I risked my health today saving two baby seagulls! The irony of the story was that the danger I was in came from the mother seagull who was prepared to murder me for getting close to her babies...
The two adorable chicks had fallen down some stairs outside the basement at the hospital and we had been wondering why this angry seagull had been complaining loudly for a while when we opened the door to find two furballs waddling around trying to get back up the stairs but couldn't as the steps were too tall. The bigger of the two even tried to use the other one to step on and did get one step higher...
I found a long stick, not wanting to touch the babies as that could both cause the mother to abandon them and hack my eyes out in the process... and I tried to gently scoot them up each step while fearing for my life as the mother was circling screaming her head off...
Mother, babies and daddy spent the rest of the day parading around in the park.
Well done you...but definitely dangerous.
I'm having one of those days when I actually feel pretty and like what I see in the mirror. My hair was gorgeous too!
I went out onto the hallway to get my laundry and surprised this handsome young man (a bit older than the annoying kids(sorry, students) who live here). He turned around and smiled at me... and I can't help think he looked a bit too long and just said 'Hello!'.
Oh well... not likely I'll run into him again... but gosh I would hope so *Whistles innocently*
Today I got rid of my braces, so now I have straight teeth wooho! I've had it for two years so it feels really strange now but I'm happy. It was worth all the pain!
Congratulations Batchlock!! That is awesome! I can remember that feeling!
Hi everyone!
I received a letter today from the hospital to say that after attending my final review session, I've finally been discharged from the hospital, after receiving treatment for something I've been dealing with for 4 years.
I'm so overwhelmed and incredibly proud of myself.
*happy for you*
Great news Rebecca. Here's to a happy and bright future
Wonderful news.
Rebecca, I'm truly happy for you, sounds as if you have some bright days ahead
I'm also in a good mood: a couple of years ago I was diagnosed with a light asthma, which jumped on me without any prior warning during a nasty pneumonia. My pulmologist told me that it's not too rare amongst women close to their forties. It accompanied me about a year and a half in which I had to inhale cortisone on a regular basis. At the moment my lungs have recovered quite nicely and a few months ago I was able to pick up my favourite hobby again: singing! Now I have my evening off once in a week, which is really important next to clinic and raising the three kids, and attend a choir nearby.
We had the most delightful concert lately, "Johannespassion" by J.S.Bach. After two hours of singing I was full of happyness and oxygen.
Thank you, Bach!
Last edited by mrshouse (June 13, 2014 5:33 pm)
congratulations on pulling through. woohoo.
Congratulations Rebecca! That is awesome to hear! You should be proud of yourself, I know I am!
And MrsHouse that is fantastic for you too! Awesome news girls!
Just got back from a weekend trip to Blackpool. Had a great time!
Oh, did I say that my internship at the hospital has been prolonged with 6 months? And I might get a bit more out of it than benefits... not a full sallery, but every penny counts! But No one can tell me anything concrete about the money
Oh, and I also got accepted to the school where I wanted to upgrade my Math and physics from College and take Chemistry...
Oh... and Sherlock on Danish telly!
Congratulations! That is good news indeed, Phantom!
Very good news, mrshouse and Phantom. I am happy for you.
Well done everyone!
I'm back again! Today I sent off my application to become a Special Constable for the Police, so fingers crossed I get through!
I am crossing everything I possibly can for you!! That is so awesome Rebecca!!
Fingers crossed, too - sounds exciting!