Hello everyone,
First of all let me say how proud I am to call myself a Sherlockian. I admire Benedict -and the rest of the cast, obviously, but Ben is my favourite.
Let me tell you a little about me. I'm 25 years old and live in France -though it is my biggest wish to someday live in the UK. I enjoy literature (mostly fantasy, and detective stories), TV series and I adore my cat, Sirius.
Mmmmm...I don't see what else I could say...
Well, I'm sure I will have fun and meet lots of interesting people over here
Bienvenue! Welcome to the forum!
What detective stories do you like? Apart from Sherlock Holmes, of course
Hi, warm welcome from me as well - cuppa?
Evening all!
I'm actually putting the kettle on just now, let's all have a good cuppa together then!
Marta, I'm sorry I'm answering this late, but real life work -dull- has prevented me from coming here sooner. So, I enjoy Sherlock -obviously- Agatha Christie's novels (I think I like more Miss Marple than Hercule Poirot, but that's open to debate) and Poe's short stories (The Purloined Letter and The Murder of the Rue Morgue). I was lucky enough to have a course on them at Uni. Now all I have to do is go back there and pray to have an extensive course on ACD's Sherlock =) I still consider myself a novice, after all.