Mine doesn't say much - he says he likes her and is glad they worked it out. So much for discussions
My daughter's quite heartless but heartfelt response: Mary must die!
SolarSystem wrote:
mrshouse, my boyfriend thinks that Mary really is quite similar to John and especially Sherlock and that she would make a good addition to the team. And that she did what she did because she loves John very much and really wanted to protect him, and that she didn't want to kill Sherlock (and that she didn't, because even though he flatlined he came back, so he wasn't dead and so Mary didn't kill him) - so he basically fell for all the nonsense she said in her own defence.
So sorry for you...
Harriet wrote:
Mine doesn't say much - he says he likes her and is glad they worked it out. So much for discussions
They worked it out? Well, we would have to agree to disagree on that. My hubby is worried about the quality of plots and screen writing after S3. And he's not fond of the filling up with super brains and definitely does not want to see Sherlock babysitting!
SusiGo wrote:
Yes, if you do not watch with the right person it can be difficult. My husband did not talk at all during the episode which I take as a good sign. Well apart from "Das ist schräg. Eine Frau passt irgendwie nicht" during the scene with Janine.
Yes, what can I say? My hubby seems to have no proper opinion about "Sherlock". I think he just watchs it to do me a favour. Can't discuss anything more intense with him.
Neither can I. But this is okay for me. He likes watching the show and has watched series 1 and 2 quite often with me. I am glad my family likes it at all which they really do. And there are so many nice people here for the intense discussions.
I don't have anybody around who really likes watching it. That's not satisfying ... somehow.
Yes, I can understand that. It is a bit sad if you cannot share your enthusiasm with people close to you. Of course my family sometimes toll their eyes but generally they are quite patient with me. Maybe because it makes me happy. What about friends, colleagues, siblings, other relatives?
Yeah, well my hubby also doesn't want to discuss...
SusiGo wrote:
Yes, I can understand that. It is a bit sad if you cannot share your enthusiasm with people close to you. Of course my family sometimes toll their eyes but generally they are quite patient with me. Maybe because it makes me happy. What about friends, colleagues, siblings, other relatives?
Hmm, not really. My colleague at the office is interested when I am telling something about Sherlock but I am not sure if she watched the last epidodes. Have to ask her next week. Other relatives? Nope. The same with my friends. Sad really sad.
Well, gently and zeratul, there will always be us
That's brilliant!!!!
Yeees . I am really happy and grateful for that!
Also for being corrected, when I get something wrong...
For example I was again wondering yesterday, if Marys belly looked smaller on the air field than on xmas???
No, that was just this awful red coat she had to wear...
Could have been the coat. But you are right in pointing this out - we do not know how much time there is exactly between the 221B scene (where you see next to nothing) and Christmas but her belly has grown enormously.
Last edited by SusiGo (June 10, 2014 10:10 am)
Yeah also I found that Mary looked really scared at the end of TSoT when Sherlock told her, she was pregnant... I mean more than adequate if it was John's child and everything was all right...
I am really curious, where they are going to catch up and what happends to Mary and the child...
mrshouse wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
mrshouse, my boyfriend thinks that Mary really is quite similar to John and especially Sherlock and that she would make a good addition to the team. And that she did what she did because she loves John very much and really wanted to protect him, and that she didn't want to kill Sherlock (and that she didn't, because even though he flatlined he came back, so he wasn't dead and so Mary didn't kill him) - so he basically fell for all the nonsense she said in her own defence.
So sorry for you...
Don't worry, it's all fine.
I prefer him having his own opinion instead of just telling me what he thinks I want to hear. And there are lots of other things where he shares my views... we both love Moriarty, we both think that CAM is the best villain they could have come up with after Moriarty, we both think that visually the show is one of the best tv shows we've ever seen... and he knows about the existence of Johnlock and sometimes even sees it himself without me pointing it out.
Okay, that sounds not too bad, actually
Well, it's not really a male vs. female thing or an avid vs. casual fan when it comes to the Johnlock vs. hetero discussion. I'm female and I consider myself in the avid fan category, and I don't see Johnlock at all. To me both Sherlock and John are clearly not gay, although I can see Sherlock swing in that direction, whereas with John I don't see it at all. (Although I do acknowledge that they both love each other in a certain way, but I have a hard time seeing the physical or sexual component.)
I know this is not the right place to discuss Johnlock, and we already have multiple threads on it, so I don't wanna stir up another discussion around it. But, you know, I'm just sayin' it can't be categorized that way...
Well, hubby likes it, but I have nobody else to watch or discuss it with.
My sister isn't interested (at least I made her liking CP) and my best friend fell asleep twice. I don't think she watched it last night at all.
Another friend of mine watched it, likes it.... and that's it. No need to watch it again or to discuss anything. But she created the crochet-Sherlock for me when I asked her.
Ah yes, and then I had a nice discussion with another friend during breakfast a while ago. How much we like Sherlock and how beautiful he is and what a perfect show it is.... and after 30 minutes or so we noticed that she was talking about RDJ Sherlock Holmes, the movies.