I love how you can get a pretty good idea of someone's age by perusing this list... : )
Some of my favourites (off the top of my head)...
-It's a Wonderful Life
-Pride & Prejudice (A & E version w/ Firth/Ehle)
-Hunt for Red October
-National Treasure 1 & 2
-Master & Commander
-Sound of Music
-3:10 to Yuma
-The Prestige
-"Dark Knight" films
-Robert Downey's Sherlock Holmes films
-Cinderella Man
-The Patriot (Gibson)
-Les Miserables (Liam Neeson)
Well, that's 20 or so, so I better stop...
Tantalus wrote:
I love how you can get a pretty good idea of someone's age by perusing this list... : )
Some of my favourites (off the top of my head)... <snip>
Oh my gosh, how could I forget 'The Prestige'?! Thank you! There's even a book I absolutely love, for it's story/love story and beautiful style, called 'The Night Circus', where the author said on her site that that movie was a favorite and partly influenced her with the book. You might like that, too. And a 'definitely yes' to Gladiator, too. Just too many.... ;D I find it kind of intriguing/hilarious that almost no one's put up any Sherlock though! I loved those films, don't get me wrong, just had too many others to mention...
And, I…. wait a minute… I kind of resemble that remark! I think! (what, with the 'older films' some people pick, or childhood ones? : ) )
I kinda like seeing the handful that pop up on several lists....
Now this is an unreliable list as my mind is ever changing on this subject but here's my list at the moment:
Cabin in the Woods
Return of the King
Love Actually
The Princess Bride
Bill & Ted's Excellent Aventure
The Usual Suspects
X2 Xmen
Singing in the Rain
The Dark Knight
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
A Life Less Ordinary
A Bug's Life
The Avengers
Any TV Show By Joss Whedon or Stephen Moffit.
I think I can't choose only 20 favourite films. I've watched and liked a lot of different types of films and most of them can't be compared. Here's my top 20 list,let's say, at the moment:
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (I indeed enjoyed PJ's films, also The Hobbit (but with some ifs and buts))
Imperium Strikes Back (I'm Star Wars fan, especially old trilogy)
Apocalypse Now
The Prestige
Big Fish (and some older Tim Burton's films)
The Blues Brothers
As Good as It Gets
Det Sjunde inseglet
Million Dollar Baby (this film was really nice surprise to me)
Love Actually
Spy Game (Despite not being a fan of Brad Pitt I like the way he's playing in this film)
The Bridge on The River Kwai
Good Night, and Good Luck
Back to the Future
Der Himmel über Berlin
Life of Brian
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
i have about ten favourite movie list now & think which one at number one? yes, that is spider man.
Difficult to tell whether these are my favourite films, but they are the ones that come into mind:
Sophie Scholl The final days
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Billy Elliot
Das Boot
One flew over the Cockoo's Nest
As good as it gets
In no particular order:
Life of Brian
Holy Grail
Snow Cake
Harold and Maude
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Keeping the faith
Love actually
Harry Potter movies (4, 6 and 7 part 2 got my votes)
Le peuple migrateur
Magical Mystery Tour (beatles movie)
Spirited away
Little Miss Sunshine
And a river runs through it
Seven years in Tibet
Howl's moving castle
My neighbour Totoro
Nos jours heureux
In the mood for love
Probably missed a few ones...
I don't have 20 favorite films, but these are my favorites (no order):
- Jurassic Park
- Notting Hill
- Independence Day
- Rio
- The Lion King
- Catching Fire
- Watership Down
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Tangled
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Spider-Man
- Spirited Away
- Brother Bear
Lilo & Stitch.
Peter Pan.
The Grinch.
Forrest Gump.
Harry Potter.
The Da Vinci Code.
ok really struggling to find a top 10
I have a host of films that I count as my favourites...
