Benedict provided a 'filmed narration' on BBC1 in a run in to the Olympic programme at 7.00pm. I nearly choked when he was filmed getting into a black cab, although I noticed that he checked on the identity of the driver beforehand .
*edit due to link becoming dead; alternative one added.
Last edited by kazza474 (August 9, 2012 7:27 pm)
Thank you for posting the link, Tobe. "So take a deep breath." I always have to when hearing this voice .
That's brilliant that they chose Benedict to do that very important job. Woohoo
Loved seeing all the fan girl comments under the video on YouTube. I was laughing my head off. Someone wished he had said "The Games, Mrs. Hudson, are on!" That would have been so cool - but it wouldn't do to type cast him I guess.
Wasn't that wild at the end when he was up on that high building and raised his arms up!!! I was screaming. . So glad he got to have his part in this event!
Couldn't believe it when our satellite link went wron just at the start! Still working now. Managed to catch Ben's bit on YouTube.
'Let the games commence!' wow!
Apparently there were people on Tumblr saying 'step back from the edge Benedict'
The flag bearer of Belarus looks like Christopher Ecclestone. DOPPLEGAENGER.?
I am still excited about discovering this on Youtube a few minutes ago, because I had watched the ceremony with the rather stiff and boring German commentary and just out of sheer intuition said to my mother, as we're both great Sherlock and Benedict Cumberbatch-fans: "Well, maybe, he will be there too. Enjoying all this live. I'm convinced he had some part in that ceremony, some part, maybe he's just somewhere in the audience..."
And now I just went online to find that I was accidently even slightly right...huge grin plastered on my face now.
It really is a beautiful way to start the ceremony and he's the perfect person for it.
And yes, the Youtube comments were also quite fascinating...
I cringed when they actually played "Staying Alive" during the ceremony though.
Thanks for posting the video clip here--it was great to see Benedict's participation. Loved the Let the Games commence line.
Re hearing Stayin' Alive: I was like, OMG, was that a nod to Sherlock or what? Figured it wasn't but still, cool yet weird to hear it. And it went on for such a long time, too.
This may also have been a tribute to the Gibbs.
Davina wrote:
This may also have been a tribute to the Gibbs.
I don't really think so. No. I thought of Jim Moriarty at once.
Last night I was watching the youtube-video on my laptop when I had Sherlock on TV the same time on DasErste. ;-)
Benedict everywhere - what fun! ;-)
No longer available! should have recorded it...
I changed the link above. This should work now.
Uuuund.... im Sack! Thank you tobe!
Did you see the cooking-vid there? As it is not really olympic (well, maybe...) I posted it at "Ben's hands"
Benedict on fine form introducing film to London Olympic Games
Sorry, Sherlock, had no idea where else to put this. Move it if you like.
Darnit. Can't play it here in the US, I guess. Maybe it's somewhere on YouTube?
Anyway, makes me think of "Welcome to London" in The Study in PInk.
This has been posted already somewhere. I will find it & merge the threads.
Yes it is on YouTube.