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Is it possible that someone could still love the series even if they didn’t see the episodes in order?
I think they certainly could. I do know that my Mom likes the series even though she saw Season 3 before seeing Seasons One and Two to catch up on what had happened before. However, I do think you have a better overall experience if you watch the series from the beginning. While stories can be independent, self-contained on their own, there is always a continuing storyline throughout the entire series.
Last edited by BrettHolmes (June 22, 2014 1:42 am)
Oh, I saw Sherlock in false order, too.
But now I'm watching it in the right order.
It's definitely possible to watch the show in random order and still fall in love with it. Happened to me. The first episode I saw was ASiB and you should think that it's totally confusing to start with that episode because it starts at the pool. I had no idea what was going on there - but I didn't care, because it just felt absolutely right and perfect, right from the very start. After that I saw Hounds and TRF, and then I went back to S1. And the rest is, as they say, history.
My first episode was also ASiB. But I've started to watch it from the scene in Buckingham Palace. I really liked that show but I was a little bit confused - I didn't know any of this characters, I realised who Sherlock and John were but others were a mystery. When I saw Mycroft for the first time I thought it was Lestrade I didn't understand what was the matter with this plane, who was texting Mycroft, any of this. But I found it so interesting and perfectly done that I wanted to start watching the series from the beginning and so I did. And this experience didn't spoil me any pleasure of watching it.
The only major spoiler to watching out of order (which I did by the way) is that the jeopardy where John gets abducted by Mycroft in the first episode is neutralised. If you've never seen Mycroft, you can fully appreciate how intense that situation might have been for John. Unfortunately, by the time I saw the first episode, I already knew who Mycroft was and was not freaked out by the warehouse scene at all. I get that they were trying to make him into a mayby-moriarty but since I already knew his identity, I found the scene more funny than anything else
Last edited by saturnR (June 22, 2014 7:40 am)
Everything you wrote I can sign!!! That is it!
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