Lawrence of Arabia
Sophie's Choice
Citizen Kane
Midnight Cowboy
Paths of Glory
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Casualties of War
All the President's Men
Star Trek (2009)
Back to the Future (all three)
Sex Lies and Videotape
Bowling for Columbine
Before Sunrise
Blood Diamonds
The Way We Were
Twelve O'Clock High
There that's 20 but there are lots more where they came from.
I love film and we go to the movies all the time and now have Netflix so we see lots of films. I thought 2013 was a banner year and there were at least half a dozen movies that probably will go on my favourites list - but I like to wait a bit before I add them just to make sure they make the grade of movies I just can't live without seeing again and again and again...
I would need to add some more to my original list now.
I love films and decent TV shows. I think we are in a golden age for TV writing at the moment.
That's kind of difficult because I often feel I haven't seen the best films yet.
Well, from the ones I have seen (sorry, with some I don't know an english title)
Jenseits der Stille (it's beautiful in a sad way)
Fried Green Tomatoes (I love the mixture of love and crime, but it's also funny)
Zugvögel - Einmal nach Inari (very melancholic but in a good way)
Forrest Gump (just an awesome take on history)
Sonnenallee (just a feel good film, the good kind of nostalgic)
Lord of the Rings (the landscapes... the pure epicness of it)
Schindlers Liste (cannot put that into words)
Once (because it's about ireland, love and music... can't resist that)
Der Name der Rose (crime in a great setting)
The Pianist (very moving)
Das Orangenmädchen (like the story)
Billy Elliot (because it makes you believe in living your dreams against all odds)
Hawking (Hawking=interesting man, Benedict=great actor, good combination)
Chocolat (it has a feeling of freedom)
Waking Ned (it's so funny)
StarWars IV-VI (lightsaber fights. han solo. luke. star ships.)
Les Choristes (the music is beautiful)
About A Boy (good story)
Phantom of the Opera (the music. the phantom. the music.)
It's a wonderful life (a feel good movie)
Kick it like Beckham (I like the idea)
Amelié (best lovestory)
Whale Rider (it's about emanzipation, and I love whales, and the main actress is very good)
ok stop stop more than 20 already!
in no particular order. It's just the ones I watch again and again.
Last edited by Whisky (December 19, 2014 8:03 pm)
Top 10 or Top 20 won't work for me, I can either limit it to top 5, or expand it to top 30 or thereabouts.
Top 5 (no order, I absolutely and inconditionally love all of them, having watched them a number of times without finding a single thing wrong with them):
Fried Green Tomatoes
A Few Good Men
Flashback (the one with Kieffer Sutherland and Dennis Hopper)
My Cousin Vinnie
In the Line of Fire
And then there are:
Bronco Billy
Outlaw Josey Wales
3:10 to Yuma
Lethal Weapon I (and III, though that's almost a parody)
Mad Max II
Master and Commander
Thelma and Louise
Terminator I and II
Three Kings (and the film that "inspired" it: Kelly's Heroes)
Die Hard I and III
Inside Man
State of Play (US version, don't know the British one - yet)
Mission Impossible III and IV
Escape from New York
The Rock
Into the West (1992 - the horse in Ireland)
Highlander I
Have and Have Not (1944)
Arsenic and Old Lace (with Cary Grant)
Rocky (the first of the series)
Rocky Balboa (the last of the series)
Twelve Angry Men
And probably I have forgotten some...
Yep, I knew it... There's also
Field of Dreams
Robin Hood (with Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman)
Minority Report
Erin Brockovitch
Last edited by Kittyhawk (July 27, 2015 2:26 pm)
Some of my absolute favorites (in random order):
Tokyo Story
Die Fetten Jahre zind Vorbei
Heavenly Creatures
An Autumn Afternoon
Late Autumn
House of Flying Daggers
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Harry Potter series
Blade Runner
Dirty Dancing
The Others
Sunset Boulevard
The Ninth Gate
Gymnaslærer Pedersen
The Indiana Jones Trilogy (Yes, trilogy)
Last edited by Vhanja (July 27, 2015 2:21 pm)
My list has some movies in common with yours, Vhanja. I will also not put them in any specific order beause it changes. At the moment, it is:
The Sound of Music
The Wizard of Oz
Blade Runner
All of Harry Potter (which I guess is more than one movie, but it's hard for me to separate them...)
