Oh my holy sweet loving God.
(I happened to put this on while "Grimm Fairy Tales" from the soundtrack was playing in the background in Spotify...although I discovered later that there is a very subtle musical soundtrack to the reading itself...)
Okay, need to go scrape my puddled self out of the upholstery.
Last edited by Gretel (July 20, 2013 7:05 pm)
This is awesome, isn't it? And I also love him doing the "Jabberwocky". What a voice.
Oh - ! *cue the unending slew of fangirl squeaks and squeals* That was pure, and utter heaven....THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! *starts listening to it again....THUD*
For those who don't know, the background music to this "Ode" clip is the 4th movement from Mahler's Symphony No.5 -'Adagietto'. It's so beautiful and nostalgic. That music combined with Ben's voice is to die for!
KeepersPrice wrote:
For those who don't know, the background music to this "Ode" clip is the 4th movement from Mahler's Symphony No.5 -'Adagietto'. It's so beautiful and nostalgic. That music combined with Ben's voice is to die for!
I knew I recognized it, feel like an idiot.
I don't know if I like it with this poem, though...I'd rather let both Keats and Mahler each stand on their own. (And as I think I said--this poem was incredible with one of the sad pieces from the Sherlock soundtrack behind it, oddly anachronistic as that should have been.)
Ok, between this and 'Inseparable', just knock me over, already.....
(sheesh, it's hard to keep up! thanks to you guys, I know he's read this, Jabberwocky, the Little Red Hen, did that music/poetry reading event thing, Casanova, canon stories, some Shakespeare?.... listened to the first couple, but any others I should?)
Russell et al...If anyone has any other links, why not go ahead and post them? I don't think I know the music/poetry thing you referred to, and Casanova I'll also have to seek out...
Such an amazing voice.
And I'll stop there, lest I gusheth over.
Gretel wrote:
Russell et al...If anyone has any other links, why not go ahead and post them? I don't think I know the music/poetry thing you referred to, and Casanova I'll also have to seek out...
Such an amazing voice.
And I'll stop there, lest I gusheth over.
Ha... I know....
Don't have all the links on hand at the moment, sorry... All you have to do is type in 'benedict cumberbatch reading' in youtube, and there you go, Casanova pops up, a Shakespeare thing, Little Red Hen, the couple poems, even a Dante thing and a 'Kublai Khan', I'm not familiar with?? And a christmas mass/charity thing he did, reciting 'the story of christmas'. Some of those have been brought up here before, not to mention the obvious - his radio show works with their own threads, which are a little harder for some of us to follow along, and of course, not to mention the Jaguar car ads we were all gushing over...
That's all I know about... was just expressing enjoyment and uncertain intrigue at hearing about catching all these other random little things he does and his variety and knowing how to use his voice for his benefit... so cool... ahh, and the music/poetry thing? May need help from others here... do you remember what event that was? I remember thinking it was so cool, I don't think there was a recording, but definitely an article mentioned here once about an artsy orchestra/poetry reading event perhaps in London, I think within the last year. Not just random poetry, some long famous stuff, and they brought Ben in especially to read, and I remember thinking it was sweet of him to be quoted about how he felt awkward intruding on their artsy event that people who enjoy that kind of thing paid to go to, and seeming some people coming only to listen to him. ;)
Anyway, beautiful.... thanks... although the Jabberwocky one remains my favorite for being a delight to listen to... ;)
In simple words : thank you for posting this.
This is what I´m listening every night before I go to sleep. Ben´s Voice is like a meditation to me <3
And my son gets his Little Red Hen. Crazy things happening here since I´m so into that Benedict thing ;-)
It is absolutely beautiful!
I love his voice!!
He reproduced a masterpiece of this well known poem.
I love the music, but I think it's such a powerful piece that it doesn't work for me as background music. Also it always make me think of the film "Death in Venice". I love both the music and the voice, but I feel I'm switching between them and would rather have one at a time. Maybe I need to listen to it more to make the two fit together.
I love this poem and BC's voice is wonderful! I've downloaded this poem onto my MP3 player so I can listen to it when I travel, etc. I often listen to it when I can't sleep or when I feel sad, BC's soothing voice sends me to sleep.