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November 4, 2015 10:34 pm  #401

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Ah, yes, I saw that a few days ago on Tumblr.  Very well put together/

Clueing for looks.

November 5, 2015 8:30 am  #402

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

That was the best to explain what Benedict achieved. Very impressive.

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)


November 7, 2015 1:20 am  #403

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Here is a review of BC's Hamlet that was recently published in the Globe and Mail (and Canada's own version of The New York Times, sort of... ) that nails some of the most powerful essence of the play (and of Benedict's performance IMO).

The only complaint I have with this is the headline - I don't think anything was "saved" by Benedict, whose performance was indeed the very emotional core of the play that was planned and plotted out by a seasoned master of a director.  This play (and the character) wasn't in need of being "saved" - both were part of a fully realised vision of actor and director working in tandem.  But I fully realise that the writer of the article had nothing to do with the headline, so the onus is all on that person - and not on Nestruck.

And I fully agree with Nestruck on his analysis of the characters of both Ophelia and Gertrude (and with his praise of A.H.'s fine performance).  Both women team up so lovely with Cumberbatch's sensitive and passionate Hamlet.  The most emotional point for me personally in the play was when Hamlet and his mother were having their moment before the prince stabbed a hiding Polonius. It still gives me the shivers recalling the torment and absolute fever pitch with which those lines were delivered!

Although I do think all the praise that was directed Benedict's way was well deserved, I think too little of this adoration was focused on the immense contribution of Turner (even Devlin et al get more frequent praise for their hand in the production).  She was given free rein by Cumberbatch himself when they first met to discuss the parametres of the play that he wanted her to direct, so it was she who came up with the basic dynamics of the characters and the focus of the themes behind the words of Shakespeare.  And I have to hand it to her, she did an outstanding job! 

This is truly a 400 year old play that is relevant to the modern day and age.  It is about transgenerational trauma both personal and political, and at the same time it is a very emotionally intimate and thoughtful examination of what it is to be a human.   That kind of material hopefully will never go out of style... and with actors like BC and directors like LT, there doesn't seem much danger of this happening, thank goodness.


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch

November 7, 2015 1:23 pm  #404

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Just an ending thought about all the reactions to BC's pleas at the curtain calls for donations to Save the Children (and for more humane consideration towards refugees fleeing from war torn areas)...
there was a recent opinion article from the site The Stage by Richard Gordon in which he posits the question "Was Cumberbatch right to use curtain call as a soapbox?" He concludes that he wasn't but I will leave you with a link so that you can explore in more detail his reasonings if you are so interested.

But what really struck my interest was this very thoughtful comment below the column -

"Anika Ullmann
Nov 6, 2015 at 8:32 pm
I agree with Jon Boydon and find the criticism rather irritating. He did not offer his name for this campaign or the awards. Rather the campaign is using him to get attention. They even use a quote from his Stage Door plea to not film him and use it like it was something he said about the campaign.

I personally found his speech (during the NTL screening and live) very moving and above all very genuine. I donated twice. Not only because it was he who asked but because I agree with him. Last week in Miss Saigon the cast was collecting for Acting for Others. I donated as well. No star power involved.

I do not really see that the comparison with going to a mechanic holds. People who find themselves in the audience of a theatre or musical in London have paid quite some money to see a performance. They probably had a great dinner before and probably a nice ice cream during the break. They/We are in the amazing position to be able to have the luxury to enjoy art and think about it’s messages in a save and comfortable environment. It should not be too much to ask, that those who can enjoy life (and they/we absolutely have the right to do so) also donate some money to help others. Maybe his actions brought some unwanted harsh reality into that beautiful and dearly beloved bubble that is the London theatre. For me it does not burst the bubble but makes me more appreciative of it.

Also, the theatre or musicals are political environments. It would be rather odd, to be moved by a mother who kills herself so that her son might get a better life than she did after her country was torn by war, but not be interested in real people getting in boats, dying to get their family away from war. Or to join Hamlet in his thinking process regarding people dying in a fight over a worthless piece of land in Poland and not be wondering about useless deaths happening now everyday. Does the author of this article want us to sit in dark theatres and care more about fiction than life? Art is political.

Cumberbatch’s plea was, for me, him acting as a worldcitizen who is in the lucky position to be a multiplier, not only for his personal interests, but a general stance to life and living together on this planet that many feel a part of. His actions were the difference between over 150.000,00 GBP raised or not raised. I think this descision is an easy one."

There has been a lot of inflammatory ink printed lately about Cumberbatch's recent sparky "feck the politicians!" remark, most of it not worth repeating, honestly.  But this reasoned and calmly laid out comment really caught my eye.  I agree totally with Anika Ullmann when she praises BC for his right as a worldcitizen to avail himself of his priviledged position to help others. She is also correct when she points out that "art is political" - especially so in the case of this production of Hamlet.  The connection is there in the language of Shakespeare and themes that Turner/Cumberbatch lay before the audience in their presentation.  BC's impassioned entreaty at curtain call actually brings the play's connection with the "now" world outside the theatre walls full circle and makes it all the more relevent.     