Rebel without a Cause
Some Like It Hot
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
The Imitation Game
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Back to the Future (the first one)
To Kill a Mockingbird
When Harry Met Sally
The Artist
Monsieur Lazhar
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, to name 20 of my favourite movies. In fact I needed to read some of your lists to help me remember my own favourites. It recalls the quote from Doctor Who about someone asking you what your favourite book is and then immediately forgetting every book you've ever read.
Last edited by Yitzock (July 27, 2015 3:12 pm)
Yitzock wrote:
This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, to name 20 of my favourite movies. In fact I needed to read some of your lists to help me remember my own favourites. ...
I find that surprising. Don't you own copies of your favourite movies? I have most of my favourites on DVD (in the longest version with the most bonus material available). So the difficulty for me was only to decide on which are the ones I like best (given that I like all the ones that are on my shelves - the unloved ones have been moved to the guest bedroom).
Apart from my internet connection simply not being up to watching films fluidly (at least not always), I really, really like well-made bonus materials. Sometimes better than the film itself (in the case of LOTR, for example. Or Blackhawk Down - it has wonderful commentary tracks).
As happy as I am to be able to borrow DVDs from the Mediatheque - when I really like a movie I've seen that way, and especially if I learn that there's a bonus-enriched version available, I'll buy the DVD.
And if I ever switch to Bluray, I probably will buy my favourites again, if I have reason to believe that the bluray disk will have some added value.
I own some of them, but not all of them, either because they are fairly recent or because I saw them in the theatre and then on one of our movie channels that play movies uncut, or they're older movies that I've only seen on those channels, or on TV and cinema re-releases. I do wish I could buy more movies, because I do enjoy bonus material. Most of the DVDs we have are movies I've watched since I was a kid, some of which are on my favourites list and some of which are not. We also have DVDs that my parents have watched but I have yet to have had the chance to, or movies that I've bought and enjoyed but just aren't in the favourites list despite the fact that I do quite enjoy them.
Honestly? I can't list 20 films ... There are only a few films that really impressed me and that I can rewatch from time to time (not permanently).
They are:
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (the best I've ever seen and they must be seen at cinema!)
Out of Africa
Thelma and Louise
Alien I+II
Event Horizon
Yitzock wrote:
... I do wish I could buy more movies, because I do enjoy bonus material. ...
My condolences, I've just seen that DVDs cost a lot more on Amazon Canada than on I easily manage to purchase my favourites of the year (used, obviously - once a movie is a few years old it costs next to nothing) with the money I save by not having tv reception (the fee for which is 130 €/year in France). In your place I would check into Amazon shipping costs and the regional encoding (or lack thereof) of your PC (or the possibility of hacking your DVD player, assuming its not region-free).
Kittyhawk wrote:
Yitzock wrote:
... I do wish I could buy more movies, because I do enjoy bonus material. ...
My condolences, I've just seen that DVDs cost a lot more on Amazon Canada than on I easily manage to purchase my favourites of the year (used, obviously - once a movie is a few years old it costs next to nothing) with the money I save by not having tv reception (the fee for which is 130 €/year in France). In your place I would check into Amazon shipping costs and the regional encoding (or lack thereof) of your PC (or the possibility of hacking your DVD player, assuming its not region-free).
The cost isn't so much the problem, it's just that I either don't have time to buy them or have nother things to do, or if they come on TV a lot then I don't always think of buying them. I've found that it's not something I always think of. We used to buy DVDs a lot, but we sort of got out of the habit, and I'm not entirely sure why, despite the reasons I've just given. I just haven't asked for them in a long time, and plus in a way I feel kind of bad asking since I got so many DVDs of movies I liked when I was kid. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but I kind of do.
But I think we're veering off the topic a bit.