I don't watch too many non-English movies. I watch some Norwegian movies, obviously, and some Japanese. My list of recommendation would be:
1. Tokyo Story
2. Maborosi
3. Die Fetten Jahre sind Vorbei
I've seen tons of French movies but that doesn't count as I'm French
Otherwise, I've seen a lot of Japanese movies, mostly animated ones (Ghibli but not only). My husband's grandma was japanese and my husband spoke japanese fluently, so he made me watch many movies and animated series in original version (with subtitles, but I ended up knowing quite many words in japanese)
I've seen other Asian movies like In the mood for love (what an amazing movie! I think you either adore it or hate it, but I find it really beautiful and poetical) or Hero.
Then I've seen a couple of German, Italian, Danish etc movies, but most of the time it was dubbed.
I saw In the Mood for Love almost two years ago for a class. I liked it. I thought it was interesting how it told the story in a somewhat elliptical way, using offscreen space and only repeating a couple different pieces of music for the soundtrack. Sometimes the music still comes to mind, and even though I don't remember a lot of the movie since it's been some time since I've seen it, I still think of it every once in a while.