Yes, for sure - one single fic may earn immortality
Phew, I wrote the word correctly (and not immorality)
No Freudian slip of the tongue?
ancientsgate wrote:
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
I love her writing, I think she's brilliant: and I also think she's uncompromisingly brave. She doesn't pander to popular fandom views of the characters at the expense of her own writing and telling a great story. I *do* see her take a lot of "criticism" in her comment pages from those who don't like her authorial treatments of John and Mary; but to me, she's a breath of fesh air. I like her logic when it comes to characterizations; they make sense-- more sense than some of the writers I've seen who will bend over backwards to make Mary a sympathetic character in ways that ...just don't make any sense whatsoever, and those who give John a pass, and ignore just how much Sherlock was hurt by the whole mess of TRF through s3. In other words, I think she's one of the few writers willing to treat the characters pretty even-handedly.
Of course, this is only my own opinion. :-)Madlori is an author of considerable talent. I first found her in the Brokeback Mountain fandom-- one of her AU stories was rewritten (names changed) and published, you can buy it on amazon, the book is called Zero to the Bone (maybe it's Zero at the Bone, I forget). If you like gay romance, you'll love Zero. Later on, it was on her tumblr account that I heard about Sherlock and followed her over here.
One thing I like about her characters is that they're real-- they act and speak like real people really do, she doesn't write fantasyland stories, and she's not addicted to happy endings and la-la land scenarios where everything's all wine and roses. Which I realize some people don't like-- some must have a happy ending, every time, or they can't deal with it. I guess I don't have a problem rememering that the fan fic I read and the characters in the stories are all pieces of fiction. Sometimes I giggle or cry, of course, but fortunately, I don't have a problem with keeping fiction in its place, in my heart and mind.
Like you, just my own opinions.
Wholeheartedly agree. :-) Brilliant, thoughtful writer.
Aubundantly Queer
Oooh, Chryse is perfect, I agree.
Ok then. I nominate emmagrant01. I know she's written a lot of stories but she is most known for "A Cure for Boredom."
If I had a dollar for every time I've read that fic with one hand.
Oh crap, did I say that out loud?
I want to nominate skyefullofstars. She has written this three-piece series that is as long, nuanced and complex as a novel.
Vhanja wrote:
I want to nominate skyefullofstars. She has written this three-piece series that is as long, nuanced and complex as a novel.
What's it called?
OmG I just wanted to sneak in before breakfast to say how happy it made me ti see my name on that list. It's unbelievable.
Thank you so much.
And now I need to go and write something incredibly heartwarming. :-)
tonnaree wrote:
Vhanja wrote:
I want to nominate skyefullofstars. She has written this three-piece series that is as long, nuanced and complex as a novel.
What's it called?
There but for the grace of John Watson
Last edited by Vhanja (April 9, 2015 8:20 am)
Vhanja wrote:
tonnaree wrote:
Vhanja wrote:
I want to nominate skyefullofstars. She has written this three-piece series that is as long, nuanced and complex as a novel.
What's it called?
Ok. Thanks.
Have heard of The Boys of Baker Street but not gotten around to reading it.
I would recommend to start from the first fic in the series. It's divided into three, but it's really one, continous story.
Last edited by Vhanja (April 9, 2015 2:05 pm)
She is brilliant and I loved part 1 and 2 because she created a whole universe of her own. But as far as I know, part 3 has not been finished due to personal problems. In case she continues, I would be very happy.
Just started Part 1. Liking it so far but not totally hooked. Will certainly keep reading.
SusiGo wrote:
She is brilliant and I loved part 1 and 2 because she created a whole universe of her own. But as far as I know, part 3 has not been finished due to personal problems. In case she continues, I would be very happy.
Sadly, her husband died while writing part 3. She is back, though, and her newest chapter is being beta read now, so it should be out soon. She's replying on new comments, so it looks like she will continue.
tonnaree wrote:
Just started Part 1. Liking it so far but not totally hooked. Will certainly keep reading.
It is in parts very dark, sometimes you get the feeling that nothing good can ever come out of this. But it will. And it's very well written, with a very thought-through and complex story. (Also, I love her Mycroft).
This is good news. But then I will have to re-read at least the beginning of part 3 because I forgot so much in the meantime.
There are quite a few fics that call Sherlock a "brunet". Isn't his hair dyed black? I'm not sure myself as some close-up pics seem to indicate the tips being dark brown. Yet if you look at scenes like Sherlock and Mycroft in TEH after Sherlock was rescued and he tucks in his shirt and gets his Belstaff back, his hair seem coal black.
Last edited by Vhanja (April 11, 2015 8:17 pm)
Finished the first part of There but for The Grace of John Watson. Damn, that was good!
Started slow for me but once I was hooked, wow. Looking forward to part 2.