The only thing that matters is that they do kiss. And that we eventually get to see it.
And something not new but highly symbolic:
SusiGo wrote:
The only thing that matters is that they do kiss. And that we eventually get to see it.
And something not new but highly symbolic:
Oooh! Nice observation!
Sorry for being a party pooper, but that isn't the same shirt. John's shirt has pockets on the front, Sherlock's doesn't.
SusiGo wrote:
The only thing that matters is that they do kiss. And that we eventually get to see it.
And something not new but highly symbolic:
That's what happens when you get dressed in the dark.
*phone falling on the floor and shattering*
Aaaand a little detail that had slipped my attention
Last edited by mrshouse (January 9, 2015 8:50 am)
mrshouse wrote:
*phone falling on the floor and shattering*
Don't! Do! That!
mrshouse wrote:
Aaaand a little detail that had slipped my attention
Yeah, missed that as well.
gently69 wrote:
mrshouse wrote:
*phone falling on the floor and shattering*
Don't! Do! That!
This one is brilliant.
BTW, I really wanted to do some serious research for school on the internet when I stumbled over this one once more:
Last edited by Schmiezi (January 9, 2015 3:05 pm)
Btw, David Nellist does not stop at Twitter. Take a look at his Facebook page:
Sorry to interlope...but are you sure that's his actual page?
Last edited by Harriet (January 9, 2015 5:03 pm)
besleybean wrote:
Sorry to interlope...but are you sure that's his actual page?
Yes, definitely.
Last edited by SusiGo (January 9, 2015 5:09 pm)
It really is. I went and checked Can't believe this man
oh, oh, I must friend him!
I'm rewatching S3 and noticed something interesting: Whenever John is complimenting Mary in a big way, it's usually said about Sherlock as well, in the same sentence.
- "I want to be up there with the two people I love and care about the most"
- "She has completely turned my life around. There is only one other person who has done the same and he (is a complete dickhead)"
There is also the proposal where John says to Mary that she is the best thing that could have happened to him when he met her. It's not at all a stretch to say that Sherlock was the best that could have happened to John when he met him as well.
Whatever big thing Mary has given John (turned his life around, someone to care and love for, being the right person in his life at the time), Sherlock has given him the exact same thing. I find that an interesting parallell, because usually what you get out of the relationship with a romantic partner and your best friend are two different things. They fulfull very different roles in your life. But so far with John (except the sexual aspect), Mary and Sherlock seem to fulfill exactly the same role in his life.
Vhanja, I just love your sig picture! I can't stop looking at it. I know it's setlock but this is how I want to imagine the characters when they finally get to where they are meant to be, i.e. Johnlocked.
Regarding your post, I agree with your parallels and believe that's why we essentially saw a triple wedding in TSoT. Lucky John - between Mary and Sherlock he gets to have all his needs fulfilled.
KeepersPrice wrote:
Lucky John - between Mary and Sherlock he gets to have all his needs fulfilled.
One would think so. Still he does not look happy at the beginning of HLV. I wonder why ... (No, I don't, of course.We all know why.)
Keepers - Thanks, I feel the same way. I fell in love with the picture myself the moment I saw it.
John being slightly miserable at the beginning of HLV I always saw as him missing action and adventure.
We have a nice thread discussing the dream at the beginning btw.
Apart from that I'm not sure. In the dream we see one thing quite clearly: the moment Sherlock enters the scenery is not the one the battles start. It's the moment the dream scenery calms down. So apart from being a mirror for the very first scene in Asip it indicates very much that there is probably more between them than just "keeping John in trouble". Another point is, that we don't really see John truly happy when he's reunited with Sherlock again, see all the deduction Wiggins makes. What is the point of that, if all John wants is an adventure with his best bro from time to time, here it is, in this very moment. And furthermore supported by his wife, as we are meant to believe. So why isn't he just enjoying they can be out and about again? Writing this, I cannot think of a scene in HLV where John seems genuinely happy...