So, I thought that as it's coming to the end of term, we could all do with an EASY one! BBC, Nice and simple; little to no research needed.
This (of course) is purely for your benefit and is in no way related to my poor Quiz-master skills at all!
So, the first half of this quiz will work a little differently, I have given you the answer and you have to think of a suitable question that would make this answer correct!
1. Clicks fingers
2. Men
3. Raz
4. Vase
5. Paul Smith
Now, we’re back to normal…
6. What colour should Mrs. Hudson not wear? Bonus: And why?
7. Who was the Lady in Pink? (name)
8. How many people were killed by the old lady getting shot?
9. What is the real name of the Golem?
10. What is the name of the Widow’s Terrier?
Not exactly sure how long I should give you but... how about until this time on Sunday?
Have fun, and try not to ALL get full marks!
Ahhh so the first part is like Jeopardy .... nice twist Ms Molly .... good golly.
Ok, I'll get on it straight away.
(And it doesn't look THAT easy)
Great idea, molly, I love the jeopardy thing too-- I've got some of the answers. I'll post my answers the day before. OH!! It just came to me!! lovely.
You know Molly, the more I think about it, the Jeopardy ones are GREAT! You could have a variety of 'correct; answers and some that are completely wrong, lol.
here is my contribution to this weeks quiz. My answers are in yellow or orange. I will wait till you post your answers to find out how many I have right, ok. Molly? great quiz!! wonder where the others are?
So, the first half of this quiz will work a little differently, I have given you the answer and you have to think of a suitable question that would make this answer correct!
1. Clicks fingers
What does Sherlock do when he summons a cab?
2. Men
What type of deodorant was Anderson wearing? (MEN) SIP
3. Raz
Who was the guy that Sherlock and John met, that was doing street painting in The Blind Banker episode?
4. Vase
What did Sherlock knock over, as he climbed inside Soo Lin Yao's apartment in the Blind Banker episode?
5. Paul Smith.
What is the name of the maker of Sherlock’s blue scarf?
Now, we’re back to normal…
6. What colour should Mrs. Hudson not wear? Bonus: And why?
Connie Prince said for her not to wear cerise, because it ‘drains me’ (TGG)
7. Who was the Lady in Pink? (name)
Jennifer Wilson
8. How many people were killed by the old lady getting shot?
12, including the old lady. (RGG—said by a newscaster)
9. What is the real name of the Golem?
Oskar Dzundza.
10. What is the name of the Widow’s Terrier?
Whisky (in Hounds)
Last edited by sherlockskitty (July 14, 2012 9:41 pm)
1. Clicks fingers - How does Moriarty call off his snipers at the pool in Scandal.
2. Men - Who was the deodorant made for that Donovan used in Study in Pink
3. Raz - What was the name of the graffitti artist consulted in Blind Banker
4. Vase - What did Sherlock knock over in Soo Lin's apartment when he climbed through the window?
5. Paul Smith - What designer made the scarf and gloves worn by Sherlock?
6. Cerise, it drains her.
7. Jennifer Wilson
8. 12 people
9. Oscar Dzundza
10. Whisky
1. How does Moriarty call off the snipers? A. Clicks fingers
2. ??
3. What is the name of the graffiti artist Sherlock consults for advice? A. Raz
4. What does Sherlock knock over when he enters Soo Lin's apartment in Blind Banker? A. Vase
5. ??
6. What colour should Mrs. Hudson not wear? Bonus: And why?
Serese (sp?) It drains her.
7. Who was the Lady in Pink? (name)
Jennifer Wilson
8. How many people were killed by the old lady getting shot?
9. What is the real name of the Golem?
Oscar Gunter
10. What is the name of the Widow’s Terrier?
who wins?
Kazza and Skitty-10!!
Sherlock-8 (I'll give you the phonetical ones.)
So, toss a coin or fight to the death...?
really? I'm tied with Kazza? Unbelievably Elementary, my dear. Yes I do have a quiz ready, sort of. It's not really a's a THING. And that is all I'll tell you, for now. Kazza, how do we break this tie? (cut Watson's tie in half?)
well, I have a word search contest, but I'm not sure where to put it. It will be a contest to see who can find the most words in it. there are a couple of rules, so you'll have to read carefully. It's not really a quiz; so I don't know if I should put it in a quiz thread OR if I should open a new thread titled WORDSEARCH AND CROSSWORDS. Thoughts anyone? thanks!!
Start a new thread and entitle it word searches.
sorry people, It's too late for me to post one right now. I didn't have my idea in place. Someone else can do one, ok? thanks!!
Oh drats Skitty, had I known earlier I could have posted one before I left home.
OK The door is open for ANYONE who has a quiz to contact one of the staff & let them know. I am not at home till next week & so can't access my back-up quizzes.
If no-one wants to do one we can just let the quizzes go for a while I guess.