SusiGo wrote:
Could be, I'm not sure. But they can't keep away from his curls, can they?
And I read in some tumblr blog/interview that he doesn't like his 'Sherlock hair' because he thinks it makes him look like a girl! The man is delusional! Those dark curls make him one of the most gorgeous men on the planet! It just goes to show that when you look in a mirror your perception of your self is not the same as how others perceive you.
I read that too. maybe he'd be happier with red hair, then he could be the new dr who. But I love Ben/Sherlock with those black curls. It's the character, for me.
A bit of a different view:
Last edited by Mattlocked (August 8, 2012 11:00 am)
That's an interesting perspective. On the second photo he seems to look down thinking: Holy hell, what did I let myself in for?
he didn't look too scared, when he was filming that from the roof!! (swoons)
That is just plain naughty if Benedict had read the board he is holding up before the photo was taken because I'm sure he would know that II is 2 in Latin
then the board reads----- yup
ok Naughty but nice nod to us if he thinks we are bright enough to get his sense of humour there.
It may be because I studied three years of Latin when I was a teenager, or because I am a Roman History nerd, but that's precisely what I found most funny about this picture. Well, this and Ben's expression (naughty boy)
Irene, you of all people calling someone else naughty!
Oh, wait, that's your job, isn't it?
veecee wrote:
Irene, you of all people calling someone else naughty!
Oh, wait, that's your job, isn't it?
Of course it is, my dear. Calling people naughty, posh and brainy
Etiam linguam latinam loquor.
Greek and Latin are still very much in use in our field of work (medicine), and funny proverbs and sticky notes are forever going around ;)
Weird that you guys read that as naughty. The expression on his face rather suggested to me that he was tired and wanted to go sleep!
Wholocked wrote:
Weird that you guys read that as naughty. The expression on his face rather suggested to me that he was tired and wanted to go sleep!
You know, this is the whole show in a nutshell, isn't it? Written lines, facial expressions, little jokes, all rather ambiguous and open to interpretation by the viewer. That's the beauty of it.
Yup, the little joke here could be: Ben/Sherlock is tired and wants to go to bed. Or it could be the naughty version because we see Ben/Sherlock as so sexy. Either version is fine by me; but, from reading interviews about Ben, he seems kind of sweet and boyish and was probably joking around about being tired - not the "come hither" version.
NO!! You are all wrong. This is Sherlock series 2, just before he filmed that Bed Scene in the SIB episode. You know, when the bed pops up outta nowhere?
sherlockskitty wrote:
NO!! You are all wrong. This is Sherlock series 2, just before he filmed that Bed Scene in the SIB episode. You know, when the bed pops up outta nowhere?
Kitty, are you sure? It looks like a city skyline behind him, not the countryside where they shot the bed scene. Anyway, I don't think it really matters what scene the clapper board is indicating. We're all reacting to the words on the board and Ben's puppy dog face just above it. It's funny.
No I'm not actually sure--I think you guys are right. I was only reacting to what you guys were rambling on about. I love our deductions!! Oh after looking at the pic a little closer, I'm reminded of a christmas song called "Up on the Housetop" In this case, he's on a roof!!
I think I saw that picture in an article about the end of series 2 filming. I don't now what it was they filmed the last, but Ben is wearing his famous coat (at least I think that's the famous coat collar) and in the bed scene, it was Irene who had the coat on.
I would say it's Saint Bart's roof
**Copyrighted image removed**
Don't you think that, just lately, he is looking more like a grownup than a teenager? Must be the Star Trek workouts. Whatever the cause, I like the look.
Ooh, and the rolled-up sleeve look. One of my favs.
Last edited by hepzibah (October 28, 2012 2:22 pm)
Yeah, there is this Bond-y thing more and more.... Not sure if I like it, but on the other hand when I discovered Sherlock I didn't like his teenager-look, either.
Women - you just can't suit them!
hepzibah wrote:
Don't you think that, just lately, he is looking more like a grownup than a teenager? Must be the Star Trek workouts.
Whatever the cause, I like the look. Ooh, and the rolled-up sleeve look. One of my favs.
At 36, it's certainly time for him to look like a grown-up, lol. This white rolled-up-sleeve shirt look is sex on a stick, IMO. Good lord. *fans self*
KeepersPrice wrote:
tobeornot221b wrote:
Oh, those signs of panic in Sherlock's eyes as he fears to lose John...
Thanks for this picture tobe. Even though Sherlock told Irene he's never begged in his life, I like to think he came as close as he ever will in this scene as John kept walking away from him no matter what he said to him. Yeah, I know it wasn't really begging - just his way of an apology - but it's my own cozy little secret interpretation - and I offer no apologies for it!
Mmmm. Me likes the way you thinks.
I know he can manipulate people, but.... in that scene, he seemed genuinely disturbed by the idea that he a) doesn't own John or his time or affection or the help he gives him and b) John is a proud man in his own right and could say "enough" at any moment and c) no one else in his sorry life had ever stuck around as long as John had and d) WTF would he do if John "went out for some air" some day and chose never to come back? I like to see that scene as genuine, as close to an apology as SH ever gets, and proof positive that Sherlock is not dead inside, not by any means.