Somehow I've got the feeling that Moffat tiptoed around something at the beginning of Scandal.
I mean that outcome of the pool scene. We hardly get to know about Sherlock's and John' reaction after Moriarty had left the site. Did they break down or jump fully dressed into the water with relief? Did they…hug? Scream? Laugh?
Going by the enormous stress they had been under there had to be a reaction to their rescue from undeniably mortal danger.
What do you think?
I love the idea of a Boat-Race type celebration with a cheesy stage jump but I think it would have been more along the lines of:
Sherlock says some clever remark
John swears a bit
Lots of gasping and relieved-laughter
And I think it would be really sweet if Sherlock helped John along on his shoulder
Very nice, Molly.
I think it would have been something along the lines of...
Come on, let's get out of here before he changes his mind AGAIN
Sherlock holding out his hand and hauling John to his feet, then the pair of them walking out as quickly as possible and getting a cab back to Baker Street.
I don't think Moffat tiptoed around anything; it wouldn't have been worth viewing really.
No doubt Sherlock would have called Lestrade & had the bomb squad sent over to defuse the bomb & then have it taken for analysis. Get a squad to check that the gunmen had gone & look for traces of anything left behind as they would have to declare the pool area safe for use again; then off home so John could blog it & Sherlock could enter the data into his 'computer'.
Boring police & detective legwork' really.
I don't know about "not worth viewing," exactly. I think I'd watch a show about Sherlock watching paint dry.
But it wouldn't have contributed anything essential to the story, and they needed the time for other things.
Well, and we also DID see their reaction. Between when Moriarty left and when he returned again we saw their relief and making sure the other was okay etc. It would have just been a similar thing again. Hopefully sans Benedict's appalling gun handling technique!
I agree with Wholocked on this one, I think the writers wanted to avoid repeating themselves. Their reaction would have been very smililar to what we got to see after Moriarty left the first time, maybe a little more careful (in case he came back again). We have to remember that there is very little time to tell the full storyline of the episode, so they had to wrap up last year's story fairly quickly. Maybe they even shot such a scene and then it was cut, who knows?
I can imagine John saying, 'You do have the safety catch on that thing don't you? Either way could you know...waving it about like that!'
Davina wrote:
I can imagine John saying, 'You do have the safety catch on that thing don't you? Either way could you know...waving it about like that!'
John WOULD say exactly that!!! Benedict said in the commentary for this episode that he loves to handle props and fiddle with them. a bit scary, to me. I agree, we missed out on something. Details, details!! we want details!!