This is probably old news to you, but I haven't seen it before and couldn't find a thread about this when I searched, so...
Guys, guys, guys! I haven't seen more than a third of it (1 of 3 videos), but this is the cutest! Louise Brealey interviews Ben infront of a crowd of Sherlockians about Sherlock. It's just before they start filming S3, it seems. So far, it's SO adorable! Louise reminds me so much of Molly, she even starts stammering and getting all flustered when Ben puts on his Ben Charm towards her. Everbody notices and the whole crowd cheers, it's awesome!
Not to mention the reaction of the crowd when Ben mentions the Buckingham Palace exit scene - and HIS reaction to that again. This is gold!
Here's the first of three videos of it:
Edit: Oh, and I'm happy. One in the audience asked the question I've been wondering myself - how it is he's able to cry on cue.
Last edited by Vhanja (February 3, 2015 4:59 pm)
Vhanja, I just had to post to tell you how much I loved that you put this up on the board. By the third segment I was head over heels in complete joy!
It was so much fun listening to him speak. And Louise Brealey was so much fun too. I think that it was her "interviewing" instead of a professional "host" made him much more relaxed (although I think I did catch him a couple of times rubbing his thigh but way less than he usually does).
And you are absolutely correct about how she sounded like Molly when he turned on his mega-bright "Ben Charm" - she just must adore him so much (and love coming to work).
Sometimes I had to play it back a number of times (not an onerous task let me tell you!) to fully understand what he was saying (not only did he talk rather quickly, but sometimes he dropped the level of his voice and along with his accent it made things hard for me to distinguish some words). But I found that I could pick up most of the words by about the third time or so.
Gosh, if I had anyone on the cast to choose from to interview him I think my runaway favourite would be Louise. She was entirely entertaining in her own right, but teamed with his natural charm and the conversational "chatty" tone of the whole experience, it made this a complete delight from start to finish.
Thanks again for finding this and posting here!
Q: BBC Sherlock is immensely popular in China. What are the affectionate nicknames for the two lead characters?
A: Curly Foo and Peanu
Oh I loved these clips, I only wish the picture and sound were better, but I understand it was surreptitiously filmed. If only the festival people made the interview available, or someone could do a transcript or something... Louise was so good, it really was like a conversation (well maybe a bit one sided). Benedict was so gorgeous. Is it possible for me to love him any more?! Seriously, I have the biggest crush