asyouwish wrote:
miriel68 wrote:
Also, MF has almost no theatrical record, or am I wrong?
You're very wrong. Martin has done loads of theatre. I've seen him seven times, and those are just the shows I was able to travel to the UK to see.
Right he's been in several plays these past few years, also he started out doing youth theatre. So I would say he is very much at home on stage.
Unfortunatly, my London trip will be much earlier than July, so I desperatly hope they'll show the play in cinemas. I am sure, Martin will be great in it. It will be thrilling to see him in a part where he is not the nice guy, but mean and manipulative. I have no doubts about his abbilities as an actor.
I have been looking for his plays and I found information that he has been in 14 productions, but I only found more information about one - a comedy Clybourne Park in 2010 at the Royal Court. It seems he was even nominanted for Evening Standard Award for it (together with BC for After the Dance, lol). I wasn't able to find out anything else. Some help from other members?
I think Martin will be great in the role. And it is very good for an actor to be cast against his usual type of roles - it´s a bigger challenge and it can show aspect of his acting you don´t usually see. It is also much more interesting to watch somebody who don´t look villainous at all manifesting those dark depths of human character then to watch stereotypical villain acting like a villain.
We should not forget that Richard's role has comic aspects as well. Benedict called it even funny. So the actors will both have to find the right mixture of comedy, villainy, and tragedy. I am sure that their approaches will be very different which is quite exciting.
Yes, I am really looking forward to see them both in the role.
Erm, speaking about Richard III, does anyone plan to go...? I'm going with two friends of mine, Sherlockians and admirers of Martin Freeman (obviously), I think it would be a good idea to meet up? I'm going on the evening performance of the 15th July.
I would actually love love love to go, maybe septembre. I have this feeling that Martin is amazing on stage. Hubby wants to go, too.
Last edited by mrshouse (June 1, 2014 6:29 pm)
He looks great, that's for sure...!
Very cute, but nothing like a villain, IMO!
Most villains don´t look the part - they just do some nasty business.
I agree, nakahara. Khan looked hot but not like a villain per se.
Well, Khan was not exactly a villain, lol, at least not in my eyes. Seriously, though, he did look menacing. Martin looks... cute. Of course, in the pic he is not in character. In any case I am looking forward to seeing him live.
This is great... every single one of the guys has a beard. Which somehow is to be expected, but I couldn't help but notice it.
Thanks for the video!! I´m soooo excited to see this production and all theses actors talking about it makes me even more looking forward to it. It´s probably rather hard to understand for a non native speaker, but we already got a copy of the play in german and english and will read in both languages over the summer.
And Martin looks really good with the beard, I hope he keeps it even when the play is over.
Germansherlockfan wrote:
Thanks for the video!! I´m soooo excited to see this production and all theses actors talking about it makes me even more looking forward to it. It´s probably rather hard to understand for a non native speaker, but we already got a copy of the play in german and english and will read in both languages over the summer.
And Martin looks really good with the beard, I hope he keeps it even when the play is over.
Sorry. He can't. Sherlock likes his doctors clean shaven.
I know, I Know, but I guess it will be a very long time until Martin is becoming this special doctor again, so maybe he can keep the beard until then!
SolarSystem wrote:
He looks great, that's for sure...!
I know... I love that pic! Here he is probably at the same moment, from someone on set. Martin usually 'rocks it' indeed....
SolarSystem wrote:
This is great... every single one of the guys has a beard. Which somehow is to be expected, but I couldn't help but notice it.
After noticing the first couple guys, I couldn't help but laugh as each other one showed up. BEARDS!
Russell wrote:
After noticing the first couple guys, I couldn't help but laugh as each other one showed up. BEARDS!
Yes, at one point I just had a huge smile on my face. And all the beards look a little different... a study in beards is in order.
For anybody who can get BBC iplayer, Martin was on thr Andrew Marr show this morning.