I thought John was joking when he said "You're in big trouble, Mrs Watson!" I never took it as honest jealousy, just a fun stab. And I have also always thought that Sherlock shot Magnussen for John.
First lines of this thoughtful little meta:
"There is a common thought brought up nearly constantly in the discussions of “are John and Sherlock gay or just European good friends”, and it is this:
I kiss (or cuddle or have sex with or openly display physical affection with) my best friend(s). Friends can be close like that and it doesn’t make me gay or in love with them. John and Sherlock don’t/aren’t/can’t be in love with each other for this reason. Friends can be physical and it doesn’t mean romance.
The thing is, John and Sherlock aren’t physically affectionate. They don’t kiss. They don’t cuddle. They don’t hug. They don’t hold hands. They don’t openly, confidently display or even talk about their affections for each other. They don’t."
Wait a second...what?
*I kiss.....or have sex ...with my friend (s) *
Ok...I guess I had the wrong view about friendship.
I think that detail is the least important here. You are free to leave it out and it still works.
Draconia wrote:
Wait a second...what?
*I kiss.....or have sex ...with my friend (s) *
Ok...I guess I had the wrong view about friendship.
Ridiculous. No way. Please! Sure, someone, somewhere, must do that, but not 99% of us out here in what I euphemistically call the real world.
Honey, just read and calm down, the full text makes a lot of sense without these little words, they are not important at all and you will miss something interesting.
Thanks, Harriet, this is brilliant and explains so many things.
I did kiss my friend once. It was at a club and we wanted to get rid of an obtrusive admirer.
But that is absolutely besides the point here so I'll go and hide in my corner to read the meta.
Brilliant meta.
I have a few friends that I kiss but they 're not sexual kisses.
And yes, you do need to get past that to get to the point. It's an excellent observation.
Oh, and this is so beautiful and so sad...
SolarSystem wrote:
Oh, and this is so beautiful and so sad...
Here's another one... oh, they really break my heart...
Oh, that one was lovely.
WHY, Solar?
Because I don't wanna cry on my own and was hoping for a group hug...
Well, your clever plan worked!
{{{group hug}}}
Aaawww, wonderful...!
Too late for another group hug? Could need that today...