Yeah, it's looking likely Turning into the very thing he hunts...
That would be very unpleasant... If it happens, I'm already sorry for Sam and Cas.
I hope they will slaughter Metatron. Once and for all. Irritating bastard!
Oh, I know! His face just screams out for a punch!
Anyway, we'll find out in two days. And then, time for The Road So Far, and "Carry on my wayward son" for the ninth time in the show - what I always love about finales when they come (I'm still scared, though...)
Oh, I love that song for opening the finales!
Gotta make sure we have tissues and chocolate...
And shock blanket!
Uh I'm dreeeaading...
I'm not emotionally prepared for this...
Me neither... I'll see it tomorrow though so I must avoid any SPN websites/forums before having the finale watched.
I know, me too...luckily I'll be at work for most the day! From right now, it'll be about 24 hours until I watch it. Eeeeeeeeeek!
So you're gonna have a day full of tension! I think I'll see it somehow in the afternoon... Maybe odd, but to me this is even worse than was the waiting for His Last Vow!...
Well, this is a world where just about anything is possible; they're not tied to reality. My biggest fear is Dean becoming a demon
Or him taking Metatron's place... grrrr. But well, I just hope our little King of Hell will survive, whatever is gonna happen. That would be one of the worst things ever done to the show if he left it now, imo.
Yeah, I like Crowley ^^
So... it looks like our fears came true. Poor Dean! And Sam... how he must feel with all that, Cas the same... Noooo :[
I'm only mad that Metatron is still breathing!
Last edited by Deilenn (May 21, 2014 5:48 pm)
I am freaking out about this! Dean's a demon!!!
Me too! :O Remember - in season 3 - demon-Dean talking to real Dean "You're gonna die, and this is what you're going to become!"? It really happened.... It's much worse now since Dean is not just possessed by a demon, only he IS a demon. Goddammit.
Yep. That scene was uploaded to youtube a few years ago, and there are comments on there now about how it came true I think everybody in the entire fandom made the association!
Right, I just saw that. This scene at once came to my mind after the finale's end. It's just creepy... It's likely the season 10 is gonna be about Sam (and Cas) trying to cure, to save Dean.
I'm still in shock...the scene where Dean dies in Sam's arms hurts so much
It really does ;[ Sam probably feels the same as Dean felt when Sam (nearly) died in the season 2. And Jared and Jensen showed an excellent acting in the finale.