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March 31, 2015 11:45 pm  #1

House of Cards (US)

I started this thread because Dan and I have started watching House of Cards (US) on Netflix recently.  I don't know if anyone else has seen this series or not but it is very addictive and interesting. 

Kevin Spacey stars in it (along with Robin Wright) and is listed as one of the executive producers as well. 

We binge watched it (until we got a warning from our internet provider that we had used up 85% of our limit on it) and now have seen all of the first two seasons, as well as 3 of the third. 

The last episode we saw guest starred none other than Lars Mikkelsen (AKA Charles Augustus Magnussen himself).   He played a deliciously creepy Russian PM. 

Spacey is fabulous in this role as is Robin Wright.  They are soooooo Macbeth and Lady Macbeth - pure Shakespearean in their make-up and execution. 

This show alone is worth getting the Netflix service - really... it's that good. 

As soon as April rolls around (in less than 5 hours) we will definitely finish off the other 10 hours in a couple of days... so if you have seen it and want to discuss things on this thread don't be afraid of spoilers because I will be up to speed on the entire series in a matter of days. 

In the meantime, here's a couple of thoughts...

Frank Underwood - dark character or darkest character in TV history?

Claire Underwood - is she even more evil than Frank?

Is there any redeeming character on the show???

Or just evil characters with some redeeming qualities??


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch

April 1, 2015 8:28 am  #2

Re: House of Cards (US)

Well, hey there! 
Awesome.  Another thread to wax twistedly on another favorite twisted show with someone who's seen it.  Although, gah, you guys are fast!  I love the idea of soaking up your favorite stuff through binge-watching (and fascinating how the shifting form of the medium is making that more commonplace, huh), but realistically have trouble having a block of time for that, and wanting space in between to let my mind peruse it.  So I'm only 5 in and you'll be done long before me, as far as spoilers here go.  But still...

Nice thoughts.  Yes, definitely Shakespearean and a heck of a sharply written train-wreck of drama you love to watch, despite it's horribleness.  And oh good, then…  you've seen THAT episode we had fun mentioning in Lars' thread.  The one where he's chewing the scenery being deliciously creepy…  ;D   Were you guys laughing and/or gaping too?  How cool was the Pussy Riot/modern issues tie-in, and the different character tete a tete's?

I find it neatly fascinating how popular it is in other countries… I mean, I never heard of the British version until this came along and thought it would be neat to watch, but wasn't sure would truly 'get' everything the same way, knowing little about their system.  But basics are basics, I suppose (plus the popularity of the actors or fascination with political portrayals?), and apparently it's hugely popular (and was pirated) in China, India, Australia, Poland, France, and Greece.  The Chinese have a big love of sharp drama it seems… this is pretty cool!:
(can't help but wonder though what kind of light they view it in, so to speak?  Especially considering the second season arc… this article has some interesting words to say about that: )

As far as being redeeming goes, I think Freddy fits in that list, don't you?  And Rachel/Lisa/Adam Galloway/the reporters, et al. who unfortunately got sucked into the Underwood's crossfire.  All 'innocents'?  And Peter Russo… maybe?  He just got in over his head with the game being played, but wasn't exactly innocent.  I feel like we're supposed to feel bad for poor President Walker, who was a direct casualty of the Underwoods, even though he couldn't prove it.

Everyone else, though… yeah… they're just playing the game to varying evil degrees.    Don't think I've seen too many as dark as Frank.  Still can't help but love to watch how the heck he's going to navigate each turn (even though the second season went a little over the top).  I do give Claire a point though, for trying to help that young military woman who had a breakdown, and you see her show actual remorse for realizing what happens to the innocents hurt in their political games.  She touches on that again with the American gay activist caught in Russia you've probably heard of already, and will see more of soon.

Sorry… know you didn't mean to focus on all that kind of stuff, probably!  And I talk a lot.  ;P  Often love entertainment for entertainment's sake, of course… but as would be fittingly obvious among Sherlockians, love to muse all aspects of it, too.


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

April 1, 2015 9:18 am  #3

Re: House of Cards (US)

Great idea to open a thread for that amazing show.

