sherlock madness and Sherlock just being his own impossible self with a heart of gold hidden beneath the abrasive behaviour (I almost wrote exterior but that wouldn't be quite true, now would it?)
Oh and I totally loved your rendition of Gordon, eh, I mean Greg, which felt very true to the man we see on screen as well. All in all a truly marvellous fic, dear author. Thank you so much for writing such an engaging, thrilling, horrifying, wonderful tale.
Thank you!
Last edited by dioscureantwins (December 19, 2015 10:18 pm)