I saw that on some websites, other than imdb, but up to now there is no other information about this project. But it sounds very promising and the cast is astonishing so I hope to hear some other news soon
Gary Oldman said in an interview some days ago that the financing for a project of his own was finally secured. I think he was talking about this one.
Another movie where Benedict's character won't survive...
Can please, please someone write a script in which he survives? In which he is not shot, deep-frozen, stabbed, drowns himself, jumps from a roof, is killed by a sword ... did I forget anything?
Oh, he's used to that by now ...
I love Amanda Seyfried. Yay to that project.
Ahem, may I add poisoning himself? Sorry.
But I would love to see that film.
SusiGo wrote:
Can please, please someone write a script in which he survives? In which he is not shot, deep-frozen, stabbed, drowns himself, jumps from a roof, is killed by a sword ... did I forget anything?
Oh, I will write one!
I will use a trick - it would seem in my script that Benedict´s character is doomed from the very start. But at the end he miraculously survives and the entire supporting cast dies. Now THAT would be a blast!
SusiGo wrote:
Can please, please someone write a script in which he survives? In which he is not shot, deep-frozen, stabbed, drowns himself, jumps from a roof, is killed by a sword ... did I forget anything?
It seems that his characters survive when it's only small roles... AOC, 12 Years...
Oh, but there's also "Hawking" and TTSS and TFE...!
Last edited by SolarSystem (August 12, 2014 8:54 pm)
yeah, we definitely need a romcom
But I'm so excited, Gary is so brilliant and he did a very good job with the first film he directed in the late 90s. And these two together plus Ralph.
2016 will be the filming year? I guess it will be post-"Sherlock series 4 filming" then.
SolarSystem wrote:
SusiGo wrote:
Can please, please someone write a script in which he survives? In which he is not shot, deep-frozen, stabbed, drowns himself, jumps from a roof, is killed by a sword ... did I forget anything?
It seems that his characters survive when it's only small roles... AOC, 12 Years...
Oh, but there's also "Hawking" and TTSS and TFE...!
He also survived in "Parade´s End" where he had a main role.
I was just playing the devil's adcovate. I want him to play interesting and diverse roles. This matters more than survival. He will die in Richard III and TIG and Hamlet but it is worth the heartbreak.
So are you saying he'd be repeating himself by taking on that role?
I have no problem with him dying, provided it is not in real life (trying to imagine B. credits' list by the time he is 90... one imdb page won't be enough, that's for sure)
SolarSystem wrote:
So are you saying he'd be repeating himself by taking on that role?
Of course not. I was saying that I do not care if he dies as long as he gives us wonderful and interesting performances.
Miriel, I can picture myself proudly scanning his IMDB page when I am 99 …
SusiGo wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
So are you saying he'd be repeating himself by taking on that role?
Of course not. I was saying that I do not care if he dies as long as he gives us wonderful and interesting performances.
Totally agree. I just wasn't sure how exactly you meant it.
And well... apart from the fact he can really play anything, it's always emotionally devastating (in the best sense) when his characters die.
Now that's an interesting question: will the rest of our lives be filled with B.C. obsession? Who knows which actor will we be obsessed with by time we reach 99 (right, it is exactly the same age for me)
Oooh this sounds like an interesting project! Hope it's real!
About him dying all the time... the worst thing is that he's so good at it... *cries*
It would be a main character for Benedict?
EDIT: Right, I read it. Question answered.
Last edited by gently69 (August 13, 2014 1:49 pm)
Miriel: No idea. But this obsession is the strongest I had so far.
I think it is not the leading part. This is quite old and in German but it tells us a bit about the story:
Last edited by SusiGo (August 13, 2014 1:50 pm)