Did we have this one already?
Ha! You just can't know enough about closets...
Especially if you are keeping a very special skeleton in there.
SolarSystem wrote:
And haha, John is probably wondering where he might get a shirt like that for himself...!
John definitely has a thing for Sherlock´s clothes and looks.
He´s all like this in THOB:
But what he does when left to his own devices in TGG:
And let's get back to the moustache again for a moment, one of my favourite topics.
Brilliant, Solar and nakahara. The shirt and the moustache and the collar and the neck are paramount.
Definitely, Susi.
But really good to know that John has noticed...
Last edited by SolarSystem (May 18, 2014 9:19 pm)
SusiGo wrote:
Yes. And even if we do not always equate eating/having dinner with sex as some do it remains something very unusual for Sherlock to do. John is the only one he ever takes out for dinner or lunch. And in HLV we see them drinking take-away coffee before going to Magnussen's office. And in TEH there is Sherlock asking Molly (who is his John substitute) for fish and chips. With Sherlock food is always connected to John.
From the same man who says to Irene Adler, Why would I go to dinner if I'm not hungry?
Just saying...................................
In THAT scene of course eating equals sex. Definitely. But she is not his division.
This is the most sizzling example of raw eye coitus from the entire 9 episodes:
JNinSoCal wrote:
This is the most sizzling example of raw eye coitus from the entire 9 episodes:
Makes me wonder what they were doing before they got dressed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SolarSystem wrote:
...and what is food? We need food to keep us alive, healthy, we use food to reward ourselves, to console ourselves when we're feeling bad, to make us feel better. Food is pleasure.
Food isn't always pleasure, for those with food issues of various kinds, but that's a subject for another day and another thread. But I just wanted to say that food is social-- it's what human beings share together, both on small occasions (it's Monday morning and time for work, it's time for the game on Saturday afternoon in front of the TV, it's lunchtime in the school cafeteria, etc etc etc) and large (wedding banquets, time with family and friends after funerals, state dinners with the President and the First Lady, etc etc etc) I love that Sherlock and John went to dinner, even though the evening ended so strangely and dramatically. It's what human beings do, eating together; in spite of the fact that Sherlock doesn't know anything about human nature, he still is one. Yayyy! *smile*
nakahara wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
And haha, John is probably wondering where he might get a shirt like that for himself...!
John definitely has a thing for Sherlock´s clothes and looks.
He´s all like this in THOB:
But what he does when left to his own devices in TGG:
Studly John. I love his strut and his fine working class looks. I love HIM.
Last edited by ancientsgate (May 19, 2014 1:56 am)
JNinSoCal wrote:
This is the most sizzling example of raw eye coitus from the entire 9 episodes:
Yes, eye sechs on both their parts. Usually it's Sherlock, and John seems oblvious (although how he can be with two holes bored into the back of his head by those twin laser beams of sechs aimed at him, I don't know). I love that scene, how together they seem, all the way down the stairs and out to the car. Johnlock all the way.
The scene is amazing. Now please tell me another reason than love for Sherlock looking like that at John? Well, maybe it is not out of love but because he knows what will happen and that Moriarty comes between them and that he will have to leave John and therefore he is sad and looking like that at John because their life together may soon be over. Although I do not see any difference to love, do you?
Yeah, I also think there is worry in Sherlock's look. Which doesn't exclude love of course.
And please tell me why the link doesn't open on my computer right now...? That's not fair!!!
For you, Solar.
May I have a look, too?
Thanks, love! (Is that the pic from the link...?)
Yes, I'd say it is a mixture of love and foreboding. And of course we've all noticed that not only does Sherlock look at John, John looks back at Sherlock for a tiny moment there, too. They way in which they are looking at each other is actually pretty hypnotic, if you ask me.
And it seems a bit as if John, for the first time, really becomes aware of how Sherlock is looking at him...
Last edited by SolarSystem (May 19, 2014 7:34 am)