Well, the German voice is the same actor who did Khan and Assange, you really can hear it because they obviously almost didn't edit it at all. Really weird, the voice sounds far too human, imo.
Assange will arrive end of the week .
Khan I tried to forget again ^^.
Yeah it sounds... not dark enough... and not scary enough...
I watched this recently and Benedict's dragon voice was great!
I thought the Movie was, visually, fantastic - I'm not sure I'd watch it more than once, though.
Would have been perfect if they'd have edited Ben's voice a bit less and the German one a bit more.
Last edited by Mattlocked (April 19, 2014 1:28 pm)
Ah, at least I watched the English version so I got Benedict's voice in all it's glory
This is something different, it's the B Roll - but you get a lot of THE VOICE...!
Thank you, Solar. Found that already. But I am looking for the one I posted the tumblr link.
My laptop almost went out the window... it keeps lagging in the middle of videos... GRRR
But... OMFG... That was... that's... wow.
And wow, this is fu**** amazing...! This man is so talented, he just walks in and IS Smaug...!
His normal voice is thud worthy enough but damn, that unedited Smaug makes me knees go all wobbly.
I just saw that audition clip and I came here (after a looong absence) just to say, WOW. THAT MAN'S VOICE. And that POSITIVELY SERPENTINE FACIAL EXPRESSION. Now THAT'S acting.
Oh he is soo excelent in this, isn't he
SolarSystem wrote:
This is something different, it's the B Roll - but you get a lot of THE VOICE...!
The voice is dripping syrup but ladies I can't help but notice MAXIMAL GLUT ACTION.
Sorry, but I really couldn't help it.
All hail the CumberButt!
SolarSystem wrote:
And wow, this is fu**** amazing...! This man is so talented, he just walks in and IS Smaug...!
Wow! You are not wrong!
I wonder if I will ever get over how fortunate I am to share nationality with this amazing talent.
He is simply better...
That's freaking awesome! Sending in a clip that not only portrays how good a voice you have for a dragon you're casting, but showing you can be dragon-like in expression as well. Neat coincidence too I just came across this today as well:
Another little behind-the-scenes they released with a pretty cool article… if it's a repost of something from interview rounds last year, no idea, but hadn't seen before and hope enjoy… definitely a thud-worthy one minute and twenty six seconds of Ben writhing around as Smaug.
Some awesome comments from him and Andy about the process, too, including this best little paragraph that so sounds like him and typical humor:
“They built a wooden platform on stilts and they had this hard board that they’d padded with some foam and mats and stuff and on top of that they put this sheepskin,” he told Hero Complex’s Gina McIntyre last year. “It was literally like ‘Baum chicka baum baum,’ me up on my Smaug-y platform. I was like, ‘This is cool, I can slink around like a porn star dragon.’ … It was great because that luxuriant sensation I imagine it is for him to feel all that gold around him.”
Well, well. Thank you for posting that, Russell. These clips get better and better. I never would have thought, when I was small child reading the Hobbit, that I'd end up having a thing about .... the dragon.