What a day...! A motto, an official song... I'm sure we'll all have sweet Johnlock dreams tonight.
Tonnaree, you are the best! Long live the president.
A horse! A horse! My kingdom for... uhm, yeah, well, no...
SolarSystem wrote:
What a day...! A motto, an official song... I'm sure we'll all have sweet Johnlock dreams tonight.
And don't forget we have a mascot too!
Anyway we can get a t-shirt photoshopped on the little devil? *giggle*
I've decided I'm going to make myself a T-shirt and business cards for 221bCon next year.
Last edited by tonnaree (August 6, 2014 10:06 pm)
tonnaree wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
What a day...! A motto, an official song... I'm sure we'll all have sweet Johnlock dreams tonight.
And don't forget we have a mascot too!
Anyway we can get a t-shirt photoshopped on the little devil? *giggle*
I could take a photo of him with his nerly-an-ear-head drawn into his face and a white t-shirt on, so someone can photoshop it. I just don't want him on the internet with a recognizable pic of his face. But the nearly-an-ear-head is a bit too big anyway.
Schmiezi wrote:
tonnaree wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
What a day...! A motto, an official song... I'm sure we'll all have sweet Johnlock dreams tonight.
And don't forget we have a mascot too!
Anyway we can get a t-shirt photoshopped on the little devil? *giggle*
I could take a photo of him with his nerly-an-ear-head drawn into his face and a white t-shirt on, so someone can photoshop it. I just don't want him on the internet with a recognizable pic of his face. But the nearly-an-ear-head is a bit too big anyway.
Totally understand honey. If someone could do a little graphic of a baby wearing a t-shirt that would work too. We'd just know amongst ourselves that he's baby Schmiez
On our travels today, KP and I spotted this banner in a military museum and thought this might make a good OSAJ slogan as an addition to our official motto, song, and mascot.
Tobe, that is a wonderful idea!
Yeah, brilliant one, tobe.
Love it.
Johnlock is everywhere. I really don't get why some people don't see it.
tobeornot221b wrote:
On our travels today, KP and I spotted this banner in a military museum and thought this might make a good OSAJ slogan as an addition to our official motto, song, and mascot.
Excellent tobe!
I now declare this the Official Flag of the OSAJ! Long may it wave!
Yes, official flag! We love it!
YEY! Proudly shipping to the gates of hell and back!
It's a good day to be a Johnlocker.
This is quite intriguing:
SusiGo wrote:
This is quite intriguing:
Oh, excellent deduction!
Lovely. Completely forgot about this little gem...
Nice meta on music in each episode.
mrshouse wrote:
Nice meta on music in each episode.
Loved this meta! Is there one analyzing John's theme in HLV?