Here you go then. Especially for Kitty (it's even got her name in French in the title!)
Hello, everybody!
I believe it'll be one of the most popular threads on this forum.
Some of the other threads have been drifting into chat so maybe people will just say 'see you in chit-chat' and come here instead.
I will stay loyal to my DitL topic.
Davina wrote:
Some of the other threads have been drifting into chat so maybe people will just say 'see you in chit-chat' and come here instead.
Excellent suggestion. Sometimes we get way off topic.
I will have a lot of free time when both my children go on holiday for two weeks. Here are some of my plans:
Read - watch Sherlock again - visit the El Greco exhibition in Düsseldorf - watch To the Ends of the Earth - Yoga - listen to Cabin Pressure - file my VAT declaration - watch Amazing Grace - rework my new manuscript - watch Zodiac
Any further suggestions (apart from watching Wreckers, Atonement, etc)?
Chit-chat! Nice!
Soooo... I've got school holidays! Yes! (just so you know.. hahaha)
Further suggestions apart from watching Benedict movies? Why would you want that?
SusiGo wrote:
I will have a lot of free time when both my children go on holiday for two weeks. Here are some of my plans:
Read - watch Sherlock again - visit the El Greco exhibition in Düsseldorf - watch To the Ends of the Earth - Yoga - listen to Cabin Pressure - file my VAT declaration - watch Amazing Grace - rework my new manuscript - watch Zodiac
Any further suggestions (apart from watching Wreckers, Atonement, etc)?
Susi, really, you have to stop teasing us about your novels. Somehow you have to share with us without giving up your anonymity. I'm still trying to finish my first one.
Sammy, I guess you're right. I'll just spend the whole day in front of the TV, eating junk food and enjoying BC. There are worse ways of spending one's time.
Veecee, sorry, no teasing intended. I'd love to share them with you and I actually don't care so much about anonymity having a homepage and Facebook and all that. The problem is that I can't supply you with a translation. If anyone wants to know anything (of course nothing as personal as my sock index) just send me a message .
SusiGo wrote:
Sammy, I guess you're right. I'll just spend the whole day in front of the TV, eating junk food and enjoying BC. There are worse ways of spending one's time.
Yeah, I guess there is just so much anonymity one can have if one is already a public figure.
Did I mention it's my first day of holidays...?
Luckily I'm not as public as Benedict, so I can go shopping and do silly things without being recognised .
I wish you wonderful holidays, Sammy. Did you mention you're 17? For my daughter these will be her last summer holidays before her Abitur next year.
Yep. 17, last summer holidays before my Abitur as well. It's terrifying.
I can't really remember how it was for me. I guess we were a bit more relaxed about training for a job or going to university. I didn't write a single application at school while my daughter did it in three languages. It simply wasn't in the curriculum. On the other hand today you have far more chances of going abroad and meeting people all over the world. That's great. Or you can stay at home and come to this forum .
Much the same for us here in the UK. I think we were really quite relaxed about A levels. There didn't seem to be quite so. Ich pressure on us back then. Not so many went to University then whereas it almost seems the norm here now. The travelling thing is definitely true. My son has travelled to New Zealand, Tenerife and Canada in the course of training and work and he's only 20! The first time I went abroad I was 24. That was to Austira, by the way.
Today it's also much easier to connect with people from all over the world via the internet. You don't miss things that do not exist but I think from all the things that have been invented since I left school the internet's the one I wouldn't want to do without. I could do without a mobile phone but working and having fun without the net - impossible.
Abitur and A Levels are something like SATs in the US?
I don't know much about the SATs but in Germany you have the examinations at the end of the last school year. They are the same for pupils all over Germany but are held at the individual schools and not by an outside authority or the universities themselves. You are examined in four subjects, three of them in written form and one oral examination. You must choose a German/a foreign language, maths/a science and one subject like history/geography/social studies. The fourth can be chosen freely. The average grade is computed from the grades obtained in the exams and the grades of the last two years which is quite complicated. The overall result may be important for getting accepted by a university.
I agree. Although the Internet, like most things, has some cons it also has enormous benefits. From the point of view of research alone it is a real boon.
Of course the Internet can be dangerous and distracting at times. But if I had to do my work without the Internet I would be lost. So many things I couldn't research or for which I'd have to spend endless time in libraries or pay lots of money. I remember I once had to translate some chapters of the "Satanic Verses" for a workshop. Research was hell. Don't know how people did it before the Internet.
Ugh, don't make me imagine life without internet D:
aaaand... I'm imagining it. No, that would be horrible. That would be so so miserable.