Tumblr has exploded.
I can actually understand him (if that is the case). He is the star of the Hobbit, the main character. Yet they always ask him about Benedict, like he can't has an interview and be a successful actor without Benedict also being in the spotlight. Media's fault, not any of the actor's fault.
And if I understand it correctly, there might also be some annoyance when Benedict said yes to the roles of Richard III and Dr. Strange, pushing the schedule of Sherlock again and again.
Last edited by Vhanja (December 15, 2014 9:39 am)
The only comments I saw on Tumblr were from the one well-known hate-blog, but I didn´t see many other blogs speaking about it.
Well, exploding was maybe taking it a bit far. I didn't see any hating, but I saw quite a bit of comments and rumour-mongering on various Freebatch tumblr.
I'm not on tumblr, could somebody enlighten me as to what has happened?
mrshouse wrote:
I'm not on tumblr, could somebody enlighten me as to what has happened?
This happened a few days ago, and created a shitstorm of speculation:
Eeeuwww... He's getting as "lovely" as his long-time-partner...
But true, he's probably more annoyed that his work is not a stand-alone but constantly tied to BC.
Well, this combined with a tweet from Amanda about Sherlock being delayed due to Benedict having accepted the role as Dr. Strange (where she just calls him "Cumberbatch"), Martin earlier having stated something about delays (regarding Richard III).
Add that to Benedict always being mentioned when Martin is interviewed (and Martin rarely being mentioned when Benedict is interviewed), it seems Martin is getting a bit fed up.
Last edited by Vhanja (December 15, 2014 10:18 am)
To be honest, I don't give anything about Amanda's tweets, I often find them tasteless and below the belt as long as it serves mocking other people.
If her and Martin are so keen to work together ( which would be fully understandable) there certainly could be numerous projects to go on with.
I am not familiar with Amanda at all, have never heard of her before Sherlock. So I havent' seen her other tweets and know nothing about what they might contain.
I can sort of understand it from Martin's perspective, though. Benedict's career has skyrocketed after Sherlock, and he keeps saying yes to other jobs, delaying Sherlock (IF that is the case). I can understand that beying annoying.
I just hope it's nothing more than an annoyance, and that they will continue to be friends.
Well, just as an example, there has been the famous tweet exchange with Simon Pegg about BC, mocking about the shipping fans and sentences like "entering his final frontier". After she mentioned to be worried about explicit fanart shipping MF and BC, because it could accidentally be found by their children when wanting to know what their Dad is up to in his profession.
But you are right, it is understandable from Martin's point of view, although his career has developed nicely either. I wouldn't know about the time frames though.
There has been no official information about any delay of filming Sherlock. Everything I found so far is pure speculation for the sake of click-baiting.
As for Amanda's tweets I have said before that I find them neither funny nor in good taste. And I really would not rely on her as a spokesperson for Sherlock but wait for something coming from Steven, Mark, Sue respectively the BBC.
The way I see it Martin´s annoyance has nothing to do with Sherlock. It has to do with Hobbit.
Martin Freeman was supposed to be a lead in that trilogy - yet in the finished product, especially in that last movie that just had a premiere, he was pushed aside and plays second fiddle to absolutely irrelevant characters that were not even in the book. Some annoying made-up character of Alfrid has almost the same screen-time in this than him. That can irk a person.
And then the reporter starts to ask about Benedict Cumberbatch who acted in a supporting role during an interview that should be about MF. In a way I can see why he vented his sudden anger that way.
But at the same time - it was so low, lacked class and proffesionalism and was quite mean towards MF´s colleague who in no way caused this. Honestly, I awaited something better from Martin.
I can understand her being worried about explicit fan art when it comes to her children. But, yeah, I haven't seen what she has written (except for that last tweet), so I don't really know.
And I agree we won't know for sure if Sherlock is delayed or not. I thought the shooting had been scheduled. I mean - Martin originally said no to The Hobbit, because it conflicted with the Sherlock schedule. He only managed to do it because PJ scheduled the filming around Sherlock.
The same should apply for Benedict.
nakahara - I kind of agree with you. I see where he is coming from, and I know he is sassy and snarky. But this was... a bit not good.
Last edited by Vhanja (December 15, 2014 10:58 am)
Yes, don't get me wrong, I can understand that, too. And to be very clear, #freebatch is completely out of the discussion for me. There should be no way to approach the artists in real life with something explicit.
Buuuut that is not one-sided. And I already said when we discussed the tweets, that she should be equally worried for her kids to stumble across a nasty and explicite tweet exchange where she is involved.
Could anyone please post the tweet here? I have not managed to find it anywhere although all the world seems to discuss it.
SusiGo wrote:
Could anyone please post the tweet here? I have not managed to find it anywhere although all the world seems to discuss it.
I found it on post by gaykerstreet on tumblr concerning Benedict/Martin.
It seems to me the original tweet wasn't even from Amanda, but I can be wrong, I'm not familiar with how twitter works. But I'd understand if she were worried about it... after all, Sherlock is probably The Big Thing for her.
Anyway, as long as we don't know when Strange will be shot and if and how that might affect Sherlock, I couldn't care less. We don't even know when exactly the shooting for S4 is supposed to be, all we know so far that it's supposed to be later in 2015... well, when 'later'...? With everything Benedict will be doing in 2015, 'later' will probably mean not before the end of "Hamlet" anyway. And even if he should do Strange right after "Hamlet" and not Sherlock... we won't get S4 before January 2016 anyway, right? So it doesn't really matter if they shoot it at the end of 2015 or at the beginning of 2016.
It just makes me sad, and I hope that there isn't anything behind it other than a bad joke from Martin. It would ruin so much if the two of them lost their friendship and chemistry.
Maybe Martin had a really bad day and forgot about the meaning of professionalism for a moment.
I hope so. I imagine that the two of them are now so popular that this won't go amiss in the media, and I wouldn't be suprised if they both were confronted with this.