I'm truly sorry for what you've gone through, PMITF - how absolutely awful for you
I do understand your point, completely, about how you'd react.
The problem I have with those scenes in Sherlock is the way that the violence was played almost for comedic effect - building and building until we got to the headbutt, with Sherlock completely unable to understand what's going on in John's head.
Last edited by Tinks (June 10, 2014 2:39 pm)
Well, he said something annoying again each time John hit him again.....
Yes, because he doesn't have the same filters as others take for granted; the whole "surprise" thing showed that he has the emotional understanding of a child - Lestrade has pointed this out in the past -
but I'm not really talking about why John hit him; I'm referring to the fact that the scenes were set up to be "funny" and I didn't like that.