I stumbled on this ( i think I did once before; pre-mod days) and thought people may be interested in it.
I am simply because (oh no, this is a scary confession now) I have never seen Martin in anything except Sherlock.
Please do not lynch me or anything, I am a poor little Aussie who has never had the opportunity to see him I guess.
I shall endeavour to rectify this & report back when I do.
Anyway, enjoy the site and forget about my short comings huh?
Thank you
I'm always a little short on Martin info.
I also haven't seen him in that much else but it has a bit to do with the fact that he sometimes... chooses weird roles. As in roles in questionable movies.
kazza474 wrote:
I stumbled on this ( i think I did once before; pre-mod days) and thought people may be interested in it.
I am simply because (oh no, this is a scary confession now) I have never seen Martin in anything except Sherlock.
Please do not lynch me or anything, I am a poor little Aussie who has never had the opportunity to see him I guess.
I shall endeavour to rectify this & report back when I do.
Anyway, enjoy the site and forget about my short comings huh?
kazza, I'm unable to connect to this link. Is it one of those that only works in UK?
It won't work for me either, I've just tried it and I'm in the UK.
Davina wrote:
It won't work for me either, I've just tried it and I'm in the UK.
Maybe it's been taken down. Is this the one his brother ran? I remember reading somewhere not long ago that one of his brothers (don't remember which one, though he was named in the article) had been running a fan site for Martin but it had been closed (no reason given).