Hello skull!! I promise I won't jump up on the mantle to knock you down. Sherlock has me well trained. But welcome to our world of Sherlock!! the more, the merrier!!
Nice to see you again too, Sherlock!
@Tantalus: I think you broke my funny bone. (Sorry, that wasn't very humerus.) -.-
@kazza: Fine with me, but I think John's on to us..
And skitty: Thank you very much. You're certainly much better trained than my cat was.
Forgot to ask: Tantalus, have you ever heard of the Dragonlance series? Bit of a random question, but every time I see your username it reminds me of one of the main characters.
Last edited by The Skull (July 1, 2012 2:00 pm)
Not familiar with Dragonlance. Got the name from one of the stories in the canon. It's hard to tell, but in my avatar, the object on the desk is a tantalus. It's a spirits (booze, not ghosts) case that has a lock on it, so servants (and others) could see the drinks but could not access them without the key, thus tantalizing them...
Oh, Tantalus, that's worthy of Moriarty or Mycroft So what do you have locked up, mint juleps ? (national, or southern stereotype there)
Last edited by hepzibah (July 2, 2012 4:08 am)
That's interesting, Tantalus, now I'm going to have to reread... It's from The Adventure of Black Peter, right? Or is there another one?
I guess I'm on the wrong forum for obscure Dragonlance / X-men references.
Last edited by The Skull (July 3, 2012 7:27 am)
Yep, "Black Peter" is the only story in the canon where tantalus is used. However, many Sherlockians believe that the "spirit case" found at 221B was also a tantalus. But, that's mere conjecture...