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July 2, 2012 6:43 pm  #1

Vienna has Sherlockians.

hey guys.

I`m from Vienna and I am totally SHERlocked.

I saw some other posts from viennes Sherlockians and I just wanted to tell them.. there are Sherlock Meet-ups in Vienna. The last one was on Saturday. We hung up some  #Believe In Sherlock flyers at various streets in Vienna and than we played Sherlock Cluedo. next time we'll probably make a Sherlock festival, where we'll watch all episodes. ;)

So if you want to join us.... you can follow me on twitter or join us on facebook. It would be awesome.. on my tumblr account I've posted some pics. (!/vera_bazinga!/groups/359342270778083/

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research.

July 2, 2012 6:54 pm  #2

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Welcome in these gorgeous forum! Nice to meet other Viennese Sherlockians!
[sorry for breaking up with the english language in exactly 2 seconds...]

Im Ernst? :D Ich war schon kurz davor auch eine Sherlock-Meet-Up-Truppe zusammenzustellen! Ich wusste gar nicht, dass da noch mehr Infizierte in Wien herumstreunen )
Echt toll! Bin gerade voll aus dem Häuschen! :D
Hab euch auf FB schon eine Anfrage für die Sherlock-Gruppe geschickt.
Aber eeecht cool!

so, now for the common understanding:
I'm really astonished that there is already a formation in Vienna which celebrates and loves Sherlock as much as I doooooo! haha
Other Sherlockians in my immediate area... I reached heaven 


July 2, 2012 7:01 pm  #3

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Jaaaaa!! Ich war auch ganz außerm Häuschen als ich das rausgefunden hab..

Wir sind nicht so viele.. die Gruppe hat zurzeit 21 Mitglieder und beim Meet-Up waren wir nur zu 4. Aber ich nehme an, dass sich das vielleich bald ändert!
freu mich immer, wenn ich neue Sherlockians finde
heute hab ich ein paar Zettel abgecheckt, die wir aufgehängt haben und es fehlen Stücke!!! Also es muss noch mehr geben. :D

in englisch:
We are just 21 members on facebook, but I hope this will change soon.
and maybe there are some more in Vienna. Who knows?

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research.
     Thread Starter

July 2, 2012 8:41 pm  #4

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Willkommen! Bored...I am so happy to welcome you to our friendly forum. It is great to see more Austrian (and German speaking) members joining the forum. I hope you have fun here and keep up the good work in Wien! Veil Spass!

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

July 2, 2012 8:43 pm  #5

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Welcome to the forum....I'm really terrible on Geography & stuff but was that German you were speaking? Do Viennans speak German? Is Vienna in Germany??

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

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July 2, 2012 8:46 pm  #6

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

haha oh noo! We spoke 'Viennese', common dialect for Viennese people or the ones, that live around it!
And Vienna is the capital city of Austria. A little country under Germany on the Europe map )

Last edited by sherlove (July 2, 2012 8:46 pm)


July 3, 2012 12:34 am  #7

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

bored.shoot.wall wrote:

Jaaaaa!! Ich war auch ganz außerm Häuschen als ich das rausgefunden hab..

Wir sind nicht so viele.. die Gruppe hat zurzeit 21 Mitglieder und beim Meet-Up waren wir nur zu 4. Aber ich nehme an, dass sich das vielleich bald ändert!
freu mich immer, wenn ich neue Sherlockians finde
heute hab ich ein paar Zettel abgecheckt, die wir aufgehängt haben und es fehlen Stücke!!! Also es muss noch mehr geben. :D

in englisch:
We are just 21 members on facebook, but I hope this will change soon.
and maybe there are some more in Vienna. Who knows?

Ich bin leider nicht auf Facebook, aber wüsste zu gerne, wenn es wieder mal ein Meet-Up gibt - könntest du mir evtl ein PM oder so schicken?

Wo hängen denn die Zettel von euch so herum? Die sind mir bis jetzt scheinbar entgangen  ...

Sorry for writing in German, I just asked bored.shoot.wall if there will be another  fan meeting in Vienna...