It's not that big in Germany, at least not on the tele, so we binge-watched the first two seasons last year on DVD.
It's really hard to stop watching once you've started, because it's getting more and more dramatic and twisted with each episode. I sometimes (well, a lot of times, to be honest) sat there with my mouth open because I couldn't believe it... and at the same time, I totally believed it.
It's dark and believable, Frank and Claire are dark and believable, it all makes total sense to me. This definitely is one of the best roles I've ever seen Kevin Spacey in (and I've seen absolutely everything with him). His Frank is sharp and twisted and clever and manipulative and, yes, pretty sexy at times. Same goes for Robin's Claire, they are so perfect together.

Russell, you've mentioned the different political systems. It's true, it took us a while to fully understand how it works in the US. All those agreements behind other people's backs and who conspires with whom and how that can change within seconds... I'm sure it's basically the same in German politics, but without knowing much about the system's structure it sometimes was hard to follow. But even then it was highly fascinating to just listen to all the brilliant dialogue, to watch Frank saying one thing and then five minutes later do something the complete opposite to what was said... just brilliant. That really is television drama at its best.

I'm not sure about Frank being the darkest character in TV history, but he's definitely darker than many characters who appear dark at the very first sight. We've watched "Hannibal" with Mads Mikkelsen a while ago, and of course Hannibal without a doubt is a dark character, but on a completely different level. I think Frank's darkness is more shocking because on the surface he doesn't appear to be all that dark. He is hungry for power, he has a goal he wants to reach... but for quite a while I didn't think he'd be willing to become a murderer for that goal. I was so wrong...  

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


April 3, 2015 9:17 pm  #4

Re: House of Cards (US)

Well, we finished season 3 today (we could have done it sooner but we wanted to string it out a bit just to savour it a little while longer). 

WOW!!  is all I am going to say! 

I love how KS has a way of playing Francis so that despite you hating what he has done and is capable of doing you still can't help but feel some type of sympathy (at least both Dan and I do) when things go wrong for him.  It has to do with the way the character is written of course but also in the way Spacey plays him.  Incredible! 

He is so "fake" nice to people (but totally convincing while doing it), smarmy, and calm on the outside but all the while you know (because you see him when no one is looking and he allows you to hear his thoughts occasionally) he is totally capable of immense cruelty and monstrously cold deeds.  

Robin W. is something else too.  She is almost like a Cylon at times - alien like with her smooth exterior but like Frank, she is extremely calculating and measured in almost everything she does. 

I loved all of the moments we got to spend with Lars Mikkelsen as the Russian PM.  Great job of acting. 

If you haven't seen the third season then you are in for a real treat.  I think the writers enjoy keeping everyone on edge and have a real knack for pulling the rug from under our proverbial feet whenever it seems like we could guess what will happen next.  I really am constantly being surprised by the writing in this series.


"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch
     Thread Starter

April 6, 2015 5:57 am  #5

Re: House of Cards (US)

Solar - Yeah, that's exactly I meant with my wondering fascination - I mean, thousands of people watch this abroad (and a ton pirated in China!).  Wonder what they 'get' with it.  Especially interesting considering the season two arc with China.  That's why I was curious of the British 'original' but wasn't sure how much detail would be lost on me - admittedly a bit clueless with the details of other systems beyond the basic big picture.  Sure, the basics of politics/politicians still stand no matter which country, I think, like I said previously - all the lobbying and politician shoulder-rubbing to get a bill passed or cater to special interests.  But, ahem… we at least know it's amplified in the show and take it with a grain of salt (frustrating sad truth aside that a lot of that does happen, even with crappy bills that somehow manage to pass anyway ;P).  But I see what the article was saying, with stuff like that being how China possibly sees us.

But still… everyone knocks it out of the park.  And tying so many actual modern issues or country problems right into what they're doing is great.  Even if it's a bit over the top at times.    So, curious then, any further thoughts on the 'redeeming characters' thing brought up?

