Hi everyone!
It's nice to meet you. My name is Chrissi, I'm 19 years old and come from Lower Austria.
Obviously I really really like Sherlock, so I've found this Forum here.
Well, I'm looking forward to spending my time here
Hallo !
Noch ein Österreicher!!!!
Schöne Grüße aus Graz!!
Herzlich willkommen, Chrissi! So viele Österreicher hier, ihr überrundet uns Deutsche ja locker
Thank you!
Interessant, ich bin also nicht die einzige aus Österreich hier gg
Also gibt es doch eine deutschsprachige Sherlock-Gemeinschaft
In letzter Zeit strömt ihr Österreicher nur so herbei. (I just wrote that there has been a genuine stream of Austrians finding their way to the forum). So I'm looking forward to my holidays in Styria, maybe I'll meet some Sherlockians over here. I'll wear my t-shirts and see what happens.
Hi there Chrissi and welcome...
I love it when you guys all talk in your own language, makes me laugh. We're so multi-cultural!
Willkommen Chrissi. I hope you have a lot of fun on the forum. Viel Spass!
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Hi there Chrissi and welcome...
I love it when you guys all talk in your own language, makes me laugh. We're so multi-cultural!
If you think the german language is funny, you should hear some idiom of us in Austria....
Chrissi - Welcome! There seem to be a lot of Austrians on our site lately. We're glad to have you.
Thanks everyone!
Haha being multi-cultural makes everything so much more fun! gg
I agree, BigFan! If we would use "Austrian" we'd make everyone laugh without fail :D
You're not kidding are you! What is it with all those extra 'Ls' at the end of words for a start?
Ein herzliches Willkommen aus Wien!
Viel Spaß im Forum!
Hallo und herzlich Willkommen nach Österreich!
(Irgendwie lebe ich IMMER in der falschen Gegend....... )
Davina wrote:
You're not kidding are you! What is it with all those extra 'Ls' at the end of words for a start?
Hm extra "Ls" at the end of words? How do you mean that?
Danke! Faszinierend, wie viele hier Deutsch sprechen :D
Und sogar Sherlock Fans aus Wien! Da freue ich mich schon umso mehr auf meine Studienzeit ab Herbst.
In meiner Kleinstadt herrscht eindeutig Sherlock-Mangel gg
Frag mich mal. Ich wohne in einer Stadt mit einer Viertelmillion Einwohner, aber von Sherlock-Fans keine Spur (außer meinen Kindern).
Last edited by SusiGo (July 8, 2012 7:35 pm)
SusiGo wrote:
Frag mich mal. Ich wohne in einer Stadt mit einer halben Million Einwohner, aber von Sherlock-Fans keine Spur (außer meinen Kindern).
Same with me here - I consider myself an exotic creature.
Welcome Chrissi!
Tobe, I think there must be more of us. But how to find them and bring them here?
Hi and welcome to the forum!
You Austrians have a really impressive attendance here :D
Grüße aus Deutschland!
Noch ein Hallo aus Wien !
Have fun!
hi chrissi, and welcome!! It's a beautiful language you are speaking here. I wish I knew it, but I don't. thank you for posting here, you'll find many many topics/threads that will spark your interest.