July 3, 2012 6:13 am  #8

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Hallo Leute,

Das klingt echt interessant! Werd mir bei Gelegenheit auf jeden Fall die Facebook Gruppe anschauen. Wär aber auch sehr dankbar, wenn du uns hier informieren könntest, wenn ihr euch mal wieder trefft, da ich FB nur noch sehr sporadisch nutze und es bei meinem Glück sicher verpasse 

"There is no such word as 'impossible' in my dictionary. In fact, everything between 'herring' and 'marmalade' seems to be missing." Dirk Gently

Finally, I have made it to Cipher Expert :-))))) (8.8.2012)

July 3, 2012 6:22 am  #9

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Oh, and Sherlock Holmes...
We speak Austrian German, which is to German German as American English is to British (we usually understand each other, but use different words, different pronouncation and slightly different grammar). As with English, the regional differences within Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be larger than from one country to the other. For instance, people from Vienna often find it difficult to understand people from the very West of Austria, but have virtually no problems understanding Bavarian.

"There is no such word as 'impossible' in my dictionary. In fact, everything between 'herring' and 'marmalade' seems to be missing." Dirk Gently

Finally, I have made it to Cipher Expert :-))))) (8.8.2012)

July 3, 2012 6:15 pm  #10

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

sherlove wrote:

haha oh noo! We spoke 'Viennese', common dialect for Viennese people or the ones, that live around it!
And Vienna is the capital city of Austria. A little country under Germany on the Europe map )

Maybe you should say "south/southeast of" instead of "under."


July 3, 2012 6:43 pm  #11

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

veecee wrote:

sherlove wrote:

haha oh noo! We spoke 'Viennese', common dialect for Viennese people or the ones, that live around it!
And Vienna is the capital city of Austria. A little country under Germany on the Europe map )

Maybe you should say "south/southeast of" instead of "under."

That's what my geography teacher was always complaining about...

@Sherlock: Yeah, it's basically German it just sounds a bit funny . (sorry!)


July 3, 2012 6:47 pm  #12

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Oh, and btw. the title sounds funny.
"Vienna has Sherlockians", it sounds a bit like Vienna is holding the Sherlockians hostage :D.
"Vienna has Sherlockians. If you want them back, you have to pay."

Wait, that would actually explain a lot...


July 3, 2012 7:42 pm  #13

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Sammy, we are not allowed to mention his real name... please, solve the puzzle or....!!!

"There is no such word as 'impossible' in my dictionary. In fact, everything between 'herring' and 'marmalade' seems to be missing." Dirk Gently

Finally, I have made it to Cipher Expert :-))))) (8.8.2012)

July 3, 2012 7:42 pm  #14

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

hahahahahaha thank you :D yeah, I ment "south" not "under"! ;)

why explain a lot?^^
Now I'm curious... explain it to me :D


July 4, 2012 11:30 am  #15

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Sure.. I'm going to post the dates of the next Meet- up here.. Looking forward to meet you guys

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research.
     Thread Starter

July 4, 2012 4:27 pm  #16

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

@hypergreenfrog: Wait, what, whose name? 

@sherlove: Well, that would explain why there are so many Austrian Sherlockians :D


July 5, 2012 7:17 am  #17

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

Sammy, it was a reference to your comment about someone holding us Sherlockians hostage in Austria... sorry, obviously it wasn't very well written 

"There is no such word as 'impossible' in my dictionary. In fact, everything between 'herring' and 'marmalade' seems to be missing." Dirk Gently

Finally, I have made it to Cipher Expert :-))))) (8.8.2012)

July 5, 2012 7:31 am  #18

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

@Hypergreenfrog: I guess you meant that Vienna is the code name for the master criminal who keeps abducting Sherlockian from all over the world and holds them hostage in the Viennese sewers … no, wait, that was another story.

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


July 5, 2012 7:40 pm  #19

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

A belated welcome to the forum.

Have fun here!

"Perfectly sound analysis. I was hoping you would go a little deeper."

July 6, 2012 6:36 am  #20

Re: Vienna has Sherlockians.

@Susi: I think you are getting your mysteries mixed up a little, although the two go surprisingly well together, now that I think about it *starts to hum the Harry Lime theme*...

And you are right, that is sort of what I meant.

"There is no such word as 'impossible' in my dictionary. In fact, everything between 'herring' and 'marmalade' seems to be missing." Dirk Gently

Finally, I have made it to Cipher Expert :-))))) (8.8.2012)

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