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Hey everyone,
My name is Minttu, I'm 18 years old and a big big big fan of the BBC show Sherlock (Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here)
And I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of other fans on this site
I also write FF, so if you want to read what my brain produces late at night when I should be asleep, well you can find it on ao3. My username is inspiritgolden
And don't be afraid to write me
Looking forward to meeting you. Have fun here
Welcome to the forum, Minttu. I'm going to look up your fanfiction
Welcome, Minttu!
Welcome, Minttu, nice to have you here.
Welcome to the forum!
Marta wrote:
Welcome to the forum, Minttu. I'm going to look up your fanfiction
Oh, thank you. Please tell me if you liked it or not
Harriet wrote:
Welcome, Minttu!
I might or might not just love you because of this...:D Moomins + Sherlock =
Ahem - here you'll find a better image, it's from fanartist reapersun
(I love Tove Jansson's work. Did I mention? )
Hello and welcome to the forum Minttu! Something to occupy the long, long, long, long Finnish summer days!
Harriet wrote:
Ahem - here you'll find a better image, it's from fanartist reapersun
(I love Tove Jansson's work. Did I mention?)
I'm so gonna buy this like holy shit :D :D
Thank you so so so much
Hei Minttu!
Rakastan Suomea . Mutta puhun vain hyvin vähän soumea...
Tervesin saksasta ;).
Have fun here .
zeratul wrote:
Hei Minttu!
Rakastan Suomea. Mutta puhun vain hyvin vähän soumea...
Tervesin saksasta ;).
Have fun here.
Dein Finnisch ist echt erstaunlich gut, machen wir es so: Ich rede Deutsch und du Finnisch, dann können wir beide die Sprache üben die wir noch nicht so gut können
Und danke Du auch
Welcome, Minttu!
Your name is really cool. I just looked it up and found out that it means 'mint', which is a great meaning!
I hope you have a nice time here!
Lily wrote:
Welcome, Minttu!
Your name is really cool. I just looked it up and found out that it means 'mint', which is a great meaning!
I hope you have a nice time here!
Thank you :3 Yes, I actually kinda like my name :3
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