I might be totally wrong, but I would think that Mark Gatiss would know that the gay community definitely gets this subtext. And even if the 'normal' audience might not get it, an audience that is sensibilisized for such topics, hints and subtexts will get it - and for such an audience it might be far more aggravating if all these things lead to absolutely nothing in the end.
Good point.
SolarSystem wrote:
gently69 wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
Whatever it is, it's sexy and Sherlock is doing it to John!
I know, I know ...
And let me just repeat myself: If Sherlock were doing this to a woman, everyone would say "Oh yes, of course...!"
Solar ... IIII ... knooow.
My question is, would Moffat agree to it? If the show really goes in this direction not only with hints?
Why shouldn't he? He and Mark are very close friends and collaborators. And it is not as if the subtext was only in Mark's episodes, not at all. SiP was written by Moffat as was ASiB and HLV and they are all full of subtext. Maybe even more than in Mark's episodes.
Okay, don't tell me off. It was just a question. You are more into this topic, you know.
Not telling you off, dear.
SusiGo wrote:
Why shouldn't he? He and Mark are very close friends and collaborators. And it is not as if the subtext was only in Mark's episodes, not at all. SiP was written by Moffat as was ASiB and HLV and they are all full of subtext. Maybe even more than in Mark's episodes.
If you ask me, after that final scene in HLV the subtext in this show practically became the maintext.
And it was written by Steven Moffat that way!
Yes. Many of the best Johnlock bits are from his episodes.
SusiGo wrote:
It could be that he does not deny any insinuations about their relationship because he hopes that people will get bored and shut up about it. But this is just one theory. And let us not forget John's words:
"Oh, Sherlock always replies. To everything. He's Mr. Punchline. He will outlive God trying to have the last word."
This is about text messages but should apply to conversations as well. So it seems this is the only topic he prefers to keep silent about.
Interesting observation. Intriguing.
nakahara wrote:
SusiGo wrote:
Why shouldn't he? He and Mark are very close friends and collaborators. And it is not as if the subtext was only in Mark's episodes, not at all. SiP was written by Moffat as was ASiB and HLV and they are all full of subtext. Maybe even more than in Mark's episodes.
If you ask me, after that final scene in HLV the subtext in this show practically became the maintext.
And it was written by Steven Moffat that way!
Very true.
Here's the thing: I still have no idea what to make of Moffat. When I became part of this fandom, 'Moffat' was among the topics I read about first (by accident, it just happened that way). And I guess we all know that a lot of people aren't particularly fond of him, for various reasons.
But what it comes down to (for me) is the fact that he is one of the biggest show runners in the UK. He is tremendously successful with Who and Sherlock, and really in the best position to do something on a tv show that might be problematic for a huge part of the audience - and get away with it. If he can't do it, who can? And on top of that, his friend and collaborator is gay himself, and even if this isn't a topic between them all the time, it sure is a topic when it comes to the question how they write a show like "Sherlock". It's certainly been a basic decision to include this subtext, they must have talked this through quite thoroughly. Of course they couldn't have been sure if the audience would get the subtext and how it would work - and I'm sure they did not foresee Johnlock and what it would mean to a lot of fans at all.
But it's S3 now and here we still are, with subtext, Johnlock and yes, subtext somehow turning into maintext. In my opinion it's only one more step...
I wonder if my boss would allow me to take sick leave for the rest of the day on account of Johnlock Feels..............................................
I guess we've had this before, but I just can't get over how John is looking at Sherlock here... and Sherlock's smile...
SolarSystem wrote:
I guess we've had this before, but I just can't get over how John is looking at Sherlock here... and Sherlock's smile...
*hums quietly* Here comes the birde...............................
It always strucks me how beautifully expressive their faces are.
They really don´t need any words to express their emotions.
This is just beautiful. You do not any words to express love.
SolarSystem wrote:
I guess we've had this before, but I just can't get over how John is looking at Sherlock here... and Sherlock's smile...
Yes. One of the first "rules" of fan fic (which as we know HAS no rules, lol) is that when writing H/C (hurt/comfort) it's a nice idea to balance out all the hurt with some comfort, please and thank you. IMO the same goes for writing TV dramas. And I found this small, quick scene, with the smiling, very comforting indeed.
nakahara wrote:
It always strucks me how beautifully expressive their faces are.
They really don´t need any words to express their emotions.
It helps to be drop dead gorgeous, which they both are, in their very individual, unique ways. And add to that the fact that they are both consummate actors as well, again, in their own very individual, unique ways. Lovely men, who have crafted us a couple of lovely characters.
Yes, seriously, there's so much love and adoration in John's eyes, in the way he's looking at Sherlock...! This really takes my breath away.
And Susi, since we've just been talking about "Torchwood" a bit: Now imagine Sherlock walking up to John and just... doing it!!!
Yes to all the mentioned above. And I have to add that together...well, that was just a gift of tv casting, wasn't it?