Looks like there's going to be a European Cabin Pressure con at the end of August (23/24) in Milan, Italy. Special guest John Finnemore. Looks brilliant, though I'm not sure I'd take a trip to Milan on my own without knowing anyone who's attending...
More details here: or
The best news: A day ticket is just 18 EUR, and a 2-day ticket 30 EUR. So basically a bargain.
Last edited by TeeJay (July 15, 2014 6:59 pm)
I can't promise right that i will be going but i will do my best to do so ^^ (Milan is a 7 hours car drive from home)
Ooooh, Titania, that would be so cool. I haven't booked anything yet, I'm gonna have to sleep on it until the weekend, and look into accomodation and flights then. It's an 8 hour drive from where I live, but I think I'd rather take a flight if something was available that fits the con times.
Waving a virtual hello to all Cabin Pressure fans from the Euro AirDot Con in Milan. Having tons of fun here with Titania and a whole bunch of other Cabin Pressure and Sherlock/Benedict fans. The John Finnemore interview was great, we gained a lot of insight into the show. So much fun all around!
I'll leave you a picture of Titania and me, waiting for the event to start.
Hope you girls are having a blast!!
Oh, we totally are. I managed to get a number of really nice photos of John today. I'd post the direct link to Tumblr, but the hotel WiFi is super slow and Tumblr doesn't actually really load well. However, you can see them when you go to my Tumblr page:
TeeJay wrote:
Waving a virtual hello to all Cabin Pressure fans from the Euro AirDot Con in Milan. Having tons of fun here with Titania and a whole bunch of other Cabin Pressure and Sherlock/Benedict fans. The John Finnemore interview was great, we gained a lot of insight into the show. So much fun all around!
I'll leave you a picture of Titania and me, waiting for the event to start.
I love the t-shirt!!!
Thanks! I actually fabric-painted it myself. Wearing my lemon shirt today.
And me again to say that if anyone's interested in seeing the photos I took at the con, you can now take a look at them in my online gallery, including a few quite lovely ones of John Finnemore.
Great photos! And I love the t-shirt too.
Lovely photos! Looks like you had a great time, the quiz must have been awesome. And the names of teams And... deleted scenes? Oh my God!
Apparently John shared a few deleted scenes in the lobby with a group of people on Saturday night, but I had already gone to bed at the time. He read out a few more during the quiz on Sunday. The last part of the quiz was "guess the last line", but to make it really difficult, he used deleted scenes for it. That was so much fun! There was one that was really very obvious, which all but one team got right. The collective cheer was amazing!
(We were team "I can see your winkie". When we told him the team name, he said, "Is that a comment or your team name?" LOL)