Alas, it's not until autumn 2014:
The first link specifically mentions BBC Sherlock:
"It will use adaptations from the big and small screens — from Robert Downey Jr to Benedict Cumberbatch — to explore a detective whose image with deerstalker hat was established from the earliest book illustrations and by actor William Gillette both on stage and in a silent film."
I'm already booked to come to London again in August 2014 for Loncon 3 and the Discworld Convention, but I might have to try to swing coming back in the autumn/winter of 2014 as well to see this. :D
Anna M.C.
You must definitely tell us about your trip then! Maybe I'll get a chance to go though I would be happy just to go to London period. Have plenty of fun and make sure to make us envious ;D
I probably won't in good conscience be able to afford to go to London again so soon after next summer's trip, but I can hope. Depends on how long the exhibit lasts. Maybe I can manage if it's still there in late winter or early spring.
Anna M.C.
Has anybody been at the exhibition?
I'm wondering if I should re-schedule my holidays a bit to be able to make it before it closes on April 12th, but I'd feel more confident if I knew it was absolutely worth the trouble :D
Is it a must-see?
Well, isn't this grand. I actually was in London in August 2014, and didn't know about this.
Vhanja wrote:
Well, isn't this grand. I actually was in London in August 2014, and didn't know about this.
Sorry for you
London is a big place, one is bound to miss one thing or another, with so much going on.
Vhanja wrote:
Well, isn't this grand. I actually was in London in August 2014, and didn't know about this.
The exhibition only opened in October 2014 so you didn't miss anything in August.
It's still running until April 12 and I wonder if they might add a few more weeks... sometimes that happens when an exhibition proves to be very popular. An additional run of two weeks would mean that people who attend the Sherlocked Convention could see the exhibition too.
diva wrote:
An additional run of two weeks would mean that people who attend the Sherlocked Convention could see the exhibition too.
Someone should tell them if they didn't realise already. Could be well worth it for them.
Okay, I did tell them.
Maybe someone else could do so as well... maybe lots of someones... ;-)
(and maybe someone who is a bit more eloquent in english language than me ^^)
Okay, and I got an answer from Museum of London. Seems they knew about the convention, and thought it would be earlier (as we did).
the answer:
"Thank you for your interest in the Sherlock Holmes exhibition.
It’s unfortunate that the Sherlock convention, Sherlocked, originally planned for 2014 has been recently announced to take place after the exhibition closes. Sherlock enthusiasts who haven’t yet been able to visit the exhibition will be disappointed but regrettably due to a number of practical considerations and our loan agreements with other institutions and private lenders, the exhibition will close on 12 April 2015 and there is currently no plan to tour the exhibition.
Furthermore we commence de-install on 13 April and it's also not possible to give a guided tour of the exhibition in late April.
I hope that you enjoy the convention and your visit to London.
Regards ..."
Pity they can't extend the exhibition until late April, but very nice to know that you received such a quick and detailed reply. I have seen the exhibition twice and highly recommend it to everyone who can make it to London while it is still on.
Yeah, it's a really fun exhibition. I'm not sure it's really worth the price though...maybe for more casual fans of Sherlock Holmes, or people who are just getting into it as an interest, or general members of the public who don't know very much about it at all. But for someone who is a hardcore Sherlockian, I kind of whizzed through the entire exhibition in about fifteen minutes and was just like "yep, yep, yep...."
My favourite items from it were Benedict's Sherlock coat and one of his dressing gowns....and I liked the television screens that play clips from various different adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. Aside from that, I felt like a lot of the exhibits had extremely tenuous links to Holmes. At times I was just kind of stood there thinking, "really? this is pushing it a bit...."
I know this probably sounds like a bad review, but I did have rather a lot of fun in there. I would probably go every week if it was free...