And Val - …dang!  Already done despite "stringing it out"?    I still got six chapters to go, then can hash things out more.  But you exactly described my feelings for those two (and Lars' awesome cameo).  My friend and I get so hilariously mixed up with whether to hate them, or delight in watching them succeed (or sympathizing with and even rooting for, wondering what the heck will come next).  Perfect writing/acting to pull off.  And it's all the twisted connections between the people, and the visuals, even metaphorical, like when Frank was working on his toy model battleground.  Even funnier having heard snippets of interview with the creators, who were amused to hear about some politicians enjoying their show… and Kevin is even friends with Bill Clinton (there's a picture of the two of them in Frank's office once), who reportedly likes it as well. 


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

April 16, 2015 9:35 am  #6

Re: House of Cards (US)

This is on my 'must watch' list. The original, from what I can recall was just great! 

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

April 23, 2015 4:49 am  #7

Re: House of Cards (US)

Whoo!  Finally finished.  And… I have no idea how to feel about, I think?        
Bumping this thread hoping to hear thoughts!  We brought up the whole 'redeemable' characters idea already and listed some in first post, was still curious about.  And also the comments about how long they'd go on for, what with keeping the story tight with their Shakespearean style format rise-then-fall.  As it is, I look forward to watching more, but don't see how they could do more than one more season to cover Underwood's inevitable 'fall' without dragging it out.

And, sheesh… is no one here redeemable? (except mostly the 'innocent' side characters?)  Do we sympathize more with Claire? 
How'd you like the feel of the season?  Or especially how ended?  I'm still mixed about… especially whether certain characters deserve certain (or more) consequences.  (can use spoiler tags if want, referring to the last episode).  But still… 'Wow', like Ah-chie said.  Was spluttering at the screen at certain characters at times.  Especially Lars!


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

May 7, 2015 7:06 am  #8

Re: House of Cards (US)

Bump!   …. maybe?      Val…  maybe Solar?  Just love to hear any further/deeper thoughts to above.
Alternatively, heard any news on?  Just that they're in pre-production right now, to start filming again soon. 


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

May 7, 2015 7:23 am  #9

Re: House of Cards (US)

Oh Russell, I'd really love to join the conversation, but I still haven't seen S3... and it probably will take a while before I get the chance to watch it. 
But yes, I read somewhere that there will be a fourth season. Can't comment on that, either... I know that after two seasons I absolutely love the show, and from where I stand right now I'd say: Yes, give us as many seasons as possible. At the same time I'm pretty sure that the concept of the show isn't one that can go on forever... So like a already said, I can't wait to see the third season, and I can't wait to find out for myself whether or not I think a fourth season to be a good idea. 

Last edited by SolarSystem (May 7, 2015 7:24 am)

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


May 7, 2015 8:03 pm  #10

Re: House of Cards (US)

Oh, my bad!     Wasn't sure from post whether you had gotten through it yet or not.  Takes me forever sometimes to catch up on various shows, too (still behind on a number of things our boys were in!).    Just was wondering thoughts or things to get to hash out with, having only one real life friend as fascinated with it as I am!  And he's the right combination of sharply-written-drama-loving and political type too, talking plenty about the great acting and twisting of characters and motives, and realism of it, bordering into insanely evil exaggeration that we somehow love to watch, as you've noticed from the first couple seasons, which rings some truth no matter which country's political system you're talking about, don't you think?

And I agree, as mentioned previously... taking a cue from the way the British one was, the story kind of demands the beginning-rise-fall format, and wondered if season 3 would be it.  Typically of course, they wanted to stick a few more story lines in there and go more in depth with presidential stuff, hence dragging it out to leave us wondering about his "fall" for (a confirmed) season 4.  Which I can't wait to see, but also hope they don't extend it longer than necessary either? 
You talked before though about the 'darkness', and Francis definitely at the top of the chain for that.  Even Claire and Remy are horribly manipulative, but I still can't help but think that of them, Claire's at least the most redeemable, or at least more of a conscience?  Frank just seems to have no goals or loves other than power and his wife.


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

May 8, 2015 9:09 pm  #11

Re: House of Cards (US)

Give me a few weeks and I'll catch up (so many shows to watch, and this one is definitely on my list.)

I'd be lost without my blogger.
"It’s not a ‘gang’ show, it’s the Sherlock and John show. It’s about developing their characters and their relationship, and the characters drawn into their orbit.”  Steven Moffat


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