We are going to collect ours at the box office.
I changed mine to be picked up at the box office too... I was soo freaked out about the mail being late...
But I heard someone in the UK did get theirs
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (July 29, 2015 8:22 pm)
I didn't choose to collect them at the box office, so does anybody have an idea how many days in advance (approximately) they are delivered?
diva wrote:
TwoSouls wrote:
I'm so ridiculously excited about this. I'm going to see the play at the end of August and have decided not to look for reviews when they come out because I don't want to be influenced by them, when I finally see it. I just hope I'll have the discipline.
My seat is at the back of the stalls. Does anybody know the Barbican and can tell me if I should bring an opera glass?I've been to the Barbican Theatre before and as far as I recall it is actually rather small and intimate so you are not that far from the stage. I haven't seen anyone using opera glasses there but it can't hurt to bring one just in case you want to have a close look at some details.
Thanks diva. I'll think about bringing one just in case.But good to know that it is rather small. The size of a room is always hard to judge from a photograph.
The site I ordered tickets from said 'up to 5 days before the performance' and The Barbican says '3 weeks before'... *rubs chin*
I think you can still change it, try to call the ticket provider (and don't make my mistake and wate in a long line when they have peak hours. Ugh. That was an expensive phone call)
TwoSouls wrote:
diva wrote:
TwoSouls wrote:
I'm so ridiculously excited about this. I'm going to see the play at the end of August and have decided not to look for reviews when they come out because I don't want to be influenced by them, when I finally see it. I just hope I'll have the discipline.
My seat is at the back of the stalls. Does anybody know the Barbican and can tell me if I should bring an opera glass?I've been to the Barbican Theatre before and as far as I recall it is actually rather small and intimate so you are not that far from the stage. I haven't seen anyone using opera glasses there but it can't hurt to bring one just in case you want to have a close look at some details.
Thanks diva. I'll think about bringing one just in case.
But good to know that it is rather small. The size of a room is always hard to judge from a photograph.
Rather "small" with nearly 1200 seats?
No, of course you are right. I think the way it is built gives an acceptable view from most of the seats, doesn't it?
At least that's the information you get when you do some research on the Barbican.
But with photos it's always difficult to tell. We've seen pics which were taken from the stage and gave a view out onto the audience, and on those pics it looked rather huge. But looking from the audience onto the stage it doesn't look all that huge after all.
Ugh, I "only" have seats in the circle, now I get nervous I won't see a thing...
An opera glass could help but I think it could be worse.
Thanks, dear. If I'm correct my seats are not too bad after all.
...and now, because Susi just mentioned this to me, maybe we should talk about the Barbican, seats and everything non-spoilerish in the old thread.
Spoilerish stuff belongs here. Especially everything that comes up after the premiere.
Alright, Solar, alright...
The mod's hint was my command.
I don't know if this is a spoilerish thing... but does anyone know how long the show will take, and if there will be breaks?
I hope it lasts as long as possible!! ... but due to my health I would like to know this...
EDIT: Sorry I just found it myself... 3 hours with a 20 minute intival... holy crepe.
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (July 30, 2015 9:29 am)
Yeah, Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's longer plays. But it's good, so if it's a good production it shouldn't drag too much. King Lear is long as well, and as for non-Shakespeare Angels in America is also very long but moves along quickly. I'm sure if you're enjoying yourself, even though it will be long, you will be happy that it isn't shorter.
Sounds very promising:
My tummy does flickflacks when I read stuff like that. Why can't time move faster?
Even though I'm not going to get to actually attend Hamlet, I am very excited that more news is starting to come out. I will be glued to the media coverage.
Here is a very good article from the Guardian discussing different generations of actors and what has changed for Benedict and his generation: