What are our opinions of TeenLock?
I was kindof iffy at first but now that I've read several really good teenlock fics I'm totally into it.
I think what appeals to me is imagining John and Sherlock with that vulnerability all teenagers have.
In the show John and Sherlock may have vulnerable moments but it's something they rarely give into. Life experiances have given them a hard layer that young boys just don't have. It's touching to see them slighly less formed and struggling with who they think they are and who they want to be.
What are good teenlock fics? I'm rather hesistant; those kind of stories tend to get melodramatic real quick. I actually like that 'hard layer' and the little hints that are underneath. Taking the mystery away and still keeping it interesting must be a real challenge.
I'm not really into teenlock at all (or Johnlock), but there is one that came highly recommended which I was tempted by enough to look at it, and I actually ended up quite liking it. It's called "Saving Sherlock Holmes", and it's posted on AO3:
Nice, I can't say the premise really attracts me but I'm gonna read it. I like a good surprise. Honestly, I've only been reading fanfic for a couple of months now and sometimes you read things you never thought you'd like and they're really good.
silverblaze wrote:
Nice, I can't say the premise really attracts me but I'm gonna read it. I like a good surprise. Honestly, I've only been reading fanfic for a couple of months now and sometimes you read things you never thought you'd like and they're really good.
This is very true. When I started reading Sherlock fics I NEVER read AU's and hated any story with a major character death.
Damned if MadLor didn't make a liar out of me!!!!!
tonnaree wrote:
silverblaze wrote:
Nice, I can't say the premise really attracts me but I'm gonna read it. I like a good surprise. Honestly, I've only been reading fanfic for a couple of months now and sometimes you read things you never thought you'd like and they're really good.
This is very true. When I started reading Sherlock fics I NEVER read AU's and hated any story with a major character death.
Damned if MadLor didn't make a liar out of me!!!!!
Oh yes, I was also never interessted in AU and then I read PIALR .
I'm normally not very fond of Mystrade, but I'm reading a beautiful Johnlock story at the moment which also contains these pairing ( , I can highly recomment it!). It's quite sweet actually. But I suppose I will still not become a great Mystrade fan.
MadLori is good, I liked Alone on the Water, but I'm still not sure about the blog thing. Since people keep raving about it I'll probably have a go. I'm reading Saving Sherlock Holmes now, and as TeeYay says: it's really good. Good prose, very good characters.
Yeah, my go-to stories are usually h/c and/or angst. I usually try to stay away from non-canon slash because I prefer fics that work with what canon has established. But every now and then, something comes along where I'm glad that I strayed from my habits. I'm never going to be a slash person, but that doesn't mean you can't try to keep an open mind and give certain things a try.
I started out wanting only canon. Then I went to this forum and people were having a discussion about tentacle porn. Welcome in the world of fan fiction.
I still prefer canon, but I've read absolutely beautiful slash too. Still not sure about the tentacle porn though.
Can not understand the tentacle thing no matter how hard I try!
silverblaze wrote:
I started out wanting only canon. Then I went to this forum and people were having a discussion about tentacle porn. Welcome in the world of fan fiction.
I still prefer canon, but I've read absolutely beautiful slash too. Still not sure about the tentacle porn though.
Haha that's basically me. I was like "no! no Johnlock! only platonic!" and then people were recommending great fics that were Johnlock and I was like "oh fine, I'll give it a read but I'm gonna skip over the sexy-times" and now I read BSDM AUs and Omegaverse fics and um....
But no, I draw the line at tentacle porn!
Wholocked wrote:
. I was like "no! no Johnlock! only platonic!" and then people were recommending great fics that were Johnlock and I was like "oh fine, I'll give it a read but I'm gonna skip over the sexy-times"
That's exactly how I started too.
I even started writing fanfic thinking it would be friendship only. Then after every new chapter Susi started to point out that my first fic really was pre-slash, and I was like "NO WAY". Until I wrote the prologue. It did not go like I had planned it, and I thought, "Damn, she was right."
Schmiezi, I've been meaning to read your fics, but then there were so many fic recs and I also promised myself to be writing... I'll get to it. I can understand that the line between friendship and pre-slash can be a bit vague, especially with the cultural differences. English men tend to be a bit more squimish about touching each other than Europeans. At least that's my impression.
It's interesting, you start out searching whether the premise appeals to you, but in fanfic it's probably way more important how it's written, than what it's about. I now just read a page or so to see whether the prose attracts me and that tends to be very predictive for the overall quality of the story. I found this beautiful sentence on the first page of Saving Sherlock Holmes:
'He spoke platitudes fluently, one of many languages that came easily to him.' A little signpost to tell us that this writer can write.
Having said that, I'm still not sure about Omegaverse, what's the point of that? I get sci-fi and fantasy but this is something else, something... weird?
Omegaverse tends to be used if the author wants to write a story involving soul bonds, or male pregnancy. It can be somewhat weird.
I actually started with just some kissinglock, "The four times Sherlock kissed John for science..." and I just loved the sweetness in it! I didn't want to go too explicite at first.
I don't like crossovers, I love the stories where I can feel the actual series in my mind palace, I want to recognize John and Sherlock. What hit me at the beginning of fandom: it doesn't take too much to make it all sound believable.
Added "Saving Sherlock Holmes" to the reading list.
Finished "School for Scandal" and it was quite enjoyable.
mrshouse wrote:
...I don't like crossovers, I love the stories where I can feel the actual series in my mind palace, I want to recognize John and Sherlock. .
Right, same here.
mrshouse wrote:
What hit me at the beginning of fandom: it doesn't take too much to make it all sound believable.
See? It's another sign. And belongs to the Johnlock-thread!
Ok, question. Who has read The Bang and The Clatter?
Have grown curious about it because I love baseball but I'm unsure about putting Sherlock and John in that world. Are their characters American in the story? Because it doesn't get much more American than baseball. And if they are not American how did they come to be playing professional baseball?
Would appreciate any opinons and reccomendations.
tonnaree wrote:
Ok, question. Who has read The Bang and The Clatter?
Have grown curious about it because I love baseball but I'm unsure about putting Sherlock and John in that world. Are their characters American in the story? Because it doesn't get much more American than baseball. And if they are not American how did they come to be playing professional baseball?
Would appreciate any opinons and reccomendations.
Oh it works brilliantly, believe me. I loved this AU. But then, Earlgreytea68 is a very talented writer.
No, they are not American but you will have to read the fic to find out how they ended up playing professional baseball