Bravo to Cumberbatch... and bravo to Ullmann for articulating an argument that lays Gordon's message to waste.

Here's the link to The Stage site for those who want to view the content within its context -


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch

November 7, 2015 3:03 pm  #405

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

It's such a good thing I'm not famous because I say feck the Politicians on a daily basis.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

November 7, 2015 3:30 pm  #406

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

He really should have said feck the government,...they're the ones in power.


November 8, 2015 9:00 pm  #407

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Well, everyone, I'm back and the time has finally come for me to say what I thought of the show that I've been to a screening.  I don't know whether I have much to say, except that I enjoyed it.  Everyone was right, Benedict was great.  He did a lot, both acting-wise and otherwise, he moved around set pieces like the others and was very energetic.  I can understand why he would be tired and hungry at the end of every show.  And his marching up and down inside the toy castle as if there were steps was a nice comedic moment!

Even though there were some parts of the text taken out, as far as specific lines that were said, I do not think it hurt the show at all.  While it has been two years since I read Hamlet, I didn't notice anything missing.  And my mum and I both noted that the way everything was performed made it understandable.  The Shakespearean language is still there, of course, but I never found myself lost in what was happening or where they were in the story,

I found myself amazed at how big the Barbican is.  Wow! The stage is huge! 
My mum and I both thought the staging was good, creative, interesting.

Since this thread can contain spoilers, I will talk about specific moments that stood out to me (though I liked the whole thing).  When, right before intermission, when Claudius speaks and then the dirt and rubble starts flying it around him, was a great moment.  I had been wondering where in the story they were going to pause for intermission, and I thought that was a very interesting way to do it.

I thought the way they showed Gertrude being affected by Ophelia's death, finding her trunk and her wrecked camera was moving without her speaking a word.

I thought Polonius' portrayal was very good, and when he died I was not only sad because that is a part of the story that I always find sad, but also because it meant that his performance was over.

Something comedic that had nothing to do with the play itself was near the end when Horatio (I think) says "All is quiet." Right after he said that, the air conditioning in the theatre came on. (Not quiet anymore!).

We're both glad we saw this show.  I'm glad I didn't miss out on it.  
The thing is, that night I already wanted to watch it again.  But even if it gets a DVD release, it will probably be only in the UK. I'll just have to hope for the best.

Clueing for looks.

November 26, 2015 11:10 am  #408

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Three well-deserved awards for Benedict, Lyndsey Turner, and Es Devlin. Congrats!

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


November 26, 2015 11:18 am  #409

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

That is great!!! Well done!

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)


November 26, 2015 11:45 am  #410

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Finally some recognision for their excellent work! I was so angry about Standard Evening's snub!

Last edited by miriel68 (November 26, 2015 11:46 am)


November 26, 2015 12:11 pm  #411

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Very well deserved!! 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3

November 26, 2015 2:11 pm  #412

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Voted by the public. This is the best recognition you can get although critics' awards may be more prestigious. But I suppose in the end Benedict does not work for the critics but for us. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


November 26, 2015 2:29 pm  #413

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Benedict works for us and for the pleasure of creating something new.  He is an artist.  *sigh*

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

December 3, 2015 2:27 pm  #414

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Whats On Stage Awards - the production has been nominated in seven categories, there are even double nominations in two categories. So go and vote if you think "Hamlet" should get the recognition it deserves. Since it is another award given by the public, the people they did this for, their chances of winning in some categories are not bad.

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


December 3, 2015 3:11 pm  #415

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

I've voted, naturally! 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3

December 3, 2015 3:15 pm  #416

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Who hasn't?

I'd be lost without my blogger.
"It’s not a ‘gang’ show, it’s the Sherlock and John show. It’s about developing their characters and their relationship, and the characters drawn into their orbit.”  Steven Moffat


December 3, 2015 4:27 pm  #417

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Did anyone else find something wonky about the voting? 

After I filled in my email and postal code I voted and when I checked back all the categories I voted for registered EXCEPT Ben for best actor!  I just looked like I hadn't voted for anyone in that category (but all the others showed that I couldn't vote again).  I tried voting again for him and when I checked back again it showed up like I hadn't voted for anyone.  No matter how many time I voted it wouldn't register as a vote.

Has anyone else checked back to see if their vote for him "stuck" and was registered?


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch

December 3, 2015 4:53 pm  #418

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

No, I just hoped...voted for Mark and Lara, too.


December 3, 2015 10:43 pm  #419

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

So is anyone even the least bit curious as to whether their vote for Ben is counting towards the end tally or not?


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch

December 3, 2015 11:01 pm  #420

Re: Hamlet at the Barbican - contains spoilers about the production

Yeah, it doesn't seem to be "remembering" that I've voted for him either. All the other categories I voted in say "you've already submitted your vote for this category" but it's allowing me to vote again and again for BC without saying I have already voted. Very weird!

Edit: Actually, I just went into the website again using the same email address and postcode, and now it's not showing the nominees for Best Actor in a Play and the rest of the categories I voted for Hamlet (but all the other categories I didn't vote in are shown) so I guess that means my vote has registered.

Last edited by ukaunz (December 3, 2015 11:10 pm)



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